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Code && Poetry

Due Date : November 14


  1. Read
  2. Create a Code Poem
  3. Turning In

1. Read

On the Box Creative Code, it contains several 1-2 page writings by John Maeda, John Simon Jr., and Scott Snibbe.

Cosmicomics, by Italo Calvino, ask someone to pick a chapter, read that chapter. If instructions unclear, read Chapter 1 or lucid dream about the moon. Oulipo.

Steel Mind of the Software Artist, if you have time, read this one.

2. Create a Code Poem

Create a Code Poem in any progamming language: C, Python, LISP, Go, Pure Data, VRML, Java, etc. There are three requirements:

  1. It must be "code"
  2. It must be a "poem"
  3. It must run, which implies that it may need to compile, further implying instructions may be necessary

3. Turning In

Add a git repo to your OF folder, if one isn't there already

  1. Add .gitignore
  2. Add files
  3. Commit files
  4. Push to github
  5. Fork this assignment repsitory
  6. Update with your repository link, this can be found clicking the "clone or download" button on the webpage of the repository you are linking in (your project) Please specify the correct branch from your repository.
  7. Make pull request

3.5 For those interested, (not required)

  1. Clone your fork of this assignment repository to your computer
  2. In the cloned directory add a submodule to your project's remote respository using the link from above. This can only be completed by the command line or some other Git GUI interface - not the github Desktop App.

Replace remote-url with something like and linked-folder-name with your name shawnlawson

git submodule add remote-url linked-folder-name
  1. Add files
  2. Commit files
git commit -am 'adding my submodule'
  1. Push to remote
git push
  1. Make a pull request

for more information on submodules:


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