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505 lines (379 loc) · 20.8 KB
id name rule_type description accessibility_requirements input_aspects acknowledgments
Text inside widget has minimum contrast
This rule checks that, for text in widgets, the highest possible contrast of every text character with its background meets the minimal contrast requirement.
wcag20:1.4.3 wcag20:1.4.6
forConformance failed passed inapplicable
not satisfied
further testing needed
further testing needed
forConformance failed passed inapplicable
not satisfied
further testing needed
further testing needed
Accessibility Tree
DOM Tree
CSS Styling
Jean-Yves Moyen


This rule applies to a visible character in a text node for which all the following are true:

Applicable States

This rule applies whenever the closest ancestor of the text node in the flat tree is in any state [def needed, intention here is "set of CSS pseudo classes matched by an element"] that contains neither :active nor :hover.


For each test target, the highest possible contrast between its foreground colors and background colors is at least 4.5:1 or 3.0:1 for larger scale text, except if the test target is part of a text node that is purely decorative or does not express anything in human language.


  • Success criterion 1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum) and Success criterion 1.4.6: Contrast (Enhanced) have exceptions for "incidental" text, which includes inactive user interface components and decorative texts. The rule assumes that text nodes that should be ignored are disabled or hidden from assistive technologies. If this isn't the case, the text node could fail this rule while the success criteria could still be satisfied.

  • Success criterion 1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum) and Success criterion 1.4.6: Contrast (Enhanced) also have an exception for logos and brand names. Since logos and brand names are usually displayed through images to ensure correct rendering, this rule does not take logos or brand names into consideration. If a logo or brand name is included using text nodes, the text node could fail while the success criteria could still be satisfied.

  • Text that has the same foreground and background color (a contrast ratio of 1:1) is not considered to be "visual presentation of text", making it inapplicable to the success criterion. Text hidden in this way can still cause accessibility issues under other success criteria, depending on the content.

  • The definition of disabled element assumes that when the aria-disabled attribute is specified on an element, this element has also been disabled for users that do not rely on assistive technology. If this is not the case, that definition may produce incorrect results and in consequence this rule might be Inapplicable to some text nodes that still require a good contrast ratio.

  • This rule considers that :hover and especially :active are transient states and therefore a poor color contrast during the short time when they are matched is not causing any issue. Therefore, the rule does not check widgets in these states. If these states still require a high contrast ratio, it is possible to pass still rule while still failing Success criterion 1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum) and Success criterion 1.4.6: Contrast (Enhanced).

  • This rule only checks the various appearances of widgets that correspond to states [def needed]. Scripting can result in changes of appearance after interaction that are not reflected that way. For example, a onclick function could change the CSS classes on an element and thus result in changing the text colors. This rule does not check these and thus can pass while still failing Success criterion 1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum) and Success criterion 1.4.6: Contrast (Enhanced). Such interactions must be tested separately.

Accessibility Support

  • Different browsers have different levels of support for CSS. This can cause contrast issues in one browser that do not appear in another. Because of that, this rule can produce different results depending on the browser that is used. For example, a text that is positioned using CSS transform may be on a different background in a browser that does not support CSS transform.
  • Implementation of Presentational Roles Conflict Resolution varies from one browser or assistive technology to another. Depending on this, some elements can have a semantic role inheriting from widget and fail this rule with some technology but users of other technologies would not experience any accessibility issue.


The enabled condition effectively prevents :disabled to be in the state [def needed].

The CSS pseudo-classes are naturally mapped to the native "HTML widgets" (elements whose implicit role inherits from widget) depending on the state of the page and according to the HTML pseudo-classes. On the other hand, "ARIA widgets" (elements whose implicit role does not inherit from widget, but with an explicit role) normally can't match most pseudo-classes. For example, an HTML link (such as an a element with an href attribute) will always match either the :link or :visited widget pseudo-class, but an ARIA link (such as a <span role="link">) will never match any of these. This is a consequence of ARIA's Non-interference with the Host Language. ARIA widgets are nonetheless considered by this rule with an empty state, and sometimes also with :focus if the element has been made focusable.

Passing this rule does not mean that the text has sufficient color contrast. If all background pixels have a low contrast with all foreground pixels, the success criterion is guaranteed to not be satisfied. When some pixels have sufficient contrast, and others do not, legibility should be considered. There is no clear method for determining legibility, which is why this is out of scope for this rule.

When the text color or background color is not specified in the web page, colors from other origins will be used. Testers must ensure colors are not affected by styles from a user origin, such as a custom style sheet. Contrast issues caused by specifying the text color but not the background or vise versa, must be tested separately from this rule.

Due to the various widget pseudo-classes that a given element can match, each example often contains several test targets. For example, a link is applicable with the sets of widget pseudo-classes {:link}, {:link, :focus}, {:visited}, and {:visited, :focus}. Test case descriptions often do not list all of these, unless the example illustrates something about them.

Test Cases


Passed Example 1

With default browser styling, the text in this a element with an implicit role of link has a white background and is blue (#0000EE) thus it has a contrast ratio of 9.4:1.

<a href="">ACT rules</a>

Passed Example 2

With default browser styling, the text in the span element inside this link has contrast ratio of 9.4:1 when the a element matches :link, and 11:1 when it matches :visited. The text is not a child of the widget, but is nonetheless a descendant of it.

<a href=""><span>ACT rules</span></a>

Passed Example 3

With default browser styling, the text in this button element has a light gray background (#EFEFEF) and black text, resulting in a 18.3:1 contrast ratio.

<button>ACT rules</button>

Passed Example 4

With default browser styling, the text in this focused a element with an implicit role of link has a white background and is blue (#0000EE), thus it has a contrast ratio of 9.4:1.

		function focus(id) {
	<body onload="focus('link')">
		<a id="link" href="">ACT rules</a>

Passed Example 5

With default browser styling, the text in this visited a element with an implicit role of link has a white background and is purple (#551A8B), thus it has a contrast ratio of 11:1.

		// Mark an URL as visited without actually altering history.
		function visit(url) {
			current_url = window.location.href
			current_state = history.state
			history.replaceState({}, '', url)
			history.replaceState(current_state, '', current_url)
	<body onload="visit('../../rules')">
		<a href="../../rules">ACT rules</a>

Passed Example 6

With default browser styling, the text in this visited and focused a element with an implicit role of link has a white background and is purple (#551A8B), thus it has a contrast ratio 11:1.

		// Mark an URL as visited without actually altering history.
		function visit(url) {
			current_url = window.location.href
			current_state = history.state
			history.replaceState({}, '', url)
			history.replaceState(current_state, '', current_url)

		function focus(id) {
	<body onload="visit('../../rules'); focus('link')">
		<a id="link" href="../../rules">ACT rules</a>

Passed Example 7

TODO: split into 4 examples as 1/4/5/6?

The text in this link, on default white background, has color contrast ratios of 8.6:1, 10:1, 5.1:1, and 5.2:1 in the 4 states listed in the style element.

	:link {
		color: blue;
	:visited {
		color: darkred;
	:link:focus {
		color: green;
	:visited:focus {
		color: #707000;
<a href="">ACT rules</a>

Passed Example 8

The text in this input element, on default white background, has color contrast ratios of 5.1:1, and 8.6:1 when it's focused or not. Note that in modern browsers, the text itself is included in a shadow tree inside the input element.

	input {
		color: blue;
	input:focus {
		color: green;
<input value="ACT rules" />

Passed Example 6

The text in this input element, on default white background, has color contrast ratios of 5.1:1, and 10:1 when it's focused or not. Note that when the input element is matching both the :placeholder-shown and the :focus widget pseudo-classes, the styling defined latest takes precedence. The text keeps a color ratio of 8.6:1 if some value is provided.

	input {
		color: blue;
	input:placeholder-shown {
		color: darkred;
	input:focus {
		color: green;
<input placeholder="W3C" />

Passed Example 7

With default browser styling, the text in this link, has a white background and is blue (#0000EE) when matching :link and purple (#551A8B) when matching :visited. These colors have a respective contrast ratios of 9.4:1 and 11:1 with the white background. When the link matches both :link and :active, the contrast ratio of its text is only 2:1, however, the :active widget pseudo-class is ignored by this rule.

	:link:active {
		color: orange;
<a href="">ACT rules</a>

Passed Example 8

The dark gray text in this span element with an explicit role of link has a color contrast ratio of 12.6:1 on the white background. Note that it cannot match any of the widget pseudo-classes and is thus only applicable with the empty set of such pseudo-classes.

<span style="color: #333; background: #FFF;" role="link">
	Some text in a human language

Passed Example 9

The dark gray text in this span element with an explicit role of link has a color contrast ratio of 12.6:1 on the white background. Note that it can only match the :focus widget pseudo-class and is thus only applicable with the empty set and with the singleton set {:focus}.

<span style="color: #333; background: #FFF;" role="link" tabindex="0">
	Some text in a human language

Passed Example 10

The dark gray text in this link has a contrast ratio between 12.6:1 and 9.5:1 on the white to blue gradient background.

<p style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #00f); width: 500px;">
	<a style="color: #333;" href="">ACT rules</a>

Passed Example 11

This light gray text in this link has a contrast ratio between 13:1 and 5:1 on the background image.

	style="height: 50px; padding-top: 15px; background: #000 no-repeat -20px -20px url('/test-assets/contrast/black-hole.jpeg');"
	<a style="color: #ccc;" href="">ACT rules</a>

Passed Example 12

The 18pt large black text in this link has a contrast ratio of 3.6:1 on the gray background.

<a style="color: #000; font-size: 18pt; background: #666;" href="">ACT rules</a>

Passed Example 13

The 14pt bold black text in this link has a contrast ratio of 3.6:1 on the gray background.

<a style="color: #000; font-size: 18pt; background: #666;" href="">ACT rules</a>

Passed Example 14

The text in this button element does not convey anything in human language.

<button style="color: #000; background: #666;">X</button>


Failed Example 1

The text in this link has a contrast ratio of 3.6:1.

<a style="color: #000; background: #666;" href="">ACT rules</a>

Failed Example 2

The text in this button has a contrast ratio of 3.6:1.

<button style="color: #000; background: #666;">ACT rules</button>

Failed Example 3

The text in this link, on default white background, has color contrast ratios of 1.5:1, 4:1, 1.3:1, and 2:1 in the 4 states listed in the style element.

	:link {
		color: lightblue;
	:visited {
		color: red;
	:link:focus {
		color: cyan;
	:visited:focus {
		color: orange;
<a href="">ACT rules</a>

Failed Example 4

With default browser styling, the text in this link, has a white background and is blue (#0000EE) when matching :link and purple (#551A8B) when matching :visited. These colors have a respective contrast ratios of 9.4:1 and 11:1 with the white background. However, when the link matches both :visited and :focus, it only has a color contrast ratio of 2:1.

	a:visited:focus {
		color: orange;
<a href="">ACT rules</a>

Failed Example 5

The text in this input element, on default white background, has color contrast ratios of 2:1, and 1.5:1 when it's focused or not.

	input {
		color: lightblue;
	input:focus {
		color: orange;
<input value="ACT rules" />

Failed Example 6

The placeholder text in this input element, on default white background, has color contrast ratios of 5.1:1, and 10:1 when it's focused or not. However, when text is entered and the placeholder is not shown, the text has only a 1.5:1 color contrast ratio.

	input {
		color: lightblue;
	input:placeholder-shown {
		color: darkred;
	input:focus {
		color: green;
<input placeholder="W3C" />

Failed Example 7

The light gray text in this span element with an explicit role of link has a color contrast ratio of 2.3:1 on the white background.

<span style="color: #AAA; background: #FFF;" role="link" tabindex="0">
	Some text in a human language

Failed Example 8

The light gray text in this link has a contrast ratio between 1.6:1 and 1.2:1 on the white to blue gradient background.

<p style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #00f); width: 500px;">
	<a style="color: #CCC;" href="">ACT rules</a>


Inapplicable Example 1

There is no HTML element.

	<a href=""><text x="0" y="15">ACT rules</text></a>

Inapplicable Example 2

There is no text which is part of a text node.

<a href="">
	<img scr="/test-assets/shared/act-logo.png" alt="ACT rule" />

Inapplicable Example 3

There is no text node with a widget as an ancestor.

<p>I love ACT rules!</p>

Inapplicable Example 4

The text in this link is not visible because of display: none.

<a style="display: none" href="">ACT rules</a>

Inapplicable Example 5

The text in this link is not visible because it is positioned off-screen.

<a style="position:absolute; top: -999em" href="">ACT rules</a>

Inapplicable Example 6

The text in this link is not visible because the foreground color is the same as the background color.

<a style="color: white; background: white;" href="">ACT rules</a>

Inapplicable Example 7

This text is in a disabled widget.

<button style="color: #000; background: #666;" disabled>ACT rules</button>