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File metadata and controls

135 lines (86 loc) · 5.63 KB

Project 1 for Code Institute - Fintopics


This project is an example of working prototype of a fully responsive SPA -Single Page Application- for a business summit. The goal of the site is to present all information necessary to promote the event (a meeting point for entrepreneurs and funders).

It contains the following sections:

  • Home
  • Intro
  • Programme
  • Venue
  • Speakers
  • Partners
  • Contact
  • Legal


This is an Angular.js project. Based on a MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern (also could be interpreted as MVVM, Model-View-ViewModel) this project follows the separation of concerns principle. Business logic, UI –User Interface-, and data are kept separate.


There are two json files:

  • information.json which contains data about speakers and partners.
  • partners.json which contains partners’ logos –which jpg files are kept in css/images.


There are three services (ProgrammeService, SpeakersService and PartnersService) that allow model data to be retrieved and passed on to controllers via dependency injection.

There have been used Factory methods and $http services to generate HTTP requests and return promise objects of data stored in information.json and partners.json –which will be employed in controllers.


There are eight controllers.

  • Three of them (ProgrammeController, SpeakersController and PartnersController) are used to handle data retrieved from services injected and pass them on to their respective views to populate the templates. These services contain then() functions (promise resolved) and catch() functions (promise rejected).
  • ContactController manages contact information.
  • NavigationController is used to highlight the current page in the animated side navbar.
  • The rest of controllers (HomeController, VenueController and TermsController) are used just for showing the title of the template (in order to use two-way data binding as much as possible).


There are four custom directives restricted as ‘E’ (elements). They make the code lighter and reusable.

  • Two of them, speakersInfo and partnersInfo, show the model data using templateURL (these templates are located in templates/directives).

  • The other two custom directives, mapSummit and mapOffice, are used for Google maps.


Thanks to the ngRoute module it's possible to to navigate to different pages without reloading the entire application. There are eight routes in this project.

Other functionalities employed: built-in directives (ng-click, ng-repeat, etc.) or filters (orderBy)

Other features (apart from Angular.js)

In this project you can find:

  • Parallax effect.
  • Animated side navbar created from scratch.
    • It includes a vertical scroll bar (overflow-y:scroll) for devices with max-width screen: 700px and orientation: landscape.
  • Google maps with markers.
    • Some functionalities have been deactivated (such as scrollwheel and draggable) to make easy to use maps in touchscreen devices (such as smartphones or tablets).
  • Videos (video background kept media files and from Youtube).
  • Images (as <img> and as div background).
  • Bootstrap grid.
  • Form with validation.
  • jQuery event handlers:
    • Animated side navbar
    • When on “click” event > slideToggle
    • Animations when scroll down
    • CSS changes when scroll


Apart from the intro page that intends to be appealing, the aim for the rest of the site is to keep a minimal and functional design focused on information, avoiding any additional element that could distract users’ attention. For that purpose it has been used a business-like, sober and subtle style, keeping simplicity at all times.










Technology stack

For a future stage

In future stages, the following imporvements could be added:

  • A page for buying tickets.
  • Links to speakers' and partners’ detailed information.
  • This project doesn’t use Angular Material, Material Design Lite, Angular UI, etc. because its purpose was creating an Angular.js SPA from scratch. But they would be truly useful tools for a next stage.

Instructions to clone this project and run it locally

Open your terminal and use the git clone command:

git clone

Once that command has been completed, you will need node.js and npm to run it. If you have them installed, you will have to run the following commands:

  1. cd project_1
  2. npm install -g http-server
    • NOTE: If you are running on Windows, you will need to make sure that you're running the command tool as administrator. If you're using Mac OS X or Linux, make sure to run it as root using sudo npm install -g http-server

Once the above steps have been completed, you should be able to run the following command:

npm start

This should serve up the content, so you can now open up your browser and in the URL bar enter

Visit the site

Deployed thanks to Firebase.
