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231 lines (155 loc) · 7.04 KB

File metadata and controls

231 lines (155 loc) · 7.04 KB
    "UI": ["MVC", "Blazor", "BlazorServer", "NG"],
    "DB": ["EF", "Mongo"],
    "Tiered": ["Yes", "No"]

Step 2: Customizing the Configuration of the ABP Application

  • To customize the configuration of your ABP application, modify the ConnectionString values in every location throughout your project. The ConnectionString values are stored in the appsettings.json files.

    This includes the following files: {{ if UI == "MVC" && Tiered == "No" }} ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.Web/appsettings.json {{else}} ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json {{end}} {{if Tiered == "Yes"}} ./src/yourapp.AuthServer/appsettings.json {{end}}

"ConnectionStrings": {
    "Default": ",1433;Initial Catalog=yourdatabase;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=yourusername;Password=yourpassword;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"

{{ if UI == "MVC" }}

{{if Tiered == "No"}}

  • Modify the yourapp.Web URL in every location throughout your project, especially within the ./src/yourapp.Web/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json files, to match your Azure Web App Service URL.
    "App": {
        "SelfUrl": ""


  • Modify the yourapp.Web URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.Web/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.AuthServer/appsettings.json

"App": {
    "SelfUrl": ""
  • Modify the yourapp.ApiHost URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.Web/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.AuthServer/appsettings.json

"App": {
    "SelfUrl": ""
  • Modify the yourapp.AuthServer URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.Web/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.AuthServer/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json

"App": {
    "SelfUrl": ""
  • Modify the Redis__Configuration URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.Web/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.AuthServer/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json

"Redis": {
    "Configuration": ",password={yourpassword},ssl=true,abortConnect=False"


{{ else if UI == "NG" }}

  • Modify the localhost:4200 in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./angular/src/environments/ , ./aspnet-core/src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./aspnet-core/src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json

    application: {
        baseUrl: ''
  • Modify the yourapp.HttpApi.Host URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./angular/src/environments/ , ./aspnet-core/src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./aspnet-core/src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json

    "App": {
        "SelfUrl": ""

{{ else if UI == "Blazor" }}

  • Modify the yourapp.Blazor URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.Blazor/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json

    "App": {
        "SelfUrl": ""
  • Modify the yourapp.HttpApi.Host URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.Blazor/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json

    "App": {
        "SelfUrl": ""

{{ else }}

{{if Tiered == "No"}}

  • Modify the yourapp.Web URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.Blazor/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json

"App": {
    "SelfUrl": ""
  • Modify the yourapp.ApiHost URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.Blazor/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json

"App": {
    "SelfUrl": ""


  • Modify the yourapp.Web URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.Blazor/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.AuthServer/appsettings.json

"App": {
    "SelfUrl": ""
  • Modify the yourapp.ApiHost URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.Blazor/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.AuthServer/appsettings.json

"App": {
    "SelfUrl": ""
  • Modify the yourapp.AuthServer URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.Blazor/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.AuthServer/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json

"App": {
    "SelfUrl": ""
  • Modify the Redis__Configuration URL in every location throughout your project.

    This includes the following files:

    ./src/yourapp.Blazor/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.AuthServer/appsettings.json , ./src/yourapp.DbMigrator/appsettings.json and ./src/yourapp.HttpApi.Host/appsettings.json

"Redis": {
    "Configuration": ",password={yourpassword},ssl=true,abortConnect=False"



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