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Welcome Week Fairs

Ari Bible edited this page Oct 5, 2017 · 4 revisions

Welcome Week CSE Student Orgs Fair

This event is held in the Lind Courtyard during Welcome Week. Sign up in July-ish via email from CSE / Ben Koch. Arrive early to claim a good location. Tables are provided. Bring the ACM UMN table skirt, have new and eye-catching posterboards prepared (and make sure that they won't get blown over by wind,) bring plenty of quarter-sheets, and maybe even bring (non-melty) candy to attract the children. Have 3 or so people staffed at the booth throughout the event. Students will come in waves. Dress for the weather. Any entertaining gadgets (like drones) can be fun and attract attention (plus it's funny to out-drone the copter club) but don't overdo it.