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General FAQ

Asher edited this page Jan 28, 2016 · 21 revisions

##Common Questions

Who is Jared Males?

Jared Males is the client of the Findr Project. He is a very prolific scientist who received his Ph.D. in Astronomy at the University of Arizona after serving and receiving many accolades in the Navy Nuclear Power Program. Today he spends his days in front of a VisAO camera, the world's first diffraction-limited visible-wavelength camera on a large telescope, in hopes of finding a habitable planet.

Who worked on this project?

Findr was originally developed by the Applied Cyberinfrastructure Concepts course (fall 2015) at the University of Arizona, co-taught by Nirav Merchant and Eric Lyons. The project is currently maintained by Asher Baltzell. Please refer to our contributors page for more information on the contributors to the project.

What is the creative licensing on this project? Is it open source for me to use?

Yes, this project is under the MIT License and is completely open-source and free to use by anybody.

It won't run on my cloud service, help.

If the cloud service you are running on is unable to install the dependencies as described in the mxlib installation documentation we have a docker solution to fit your needs! Follow these instructions to attach the docker image to run the findr package.

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