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Day Six: Lanternfish


This might be one of the simplest puzzles I've seen in a while. My write-up breaks apart more succinct code into more pieces so it's easier to read, even though this doubles the number of lines actually needed. Anyway, off we go!

Part 1

We are observing lanternfish having babies. How awkward. Every fish has a timer, and on its zeroth day, it resets its timer to 6 and creates a baby lanternfish with a timer of 8. It's the miracle of digital life.

Now the puzzle does each and every fish individually, what its timer is, and the emergence of new fish with timers of 8. I decided not to represent every fish individually, but instead just record how many fish have a certain timer on 9. each day. It turns out I wasn't punished for this when I got to part 2, so score!

My target data representation is a simple map of {timer fish-count}, given a single-line input string with comma-separated starting timers. The easiest approach is to use re-seq to do a reg-ex extraction of every number between the commas, map it to an integer using parse-int, and then call the frequencies function. This core function takes in a sequence and returns a map of every value to its count within the sequence, which conveniently is exactly what we need here! To make later code cleaner, I'll merge the input fish into a default map of no-fish, where all numbers 0 through 8 are mapped to zero, such that every possible timer value is in the map. It's not strictly necessary, but it helps.

(def no-fish {0 0, 1 0, 2 0, 3 0, 4 0, 5 0, 6 0, 7 0, 8 0})

(defn parse-fish [input]
  (->> (re-seq #"\d" input)
       (map parse-int)
       (merge no-fish)))

Now the whole problem statement really comes down to one function - next-generation, but we've got a little setup to make it simple to read. First, I define convenience constants of delivery-timer, post-delivery-timer and new-fish-timer, set to 0, 6 and 8, respectively; the zero may seem like overkill, but I want my code to tell a story. Then I make a helper function called next-timer that defines the next generation of a timer. Values of 0 (aka delivery-timer) become 6 (aka post-delivery-timer), and everything else decrements.

(def delivery-timer 0)
(def post-delivery-timer 6)
(def new-fish-timer 8)

(defn next-timer [timer]
  (if (zero? timer) post-delivery-timer (dec timer)))

Now we can build next-generation cleanly in two steps. First, starting with the no-fish map again, we map every timer to its next-timer value, and add it to the map. Then we add in the new fish. Now the question is, why do we add the fish values to the map instead of just setting them? It's because the next generation's number of fish with a timer of 6 is the sum of the previous generation's fish with timers of 0 and 7.

One terrific function I want to show off here is reduce-kv, which is another form of reduce. Both take in 3 arguments - a reducing function, an initial value (this is actually optional for reduce), and the collection to reduce over. However, while reduce has a 2-arity function of [accumulator value], reduce-kv requires the collection to be associative, and thus its reducing function is 3-arity or form [accumulator key value]. This is effectively the same as using (reduce (fn [accumulator [key value]] ...)), but it's clearer to see what's going on by using reduce-kv.

(defn next-generation [fish]
  (let [deliveries (fish delivery-timer)]
    (-> (reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (update m (next-timer k) + v)) no-fish fish)
        (assoc new-fish-timer deliveries))))

Almost done. Before creating the solve function, let's define nth-generation, a function which takes in the day number we want to look at, as well as the initial map of fish, and then return the map on that day. We'll just use iterate invoking next-generation, and then use nth to get the correct resulting value.

(defn nth-generation [n fish]
  (-> (iterate next-generation fish)
      (nth n)))

Finally, we create solve, which takes in both the input and the number of days. The function parses the fish, invokes nth-generation to get the state on the last day, calls vals to get to the number of fish, and then (apply +) to add them up. And the day1 function just calls solve with 80 for the number of days.

(defn solve [input num-days]
  (->> (parse-fish input)
       (nth-generation num-days)
       (apply +)))

(defn day1 [input] (solve input 80))

Part 2

Well now we just need to get the 256th day instead of the 80th day. I'm assuming this just asserts that our algorithms don't contain a giant list of each and every fish, because my data set brought me into the trillians of fish. Our algorithm can handle the extra data, no problem. One nice thing about Clojure is that it will automatically convert Ints into Longs, or Floats into Doubles, to avoid overflow or underflow.

Anyway, here's the one-line day2 function.

(defn day2 [input] (solve input 256))

Be free, lanternfish, and procreate until we run out of water molecules in the sea!