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A Swift Summary

The Swift Programming Language is a great book filled with incredibly well-written descriptions and clever examples, and I very highly recommend it. It's divided into three sections: "A Swift Tour," a language guide, and the formal grammar. This document falls in-between the tour and guideβ€”it's a brief description of all the interesting, surprising, and unexpected aspects of the language that I came across while reading the book.

It isn't a recap of the entire book; the obvious, simple, and expected aspects of it are not mentioned here.


This summary is divided up into the same sections as the language guide, and follows its order exactly. Each subsection falls under one of three categories:

  • ❕ Important to remember
  • ❓ Required further insight
  • πŸ’‘ Random thought/comment

Table of Contents

For those without hyperlinks, I had nothing to add.

A Swift Tour
The Basics
Basic Operators
Strings and Characters
Collection Types
Control Flow
Classes and Structure
Automatic Reference Counting
Optional Chaining
Type Casting
Nested Types
Access Control
Advanced Operators

Disclaimer: all direct quotations from The Swift Programming Language are presented here in


and are used strictly for non-commercial, educational purposes under Fair Use (17 U.S.C. Β§ 107). I am neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Apple.

A Swift Tour

❓ Global Scope

Code written at global scope is used as the entry point for the program.

That's awesome! But what happens if you have two source files in a project and attempt to build & run it in Xcode?

It turns out that if you have more than one source file, one must be named main.swift and will be used as the entry point. Any other file with top-level code will raise error: expressions are not allowed at the top level.

In fact, you can remove the @UIApplicationMain attribute from an iOS app and create a main.swift file with nothing but:

UIApplicationMain(C_ARGC, C_ARGV, NSStringFromClass(UIApplication), NSStringFromClass(AppDelegate))

and your app will still run!

❓ Explicit Enum Values

enum Rank: Int {
    case Ace = 1
    case Two, Three, four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
    case Jack, Queen, King

If you were to provide explicit raw values of 1 for the first case and 3 for the second case, what would the third be?

enum Test: Int {
    case A = 1
    case B = 3
    case C // equals 4

Implicit raw values are always incremented by 1 from that of the value before it. An error will occur if a value is auto-incremented into one already used.

❓ anyCommonElements Experiment

Modify the anyCommonElements function to make a function that returns an array of the elements that any two sequences have in common.

This wasn't an immediately obvious solution:

func anyCommonElements<
    T, U where T: Sequence, U: Sequence,
    T.GeneratorType.Element: Equatable,
    T.GeneratorType.Element == U.GeneratorType.Element>
    (lhs: T, rhs: U) -> [T.GeneratorType.Element] {
        var commonElements: [T.GeneratorType.Element] = [] // [T.GeneratorType.Element]() doesn't seem to work
            for lhsItem in lhs {
                for rhsItem in rhs {
                    if lhsItem == rhsItem {
        return commonElements

The Basics

πŸ’‘ Keywords as Names

[…] you should avoid using keywords as names unless you have absolutely no choice.

When will this ever happen? Should the backticks feature even exist? I guess `class` is a little better than clazz at least.

❕ Idiomatic Int/UInt Usage

Use UInt only when you specifically need an unsigned integer type with the same size as the platform's native word size. If this is not the case, Int is preferred, even when the values to be stored are known to be non-negative.

❕ Type Inference of Literals

The rules for combining numeric constants and variables are different from the rules for numeric literals. The literal value 3 can be added directly to the literal value 0.14159, because number literals do not have an explicit type in and of themselves. Their type is inferred only at the point that they are evaluated by the compiler.

❓ Common Initialism Conventions

let http404Error = (404, "Not Found")

Does convention dictate that this variable should instead be named HTTP404Error? Here's an example in the frameworks.

πŸ’‘ Optional Binding

Both if let and if var can be used for optional binding, but the former seems to be much more prevalent.

Basic Operators

❓ Remainder Operator Type Inference

8 % 2.5   // equals 0.5

In this example, 8 divided by 2.5 equals 3, with a remainder of 0.5, so the remainder operator returns a Double value of 0.5.

Would the remainder of two Floats also return a Double?


let x: Float = 1.5
let y: Float = 1
let z = x % y   // of type Float

If you try Float(1.5) % 1 you'll also get a Float because Swift will infer the 1 literal to be a Float in this context. Pretty neat! But if you try this:

let x: Float = 1.5
let y: Double = 1
let z = x % y

You'll be reminded that Swift doesn't implicitly convert types for you.

❓ Rigorous Closed Range Operator Definition

The closed range operator (a...b) defines a range that runs from a to b, and includes the values a and b.

What happens if a and b have the same value? It turns out that the loop will execute once, not twice. So for i in 1...1 would be a redundantly silly way to say "do this once."

Collection Types

❓ Array Type Inference

Thanks to type inference, you don't need to specify the type to be stored in the array when using [the repeated value] initializer, because it can be inferred from the default value:

var anotherThreeDoubles = [Double](count: 3, repeatedValue: 2.5)

After thinking about it for a while, I believe this to be a mistake. Using a repeated value of 1 will still yield a [Double] since it's explicitly stated in the initializer. They probably intended to use Array(count: 3, repeatedValue: 2.5), at which point the above quotation is true. I submitted this as an issue on their bug reporter.

Control Flow

πŸ’‘ Break in a Loop Statement

When used inside a loop statement, break ends the loop's execution immediately.

The following loop has an interesting (although possibly obvious) property:

var i: Int
for i = 0; i < 10; ++i {
    // if i == 9 { break }

It executes 10 times either way, but if you uncomment the break, it will print 9 instead of 10.


❕ Automatic External Parameter Names

You can opt out of this behavior by writing an underscore (_) instead of an explicit external name when you define the parameter.

πŸ’‘ Variadic Parameter Types

Variadic parameters simply appear within a function's body as a typed Arrayβ€”no va_list or va_args.


πŸ’‘ Associated Values

The ability to associate values with members of an enumeration is a language feature I've never even heard of before, so this section is definitely worth reading twice.

Classes and Structures

❕ Memberwise Initializers

All structures have an automatically-generated memberwise initializer, which you can use to initialize the member properties of new structure instances.

πŸ’‘ Identity Operators and Strings

The identical to operator (===) checks if two variables or constants refer to the same class instances.

A String is passed around by reference behind the scenes, and two values may even lazily refer to the same reference. How might === behave for two value types with the same value but different underlying references?

It turns out that there's no way to play around with this, because === only works for types conforming to the AnyObject protocol, and non-class type 'String' cannot conform to class protocol 'AnyObject'. Interesting to think about though.


πŸ’‘ Property Observers

If you assign a value to a property within its own didSet observer, the new value that you assign will replace the one that was just set.

Good thing this doesn't cause an infinite didSet loop!

πŸ’‘ Lazy Evaluation

Global constants and variables are always computed lazily.

Imagine the effect on startup time if you had a lot of global constants or variables. It would be instinctive to prefix them all with lazy, but luckily this is already the default and you don't even have to think about it.


❕ Methods on struct and enum

The fact that structures and enumerations can define methods in Swift is a major difference from C and Objective-C.

❕ Implicit self Compliance

Within the body of a type method, the implicit self property refers to the type itself, rather than an instance of that type.


πŸ’‘ Subscript Overloading

Similar to method or operator overloading, subscript overloading is the term for defining more than one subscript on a type.


πŸ’‘ Classes vs. Other Types

The main difference between classes and other types in Swift is that they have reference, rather than value, semantics. The other major difference is that they allow inheritance.

❕ How to Call super on Subscripts

An overridden subscript for someIndex can access the superclass version of the same subscript as super[someIndex] from within the overriding subscript implementation.

❕ Overriding Property Access

You can present an inherited read-only property as a read-write property by providing both a getter and a setter in your subclass property override. You cannot, however, present an inherited read-write property as a read-only property.


πŸ’‘ Initial Values

Classes and structures must set all of their stored properties to an appropriate initial value by the time an instance of that class or structure is created.

This requirement is mostly likely just an implementation detail and may be removed at some point in the future.

❕ Calling Other Initializers

The process of an initializer calling another is referred to as initializer delegation.

❕ Initializers on Value Types

If you define a custom initializer for a value type, you will no longer have access to the default initializer (or the memberwise initializer, if it is a structure) for that type.

❕ Failable Initializer Syntax

Although you write return nil to trigger an initialization failure, you do not use the return keyword to indicate initialization success.

πŸ’‘ init!

Using init? to indicate that initialization can fail is an effective way to handle errors. It returns a Type?, implying that either a value or "nothing" was initialized. But when would init! be useful? Implicitly-unwrapped optionals indicate that you can be confident that the value you're currently working with is not nil without having to check it, but that it may have been nil at some point in its lifetime. Since you're working with a value from the very beginning of its lifetime when you obtain it from an initializer, there aren't many use cases for init!.

It likely exists to help out with the Objective-C framework transitions to avoid having to manually check every single converted initializer, since "this thing might be nil but probably isn't" is how Objective-C works by default.

One other use case is overriding a failable initializer with one that you know will never fail, but other than that init! should probably be avoided when possible.


❕ super.deinit()?

[…] the superclass deinitializer is called automatically at the end of a subclass deinitializer implementation.

Automatic Reference Counting

❓ Strong Reference Cycles

Here's an example of how a strong reference cycle can be created by accident.

This is a very important concept in ARC, and one that's easy to completely gloss over or forget about entirely. StrongReferenceCycles.playground contains the sample code modified to work in a Playground, because the best way of learning is to see for yourself firsthand and tinker.

❕ Capture Lists

[unowned self] can be read as…

"capture self as an unowned reference rather than a strong reference".

Optional Chaining

❕ Chaining on Non-Optionals

[…] the result of an optional chaining call is always an optional value, even if the property, method, or subscript you are querying returns a non-optional value.

❓ Prefix Increment Operator on Optionals

An example of using the postfix increment operator on a chained optional is given:


But where should ++ go for prefix incrementing? Is it even possible?

Type Casting

πŸ’‘ Type Inference

Swift's type checker is able to deduce that Movie and Song have a common superclass of MediaItem, and so it infers a type of [MediaItem] for the library array:


❕ Type Checking

is is referred to as the type check operator. Likewise, as is the type cast operator.

πŸ’‘ Downcasting Arrays

This is a very common and helpful pattern when working with an Array whose type is known to be different than that of the instance (e.g., an NSArray):

for movie in someObjects as [Movie] {
    println("Movie: '\(', dir. \(movie.director)")


❕ Retroactive Modeling

Retroactive modeling is the term for

extending types for which you do not have access to the original source code.

❓ Convenience Initializers for Value Types

An example is given extending a Rect structure with init(center: Point, size: Size). This is clearly for convenience purposes since all it does is compute the value of the expected origin argument and delegate to that initializer instead. However, no convenience keyword is present. This is because the concept of convenience initializers only truly applies to classes, and value types must rely on extensions to achieve the same effect.


❕ Protocols Shared by Reference and Value Types

Always prefix type property requirements with the class keyword when you define them in a protocol. This rule pertains even though type property requirements are prefixed with the static keyword when implemented by a structure or enumeration.


❕ Placeholder Types

For a placeholder type T in a function parameter,

The placeholder type represented by the type parameter is replaced with an actual type whenever the function is called.

❕ Naming Type Parameters

It is traditional to use the single-character name T for the type parameter. However, you can use any valid identifier as the type parameter name.

πŸ’‘ On Optionals

The topItem property returns an optional value of type T. If the stack is empty, topItem returns nil; if the stack is not empty, topItem returns the final item in the items array.

Optionals are great!

πŸ’‘ Type Constraints

The section on type constraints details a unique language feature and is definitely worth reading a second time.

πŸ’‘ typealias

Associated types are a concept not often found in other languages, so the section on it is worth reading carefully.

❕ Where Clauses

A where clause enables you to require that an associated type conforms to a certain protocol, and/or that certain type parameters and associated types be the same.

Access Control

πŸ’‘ Guiding Principle

This must be important, because it's the only fully-italicized sentence in the entire book:

Access levels in Swift follow an overall guiding principle: No entity can be defined in terms of another entity that has a lower (more restrictive) access level.

πŸ’‘ private

"To hide implementation details" is the best description of the concept of private I've ever read. It's concise yet leaves no room for ambiguity.

❕ Access Level Propagation

The access control level of a type also affects the default access level of that type's members.

❕ Inheritance Access

An override can make an inherited class member more accessible than its superclass version.

πŸ’‘ File-Scoped Private

public class A {
    private func someMethod() {}

internal class B: A {
    override internal func someMethod() {

Because superclass A and subclass B are defined in the same source file, it is valid for the B implementation of someMethod to call super.someMethod().

Although obvious based on the definition of private, this is radically different from other programming languages.

Advanced Operators

πŸ’‘ Overflow Operators Begin With &

So ampersands have two usesβ€”overflow operators and inout parameters.

❓ Overflow Operators

Are overflow operators (&+, &-, &*, &/, &%) unique to Swift? They're a clever ideaβ€”overflow is a silent killer!

❓ Divide by Zero

Division or remainder by zero causes an error, but equals zero if the overflow operators are used instead. Why?

❕ +=, etc.

Operators combining assignment with another operation are called compound assignment operators.


A high-level overview of the Swift book






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