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Brianna's Reflections

Brianna Guest edited this page Apr 27, 2021 · 9 revisions

Week 1 - Sprint 1 Kickoff

Sprint 1 Kickoff for me was more of a planning, scheduling, and organizing any documentation we had plus our GitHub wiki. I scheduled team meetings for every week (the ones with Devin as well) and had a discussion with everyone to check what we had planned so far and create/edit more of the discrete tasks we each have to progress through the sprint.

Week 2 - Sprint 1 Week 1

This week was focused on creating an initial documentation template for the vulnerabilities of specific software related to Work/Learn from Home environments. Then I started to focus on researching the vulnerabilities of Google Meets. Liam and I have also been working on ideas to try to get access to the router logs from ELK, though Devin bought up a very good point to see if our server can actually talk to the router. Otherwise, we may have to rethink a portion of our project. So the next steps for next week are to figure that out and connect all research documentation to the wiki in some form.

Week 3 - Sprint 1 Week 2

This week I focused on researching vulnerabilities with Google in general, as I found that most of the vulnerabilities from Google Meets stems from general Google ones. To change it up, I also spent some time researching vulnerabilities from IP providers that are generally used in a home environment. I still have all my notes physically written so I have to transfer them to the wiki in some way still. Along with research, I have been working with Liam and Isaac still with setting up ELK Stack and the ROuter to talk to each other. We have tried using the AWS ELK Stack environment but it didn't work, so we decided to use a physical Windows machine instead. We are at the endpoint in trying to see if the connection and logging will work. If not, we are going to try a physical Ubuntu machine. We are also discussing alternatives if that ends up not working as well.

Week 4 - Sprint 1 Week 3

This week was focused on completing initial vulnerabilities documentation and start getting the Sprint 1 Report Demo all set with first the presentation. The presentation will cover what the sprint was supposed to accomplish, what was actually accomplished or not, and what nest steps are for Sprint 2. When then did a video presentation with the PowerPoint to be able to show any actual documentation when needed for a better understanding of our process.

Week 5 - Sprint 1 Week 4

We presented our Sprint 1 Demo to Devin and he had a lot of helpful feedback, especially with our Syslog issue. We are now going to rework Sprint 2 a bit to reflect what was completed and not in Sprint 1. Devin recommended a small private router to be able to gather logs, so while we choose one we are going to do Wireshark captures as a supplement.

Week 6 - Sprint 2 Week 1

The group got together to look at different small third-party routers like Devin suggested and I AM LOVING IT (I name it Baby Router <3). We got it pretty quickly thanks to Amazon and was easy for Isaac to connect to our home network and start gathering the logs without the use of a SIEM. I started piecing together the research we did into a formal document while we waited for the router, but Liam has still yet to receive a response from the Inspace team about what they are doing for network security. I suggested doing another follow-up email to the team and while we wait for that, remake an EC2 on AWS for an ELK Stack and try to port forward our logs to them again as a task for next week.

Week 12 - Sprint 3 Week 4

Sorry for not writing a reflection for a bit but I just got a full-time job! I started right away so the hours have definitely affected my schoolwork but I am trying my best to focus on Capstone these last few weeks. Sprint 3 went great. Our group had in-depth conversations about where our project is going, what has changed so far (like not using the server we were trying to make anymore) to focusing out network security as a whole, and what can be used that we learned to help others. A lot of research was done this Sprint. We are meeting with Devin next week for our Sprint 3 report to see what he thinks.

Week 13 - Sprint 4 Week 1

Devin is supporting our shift in our project and encouraged us to focus more on Github so we are making that a goal to accomplish by the end of next week. We definitely need to focus on proper documentation and representing that with our Github since we want to be proud of the work we are doing. Isaac and I have even talked about starting a blog about our project and we can continue contributing to it after graduation. Devin also recommended that we label ourselves to the roles we kind of put ourselves in and talk about why we shift our capstone project focus for our final presentation.

Week 14 - Sprint 4 Week 2

Clone this wiki locally