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Wednesday practicals

Deep reinforcement learning: Deep learning, meet reinforcement learning.

Core idea is to train a deep Q network on Breakout Atari game.

Note: We will use deterministic version of Breakout environment. Literature often reports performance on stochastic version (more realistic task).

Running the code

Only one file with different parameters. For full details command python -h


  • Train for 10 000 agent steps (calls to env.step): python --steps 10000 path_where_to_store_model
  • Enjoy trained model: python --show --evaluate --limit-fps path_to_trained_model
  • Evaluate trained model: python --evaluate path_to_trained_model
  • Store console output to a file log.txt: python --log log.txt path_where_to_store_model
    • Note: Once you start properly training agents, it is a good idea to store these logs for future reference


  1. Start by filling in required parts to run the code:
    • Implement the network in build_models
    • Implement target-network update in update_target_model
  2. You can now study the environment with --show and --limit-fps arguments to show the game.
    • You can also print out rewards and actions after the env.step(action) for better view of the game.
    • When does agent reward?
    • What is one episode?
  3. Try training the agent with python --steps 3000 dummy_model
    • What do the results look like? Good? Bad?
    • What do you think is the problem (what was also problem with default Q-learning)?
  4. Implement epsilon-greedy exploration in get_action
    • With probability EPSILON, take random action instead of the greedy action (already implemented in get_action)
    • You can use fixed EPSILON. A small probability should do the trick (e.g. 10% or 5%)
    • Try training again with python --steps 3000 dummy_model
    • What is different compared to previous run?
  5. We are printing out very limited info. At the very least we should print out the loss of training.
    • Implement printing average loss
      • In supervised learning (recall Monday's imitation learning), loss tells how accurate the network is.
      • This is not quite as straight-forward with Deep Q learning, but it still is a vital debugging tool to see if something is wrong with training the network
      • Skip to the end of main() function where you can find our print messages. Include average loss of the episode in the print-out message.
    • Train agent with python --steps 2000 dummy_model
    • What does the loss look like? Does it decrease/increase? It should decrease in the longer run, and it should not explode (be high values above 1000)
    • Something is wonky. Take a look at update_model and see if you can fix the problem with loss.
    • Run agent with python --steps 2000 dummy_model again and see if loss seems more reasonable now
  6. It is still hard to say if agent is improving to right direction or not. Implement more monitoring.
    • Implement tracking average reward
      • Class collections.deque creates a list with maximum size. If maximum size is reached, oldest element is dropped.
      • Create a deque that stores episodic rewards from last 100 episodes (or less)
      • After each episode, print out the average reward from last 100 episodes
    • We know what Q-values should be like (not negative, well above zero), so we can track that as well.
      • We can monitor if we are even going to right direction by printing average Q-value per episode. Implement this.
      • For every episode, store the sum of all predicted Q-values and number of them (used to calculate average).
      • Note that get_action function returns Q-values and the selected action.
      • Print average Q-value after every episode.
    • Try training again with python --steps 10000 dummy_model
    • Does the monitoring tell you anything useful? Average episodic reward might not, but what about average Q-value?
  7. Try "optimistic exploration" again by initializing Q-values to something high.
    • Not as trivial as setting all values in a table to specific value, since we work on networks.
    • A simple and crude way to do this: Initialize weights (kernel) of the final layer (output layer) to zero and biases to one.
      • End result: Before updates, the Q-network will predict one for all states.
      • See documentation for Dense layers for how to change initial values.
  8. Try training agent for a longer time with python --steps 50000 proper_model
    • How high average reward did you get?
    • Evaluate and enjoy the model after training. What are the subjective / objective results?
      • You can enjoy your agent with python --evaluate --show --limit-fps proper_model
      • You can evaluate your agent with python --evaluate proper_model
  9. Try reaching higher average reward by tuning the exploration and other parameters.
    • With some tinkering, you should be able to get to reliable 4.0 average reward in under 100k training steps.

Extra things to try out:

  • Visualize Q-values while enjoying using Matplotlib and interactive plots.
  • Try the code on BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 environment (set with --env argument).
    • Same as Breakout-v0, but with "sticky actions": With some probability, the next action is equal to previous action rather than the one given in env.step(action).
  • Try the DQN code on different Atari game (e.g. Pong).

Extra implementing:


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