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Day 24: Blizzard Basin

Part One

Another day, another series of infinite sequences! Let's go.

We're given a grid of a maze with an entrance at the top, an exit at the bottom, and a number of directional blizzards. We need to measure how many steps it will take to move from the entrance to the exit. I verified in all the test inputs as well as the puzzle input that the entrance is always in the top leftmost corner, while the exit is always in the bottom rightmost corner, which I used to slightly simplify the parsing.

To start, we'll parse in the data and create a map with five keys: :blizzards, :entrance, :exit, :max-x, and :max-y.

(defn parse-valley [input]
  (let [points (p/parse-to-char-coords input)
        blizzards (vec (keep (fn [[coords v]] (when-some [dir ({\> [1 0] \< [-1 0] \^ [0 -1] \v [0 1]} v)]
                                                [coords dir])) points))
        spaces-by-row (group-by second (keep #(when (= \. (second %)) (first %)) points))
        max-row (apply max (keys spaces-by-row))
        exit (first (spaces-by-row max-row))]
    {:blizzards blizzards
     :entrance  [1 0]
     :exit      exit
     :max-x     (first exit)
     :max-y     (dec (second exit))}))

Once again, we use parse-to-char-coords from the advent2022-point namespace to work with a sequence of [coords v] tuples. For the :blizzards key, we look for the four directional strings (>, <, ^, v) and map them to their [dx dy] pairs, where once again moving up means decreasing the y-value. keep throws away the values that are not blizzards. The entrance is always at [1 0], and to find the exit we group all the points representing any spaces based on their y coordinate (second), and then find the one and only value on that row using first. Then as a convenience, we implement :max-x and :max-y to help determine the boundaries of allowed places for both the expedition and the blizzards, which is the x ordinate of the exit (since it's in the last valid column), and one less than the y ordinate of the exit (since the exit isn't actually within the maze).

Next, let's figure out how to make the blizzards move, and for this we'll make three functions: move-blizzard, which moves a single blizzard to its next location, move-blizzards, which moves all blizzards within the valley, and blizzard-set-seq which returns an infinite sequence of the valleys with the blizzards moving from place to place.

(defn move-blizzard [max-x max-y [p dir :as blizzard]]
  (let [wall-x (inc max-x)
        wall-y (inc max-y)]
    (assoc blizzard 0 (match/match (mapv + p dir)
                                   [0 y] [max-x y]
                                   [wall-x y] [1 y]
                                   [x 0] [x max-y]
                                   [x wall-y] [x 1]
                                   [x y] [x y]))))

(defn move-blizzards [{:keys [blizzards max-x max-y] :as valley}]
  (assoc valley :blizzards (map (partial move-blizzard max-x max-y) blizzards)))

(defn blizzard-set-seq [valley]
  (->> (iterate move-blizzards valley)
       (map (comp set (partial map first) :blizzards))))

move-blizzard needs to know about the current blizzard (its position and direction), as well as the max x and y values in the valley. I mentioned in the day 13 puzzle that I had considered using the clojure.core/match namespace, and I decided to actually give it a whirl this time for the sake of some nifty pattern matching. (I realized during the write-up that I could have simplified this by using the mod function, possibly offsetting my interpretted points by making the leftmost valid value a 0 instead of a 1, but I used the match library successfully so I'm keeping it.) Anyway, we start with moving the blizzard in its direction using (mapv + p dir), and then we check to see what the resulting [x y] look like. There are five patterns to check for: the blizzard can be too far to the left (x=0), to the right (x=max-x + 1), to the top (y=0), or to the bottom (y=max-y + 1), or else ths point is fine. We handle the wrapped values by setting the x and y values to either a 1 or the max-x/max-y values. Again, mod would have worked nicely here. Anyway, what's neat is that the matches look for the first pattern that makes sense, where we use either literal values like 0, wall-x, or wall-y, or locally-scoped bindings like x and y to find the correct pattern. It wasn't super clean, since it depended on pre-calculating (inc max-x) and (inc max-y) to keep literals in the pattern, but that wasn't too big a sacrifice to maek.

Then move-blizzards takes in a valley and moves every blizzard to its new location. We simplify map each blizzard to use the move-blizzards function, and associate the new collection back into the valley.

Finally, blizzard-set-seq calls (iterate move-blizzards) to feed the valley over and over into move-blizzards, and produces a sequence of blizzard locations by mapping each valley to the set of distinct points occupied by at least one blizzard. Note that while the valley itself retains the full sequence of blizzards, including any duplicates that exists for a time in the same location, the blizzard-set-seq deliberately returns sets of blizzard locations, as that will help with future functions.

So we've parsed the input, found the dimensions, and can track the changing landscape of the valley. Now it's time to move the expedtion. For this, we'll implement the functions expedition-move-options and expedition-options-seq, where the former says where the expedition can be in the next time period, given the location of the blizzards, and the latter represents the sequence of every location the expedition can be in as a sequence over time.

(defn expedition-move-options [{:keys [blizzards entrance exit max-x max-y]} expedition]
  (filter (fn [[x y :as p]]
            (or (= p expedition entrance)
                (= p exit)
                (and (not (blizzards p))
                     (<= 1 x max-x)
                     (<= 1 y max-y))))
          (conj (p/neighbors expedition) expedition)))

(defn expedition-options-seq
   (expedition-options-seq valley (rest (blizzard-set-seq valley))))

  ([valley [blizzards & next-blizzards]]
   (expedition-options-seq (assoc valley :blizzards blizzards) next-blizzards #{(:entrance valley)}))

  ([valley [blizzards & next-blizzards] expedition]
   (lazy-seq (cons expedition
                   (expedition-options-seq (assoc valley :blizzards blizzards)
                                           (set (mapcat (partial expedition-move-options valley) expedition)))))))

Let's start with expedition-move-options. This takes in the valley and one possible location of the expedition, and returns the new possible values for the expedition. To do this, we start by looking in all four directions from the current location using `(p/neighbors expedition), plus also the current location itself, in case the expedition doesn't move on this turn. Each of these five locations are acceptable if either (1) the expedition is currently in the entrance and wishes to stay there, (2) the expedition has a path to the exit, or (3) the expedition can be on a space that's on the board and not occupied by a blizzard.

Then expedition-options-seq has three separate arities, depending on what we need at each phase of the solution. We'll start with the 1-arg arity, which takes in just the valley, and assumes that the expedition starts in the entrance and is using the blizzard-set-seq from the start. Since the expedition won't be moving from the starting position of the blizzards, we'll immediately call (rest) on the blizzard-set-seq to get things going. The 2-arity version calls through to the 3-arity version, this time placing the first blizzard into the valley (since now the wind has blown and the expedition needs to figure out where to go next), and again assumes the expedition starts in the entrance. Finally, the 3-arity version takes in the valley, the sequence of blizzard sets, and the location of the expedition, and it returns the lazy seqquence of possible expedition locations. In its lazy execution, it calls itself again by placing the next blizzard set into the valley, and expanding the possible expeditions by calling mapcatting all of the expedition-move-options from the possible locations of the expedition.

So what we're left with is a sequence of sets of all possible places the expedition can be in. Finally we can do part1.

(defn part1 [input]
  (let [{:keys [exit] :as valley} (parse-valley input)]
    (->> (expedition-options-seq valley)
         (take-until #(% exit))

For part1, we parse the valley and create the sequence of expedition options. The goal is to figure out at which generation the expedition could be in the exit, so we use (take-until #(% exit)) to stop looking for new options once the sequence includes the exit. Then we count the number of option sets we considered, throwing away the first one since it was the starting position of the expedition.

Part Two

We now need the expedition to go to the exit, back to the entrance, and back to the exit again. Silly people.

To do this, we now want to wrap our other infinite sequences into a new one, namely, how many steps it will take the expedition to continue bouncing back and forth from entrance to exit and back again. Each leg of the journey will be another value in the sequence. We'll need two functions here: steps-to-exit takes in a valley and a sequence of blizzard sets, and returns the number of steps it took; expedition-swap-seq returns the sequence of steps for each alternating journey taken.

(defn steps-to-exit [valley blizzard-seq]
  (->> (expedition-options-seq valley blizzard-seq)
       (take-until #(% (:exit valley)))

(defn expedition-swap-seq
  ([valley] (expedition-swap-seq valley (rest (blizzard-set-seq valley))))
  ([valley blizzard-set]
   (let [num-steps (steps-to-exit valley blizzard-set)
         [entrance' exit'] ((juxt :exit :entrance) valley)]
     (lazy-seq (cons num-steps (expedition-swap-seq (assoc valley :entrance entrance' :exit exit')
                                                    (drop num-steps blizzard-set)))))))

steps-to-exit, effectively looks the same as the original part1 function, except without the parsing.

expedition-swap-seq initially gets called with the valley, but then just as we saw in the 1-argument arity of the expeditions-options-seq, it drops the original blizzard set before calling its 2-argument arity version. Here, expedition-swap-seq counts how many steps it takes to get to the end, and then pulls out the current exit and entrance of the valley, mapping them to their opposite values of entrance' and exit'. Finally, the lazy sequence emits the number of steps taken for this leg, and call itself but binding the new entrance and exit to the valley, and dropping the number of steps taken from the inifinite sequence of blizzard sets.

Finally, we can write the unified solve function and its part1 and part2 invocations.

(defn solve [num-journeys input]
  (->> (parse-valley input)
       (take num-journeys)
       (reduce +)))

(defn part1 [input] (solve 1 input))
(defn part2 [input] (solve 3 input))

solve asks for the number of journeys it needs to take, which is 1 for part 1 and 3 for part 2. Then it parses the valley, creates the expedition-swap-seq, takes the number of journey lengths out that it needs, and adds them together!

This puzzle wasn't hard per-se, but I definitely had two struggles. First, there were more than a few off-by-one errors as I worked on this, mostly between lining up which generation of blizzard sets I was working on with which generation of expeditions. Second, naming the functions was a bear this time around. There was move-blizzard and move-blizzards, not to mention the distinction between blizzards, blizzard sets, and sequences of blizzard sets. And this solution worked with three distinct infinite sequences (blizzard sets, expedition options, and expedition swaps) that keeping these names in order was challenging. But that said, I really like how simple the actual logic is.