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Working With the Remote Acquaman GitHub Repository

iainworkman edited this page May 27, 2014 · 4 revisions

Until an issue is ready for testing, the local branch created for that issues lives only on the machine it was created on. In order to test an issue on the actual beamline it will be required to build and run it on the machine which is used to perform beamline actions. In order to do this the local branch will have to be pushed to the remote, and then pulled down from the remote onto the beamline machine.

Pushing an Issue from Local to Remote

  • Navigate to the Acquaman development folder: cd beamline/programming/acquaman
  • Ensure you're on the correct branch you wish to push: git branch
  • If you are on the correct branch push your branch to the remote: git push origin Issue###, where Issue### is the name of the local branch. This will then create a new branch on the remote site which mirrors your local branch.

Pulling an Issue from Remote to Local

  • On the machine which you wish to test the branch on, navigate to the Acquaman development folder in the build environment your beamline uses for building of Acquaman cd beamline/programming/acquaman
  • Create a new local branch which mirrors your issue branch currently on the remote: git checkout -b origin/Issue### where Issue### is the branch name you wish to get from the remote.
  • Build, run and test using the procedure used by your beamline.