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Day 14: Regolith Reservoir


We're on a roll here, with another fun puzzle that reminded me of one from a previous year!

Part One

We're given a description of rock formations within a cave, and we need to track how sand flows into the cave itself. When parsing the input, we want to represent a cave as a map with keys :points and :floor, where the former is a set of all [x y] coordinates that have been filled by either rocks or sand, and the latter is the height of the first row underneath the lowest rock formation. The latter will make more sense for part 2, but we can imagine that if we want to know when the sand starts falling into a bottomless cavern, it's essentially the same as the sand falling onto the floor at a point lower than what we can measure. I think there's a metaphor here about the existence of God if you squint a little bit.


We'll start with a simple function to parse a single point in the input, expressed as the string "498,4" and which we want to convert to the numeric vector [498 4].

(defn parse-point [s] (mapv parse-long (str/split s #",")))

We did look yesterday at using edn/read-string, which we could also theoretically do here, but we'd first need to turn that string of "498,4" into one that looks like a string of the vector "[498,4]". So this is another implementation, but I don't like it.

; This seems a poor use of edn/read-string. Not using it.
(defn parse-point [s] (edn/read-string (str "[" s "]")))

Next we need to know how to gather all of the inclusive points between two points that are either horizontally or vertically aligned. I tried a few ways of doing this, but this looks the least "clever" and the easiest to read to me:

(defn line-of-points [[x1 y1 :as p1] [x2 y2 :as p2]]
  (case (map (comp signum -) p1 p2)
    [0 0] [p1]
    [0 1] (map vector (repeat x1) (range y2 (inc y1)))
    [1 0] (map vector (range x2 (inc x1)) (repeat y1))
    (recur p2 p1)))

Given two destructured points, we'll map each pair of x and y coordinates to the signum of their differences, such that we'll get a vector of [dx xy] for the sign differences between each ordinate. Then we look at the vectors. If somehow the two values are equal, that means the input had [x y] -> [x y], which I don't think happens, but we handle it regardless. In the other scenarios, we hold either the x or y ordinate fixed with (repeat x1) or (repeat y1), and do a (map vector) of that sequence against the range of other values. To avoid having to handle whether the points were increasing or decreasing, I just called (recur p2 p1) to cover the cases of [0 -1] and [-1 0].

Next, we'll define rock-points, which will convert a line of rock point progressions to a set of all points included by that rock formation.

(defn rock-points [s]
  (->> (re-seq #"\d+,\d+" s)
       (map parse-point)
       (partition 2 1)
       (mapcat (partial apply line-of-points))

The regex #"\d+,\d+" splits out the line into a sequence of x,y points, which we then map to their [x y] numeric vectors using parse-point. (partition 2 1) groups the values into overlapping pairs, to which we call line-of-points to get their individual points. Finally, we call set to remove the duplicates that will occur at the corners of the rock formations.

Finally, we're ready to parse the data. I implemented this solution a few ways, but for the one I'm going to present now, I'm going to implement a simple parse-cave function, which takes in the input string and returns a single set of the rock points.

(defn parse-cave [input]
  (transduce (map rock-points) set/union #{} (str/split-lines input)))

No big shocker here, we're transducing. Given the lines of input, we transform each one using rock-points, and union them together into an empty set. On to the business of dropping sand into caves. And while not strictly related to parsing, for some solutions (not shown) I implemented this within the parse-cave, so here's a helper function called cave-floor, which returns the y value just past the lowest depth in the cave. Because depth increases as we go deeper, this is a positive number.

(defn cave-floor [points]
  (->> points (map second) (reduce max) inc))

Problem logic

Our goal now is to implement a function called next-sand, which takes in the cave floor and all of the points currently occupied by either rocks or sand (it doesn't matter which one anymore), and returns the point where the next grain of sand will settle. For this to work, we're also implelmenting possible-next-spaces, which returns the coordinates of the points below, down-left, and down-right from the coordinates passed in.

(def cave-entrance [500 0])

(defn possible-next-spaces [[x y]]
  (map vector [x (dec x) (inc x)] (repeat (inc y))))

(defn next-sand [floor points]
  (when-not (points cave-entrance)
    (loop [p cave-entrance]
      (if (= (second p) floor)
        (if-let [p' (->> p possible-next-spaces (remove points) first)]
          (recur p')

possible-next-spaces isn't too complicated. We're using (map vector) against two collections: the x ordinates in preferred order, and an infinite sequence of the value beyond the y ordinate. So for input [500 0], we will receive ([499 1] [500 1] [501 1]).

next-sand has a few minor tricks, but it's still intuitive. First off, if the cave-entrance, a constant tied to [500 0] is already blocked up by one of the points, the sand cannot settle. We don't need to explicitly return nil, since when is just an if function without the possibility of an else clause. Then we begin a loop-recur that starts from the cave entrance. If at any point, the depth hits the floor, the sand has to settle, so just return p. If not, check to see if any of the available spaces aren't currently occupied, by calling (remove points spaces). If so, then recurse back in to learn if that point is an intermediate point for the sand or its final settling space. If there are no unoccupied available spaces below the current point, then this is the settling point.

Now comes the fun part. Texting with Todd Ginsberg while waiting for my lunch before doing this write-up, I heard his clever idea to have his code return a sequence of points representing where each new grain of sand will settle. My original solution returned a revised state of all points after the sand settled, but I liked his approach so I refactored mine. I think there are some cool things to show in the sand-seq function.

(defn sand-seq [cave]
  (letfn [(find-next [floor points] (when-some [sand (next-sand floor points)]
                                      (lazy-seq (cons sand (find-next floor (conj points sand))))))]
    (find-next (cave-floor cave) cave)))

I decided to define this function to take in the cave we parsed out back in parse-cave, but to use a hidden function defined using letfn instead of a top-level defn or defn- call. The impact of this is that the hidden function, which I called find-next, is not available to any other caller within or outside the namespace. This hidden function takes in the floor of the cave, and all points identified to be occupied, whether by rocks or by sand. find-next calls next-sand to see if there is another point available for sand to settle, and if so, returns a lazy sequence with the coordinates of this sand grain, followed by the rest of the lazy sequence that comes from recursively calling back into find-next again. The recursed call combines the previously known occupied points with the new point using (conj points sand). Finally, the outer sand-seq function just calls the inner find-next with the calculated (cave-floor cave) and all of the rock points of the cave.

I like this solution for multiple reasons. First off, a lazy sequence is more data oriented than making the caller invoke (iterate next-state-fn). It also reinforces the use of laziness wherever feasible, and in this case it's perfectly reasonable to calculate the next sand point on-demand. Finally, this solution completely abstracts away all of the interim state, namely the calculated floor and all of the rocks and sand already accumulated.

We're now ready for part1.

(defn part1 [input]
  (let [cave (parse-cave input)
        floor (cave-floor cave)]
    (->> (sand-seq cave)
         (take-while (fn [[_ y]] (< y floor)))

All we do here is parse the cave and calculate the floor (so we only have to do it once), work through the sand-seq points, keeping only the values that don't hit the floor. From that sequence of points still within the cave, we just count them up.

Part Two

Well there's not much to do here, since the code is already written for us.

(defn part2 [input]
  (->> (parse-cave input)
       (take-while some?)

This code doesn't care about the floor anymore; we just need to pull values until we fill up the cave entrance. Since both the next-sand and sand-seq functions return nil when there's no new point for the sand, we can just call (take-while some?) to find all non-nil values, and then count them up.

Refactoring (I don't like this)

I usually like to make a unified solve function, but I don't like it in this case, so I don't actually use it in my solution. The issue is that part1 needs to consider both the floor of the cave and the points coming in, while part2 only cares that points are being produced. Therefore, the take-fn helper function that the unified solve function needs has to expose two arguments, and I just don't love how it all looks.

(defn solve [take-fn input]
  (let [cave (parse-cave input)
        floor (cave-floor cave)]
    (->> (sand-seq cave)
         (take-while (fn [p] (take-fn floor p)))

(defn part1 [input] (solve (fn [floor [_ y]] (< y floor)) input))
(defn part2 [input] (solve (fn [_ p] (some? p)) input))

So it works... yeah. I prefer the original solution, so that's what I'm about to commit. Onward!