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Customize Lepton Theme with Custom CSS

    "UI": ["MVC", "Blazor", "BlazorServer", "NG", "MAUIBlazor"]

You may want to change certain aspects of your website’s appearance with a custom CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file. In this document we will show you how to add a custom CSS to your ABP {{UI_Value}} solution to replace the existing Lepton Theme CSS. By adding your custom CSS, you will modify your website’s overall look.

{{if UI=="NG"}}

Adding Custom Style

There is a customStyle boolean configuration in ThemeLeptonModule's forRoot method. If this configuration is true, the style selection box is not included in the theme settings form and ThemeLeptonModule does not load its own styles. In this case, a custom style file must be added to the styles array in angular.json or must be imported by style.scss.

Only angular project styles can be changed in this way. If the authorization flow is authorization code flow, MVC pages (login, profile, etc) are not affected by this change.

Custom style implementation can be done with the following steps

Set customStyle property to true where is ThemeLeptonModule imported with forRoot method.

// app.module.ts
    customStyle: true

Import your style file to src/style.scss

/* style.scss */
import 'your-custom-style';

Or add your style file to the styles arrays which in angular.json file

// angular.json
   // other configurations 
  "projects": {
    "YourProject": {
      // other configurations
      "architect": {
        "build": {
            "styles": [
              // other styles  
        "test": {
          "options": {
            "styles": [
               // other styles  

Inserting Custom Content To Lepton Menu

Lepton menu can take custom content both before and after the menu items displayed. In order to achieve this, pass a component as content through the parameters of ThemeLeptonModule.forRoot when you import the module in your root module, i.e. AppModule. Let's take a look at some examples.

Placing Custom Content Before & After Menu Items

First step is to create a component which will serve as the custom content.

  template: `<a href="">
    <span class="lp-icon"><i class="fas fa-headset"></i></span>
    <span class="lp-text">Support Issues</span>
    <div class="d-flex justify-content-end">
      <span class="badge badge-pill badge-warning">{%{{{ issueCount$ | async }}}%}</span>
export class SupportLinkComponent {
  issueCount$ = of(26); // dummy count, replace this with an actual service

  declarations: [SupportLinkComponent],
  imports: [CommonModule],
export class SupportLinkModule {}

Now, pass this component as contentAfterRoutes option to ThemeLeptonModule.

  imports: [
    // other imports are removed for sake of brevity
      contentAfterRoutes: [SupportLinkComponent],
export class AppModule {}

If you start the dev server, you must see the inserted content as follows:

Placing the content before menu items is straightforward: Just replace contentAfterRoutes with contentBeforeRoutes.

Placing a Search Input Before Menu Items

The Lepton package has a search component designed to work with the routes in the menu. You can simply import the module and pass the component as contentBeforeRoutes option to ThemeLeptonModule.

import { MenuSearchComponent, MenuSearchModule } from '@volo/';

  imports: [
    // other imports are removed for sake of brevity

      limit: 3 // search result limit (default: Infinity)
      contentBeforeRoutes: [MenuSearchComponent],
export class AppModule {}

Here is how the search input works:

Please note that the search component filters only the routes and cannot hide custom


Be aware that custom CSS must contain all the styles that Lepton Theme uses. If you just want to overwrite some styles, you can use {{if UI== "Blazor"}}global.css{{else}}global-styles.css{{end}} in the wwwroot folder of your web project.

How to Add a Custom CSS?

Download Lepton Theme Source-Code

Download the Lepton Theme source-code to retrieve the existing CSS files. To do this create a new folder named as LeptonTheme and run the following ABP CLI command inside the LeptonTheme folder:

abp get-source Volo.LeptonTheme

Copy to Your Project

In the following folder, you will find all the Lepton CSS files.


The default theme uses Lepton6.css.
Create a folder named styles under the wwwrootfolder of your web project.
Copy Lepton6.css to the wwwroot/styles folder and rename it to custom.css.

Customize the CSS

Open custom.css and find the .lp-opened-sidebar style. Comment out the existing background style and add the following background style which changes the main menu's background color.

 background: linear-gradient(7deg, #9f3049, #84a21f);


Set the Style Path

Add the following code to the {{if UI== "MVC"}} ConfigureServices in the YourProjectWebModule.cs {{end}}{{if UI== "BlazorServer"}} ConfigureServices in the YourProjectBlazorModule {{end}}{{if UI== "Blazor"}}wwwroot/appsettings.json file{{end}}.

{{if UI== "MVC"}}

Configure<LeptonThemeOptions>(options =>
    options.StylePath = "/styles/custom.css";


{{if UI== "BlazorServer"}}

Configure<<Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonTheme.LeptonThemeOptions>(options =>
    options.StylePath = "/styles/custom.css";


{{if UI== "Blazor"}}

  "AbpCli": {
    "Bundle": {
      "Mode": "BundleAndMinify",
      "Name": "global",
      "Parameters": {
        "LeptonTheme.StylePath": "styles/custom.css"

Run the following ABP CLI command to bundle the custom.css

abp bundle


Run the Web Project

The main menu's background color changed. With this approach, you can change your website’s overall look.

