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Easy CRM - Sample ABP Project

This is a sample solution developed on top of ABP Commercial.



How To Run?

When you download and open the zip file, you will see two folders:

  • mvc folder contains the server side and the MVC (Razor Pages) UI.
  • angular folder contains the Angular UI.

Server Side / MVC (Razor Pages) Application

  • Open the solution (inside the mvc folder) in Visual Studio 2019 or later (or with another IDE that supports ASP.NET Core).
  • Run the Volo.EasyCrm.DbMigrator console application to create the database and seed the initial data. It uses SQL Server by default. You can switch it to your favorite DBMS.
  • Run the Volo.EasyCrm.Web application.
  • You can login using admin as the user name and 1q2w3E* as the password.
  • To generate random data, click to "Generate and import sample data" on the home page.
  • Enjoy and check the source code!

Angular UI

  • First, follow all the steps above to run the server side and seed the sample data.
  • Open a command prompt in the angular folder.
  • Run the yarn command to install NPM packages (requires the Yarn package manager).
  • Run the yarn start command to run the Angular application. It will automatically open the localhost://4200 in your default browser once the application initialized.