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Ubuntu 24.04 is now available
[Ubuntu, Windows] Docker Compose v1 will be removed from images on July, 9
[Ubuntu] ubuntu-toolchain-r/test repository will be removed from images on May 13

Ubuntu 20.04

  • OS Version: 20.04.6 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1064-azure
  • Image Version: 20240514.2.0
  • Systemd version: 245.4-4ubuntu3.23

Installed Software

Language and Runtime

  • Bash 5.0.17(1)-release
  • Clang: 10.0.0, 11.0.0, 12.0.0
  • Clang-format: 10.0.0, 11.0.0, 12.0.0
  • Clang-tidy: 10.0.0, 11.0.0, 12.0.0
  • Dash
  • Erlang 25.3 (Eshell 13.2)
  • Erlang rebar3 3.23.0
  • GNU C++: 10.5.0
  • GNU Fortran: 10.5.0
  • Julia 1.10.3
  • Kotlin 1.9.24-release-822
  • Mono
  • MSBuild (Mono
  • Node.js 18.20.2
  • Perl 5.30.0
  • Python 3.8.10
  • Ruby 2.7.0p0
  • Swift 5.10

Package Management

  • cpan 1.64
  • Helm 3.14.4
  • Homebrew 4.3.0
  • Miniconda 24.3.0
  • Npm 10.5.0
  • NuGet
  • Pip 20.0.2
  • Pip3 20.0.2
  • Pipx 1.5.0
  • RubyGems 3.1.2
  • Vcpkg (build from commit bd2b54836)
  • Yarn 1.22.22

Environment variables

Name Value
CONDA /usr/share/miniconda
VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT /usr/local/share/vcpkg

Homebrew note

Location: /home/linuxbrew
Note: Homebrew is pre-installed on image but not added to PATH.
run the eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)" command
to accomplish this.

Project Management

  • Ant 1.10.7
  • Gradle 8.7
  • Lerna 8.1.3
  • Maven 3.8.8
  • Sbt 1.10.0


  • Ansible 2.13.13
  • apt-fast 1.10.0
  • AzCopy 10.24.0 - available by azcopy and azcopy10 aliases
  • Bazel 7.1.2
  • Bazelisk 1.19.0
  • Bicep 0.27.1
  • Buildah 1.22.3
  • CMake 3.29.3
  • CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.2
  • Docker Amazon ECR Credential Helper 0.8.0
  • Docker Compose v1 1.29.2
  • Docker Compose v2 2.23.3
  • Docker-Buildx 0.14.0
  • Docker Client 24.0.9
  • Docker Server 24.0.9
  • Fastlane 2.220.0
  • Git 2.43.2
  • Git LFS 3.5.1
  • Git-ftp 1.6.0
  • Haveged 1.9.1
  • Heroku 8.11.5
  • HHVM (HipHop VM) 4.172.1
  • jq 1.6
  • Kind 0.23.0
  • Kubectl 1.30.0
  • Kustomize 5.4.1
  • Leiningen 2.11.2
  • MediaInfo 19.09
  • Mercurial 5.3.1
  • Minikube 1.33.1
  • n 9.2.3
  • Newman 6.1.2
  • nvm 0.39.7
  • OpenSSL 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.22
  • Packer 1.10.3
  • Parcel 2.12.0
  • PhantomJS 2.1.1 2.1.1
  • Podman 3.4.2
  • Pulumi 3.116.0
  • R 4.4.0
  • Skopeo 1.5.0
  • Sphinx Open Source Search Server 2.2.11
  • SVN 1.13.0
  • Terraform 1.8.3
  • yamllint 1.35.1
  • yq 4.44.1
  • zstd 1.5.6

CLI Tools

  • Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.174
  • AWS CLI 2.15.50
  • AWS CLI Session Manager Plugin 1.2.553.0
  • AWS SAM CLI 1.116.0
  • Azure CLI 2.60.0
  • Azure CLI (azure-devops) 1.0.0
  • GitHub CLI 2.49.2
  • Google Cloud CLI 476.0.0
  • Netlify CLI 17.23.5
  • OpenShift CLI 4.15.12
  • ORAS CLI 1.1.0
  • Vercel CLI 34.1.14


Version Environment Variable
8.0.412+8 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.23+9 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.11+9 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.3+9 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

PHP Tools

  • PHP: 7.4.33, 8.0.30, 8.1.28, 8.2.19, 8.3.7
  • Composer 2.7.6
  • PHPUnit 8.5.38
Both Xdebug and PCOV extensions are installed, but only Xdebug is enabled.

Haskell Tools

  • Cabal
  • GHC 9.10.1
  • GHCup
  • Stack 2.15.7

Rust Tools

  • Cargo 1.78.0
  • Rust 1.78.0
  • Rustdoc 1.78.0
  • Rustup 1.27.1


  • Bindgen 0.69.4
  • Cargo audit 0.20.0
  • Cargo clippy 0.1.78
  • Cargo outdated 0.15.0
  • Cbindgen 0.26.0
  • Rustfmt 1.7.0

Browsers and Drivers

  • Google Chrome 124.0.6367.207
  • ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.207
  • Chromium 124.0.6367.0
  • Microsoft Edge 124.0.2478.105
  • Microsoft Edge WebDriver 124.0.2478.105
  • Selenium server 4.20.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 126.0
  • Geckodriver 0.34.0

Environment variables

Name Value
CHROMEWEBDRIVER /usr/local/share/chromedriver-linux64
EDGEWEBDRIVER /usr/local/share/edge_driver
GECKOWEBDRIVER /usr/local/share/gecko_driver
SELENIUM_JAR_PATH /usr/share/java/selenium-server.jar

.NET Tools

  • .NET Core SDK: 6.0.422, 7.0.409, 8.0.300
  • nbgv 3.6.133+2d32d93cb1


  • MongoDB 5.0.26
  • sqlite3 3.31.1


  • PostgreSQL 14.12
User: postgres
PostgreSQL service is disabled by default.
Use the following command as a part of your job to start the service: 'sudo systemctl start postgresql.service'


  • MySQL 8.0.36-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
User: root
Password: root
MySQL service is disabled by default.
Use the following command as a part of your job to start the service: 'sudo systemctl start mysql.service'


  • sqlcmd 17.10.0001.1
  • SqlPackage

Cached Tools


  • 1.20.14
  • 1.21.10
  • 1.22.3


  • 16.20.2
  • 18.20.2
  • 20.13.1


  • 3.7.17
  • 3.8.18
  • 3.9.19
  • 3.10.14
  • 3.11.9
  • 3.12.3


  • 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.16]
  • 3.6.12 [PyPy 7.3.3]
  • 3.7.13 [PyPy 7.3.9]
  • 3.8.16 [PyPy 7.3.11]
  • 3.9.19 [PyPy 7.3.16]
  • 3.10.14 [PyPy 7.3.16]


  • 3.0.7
  • 3.1.5

PowerShell Tools

  • PowerShell 7.4.1

PowerShell Modules

  • Az: 11.3.1
  • MarkdownPS: 1.9
  • Microsoft.Graph: 2.19.0
  • Pester: 5.5.0
  • PSScriptAnalyzer: 1.22.0

Web Servers

Name Version ConfigFile ServiceStatus ListenPort
apache2 2.4.41 /etc/apache2/apache2.conf inactive 80
mono-xsp4 4.7.1 /etc/default/mono-xsp4 active 8084
nginx 1.18.0 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf inactive 80


Package Name Version
Android Command Line Tools 9.0
Android SDK Build-tools 34.0.0
33.0.0 33.0.1 33.0.2 33.0.3
Android SDK Platforms android-34-ext8 (rev 1)
android-34-ext11 (rev 1)
android-34 (rev 3)
android-33-ext5 (rev 1)
android-33-ext4 (rev 1)
android-33 (rev 3)
android-32 (rev 1)
android-31 (rev 1)
Android Support Repository 47.0.0
CMake 3.10.2
Google Play services 49
Google Repository 58
NDK 24.0.8215888
25.2.9519653 (default)

Environment variables

Name Value
ANDROID_HOME /usr/local/lib/android/sdk
ANDROID_NDK /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653
ANDROID_NDK_HOME /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653
ANDROID_NDK_LATEST_HOME /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk/26.3.11579264
ANDROID_NDK_ROOT /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT /usr/local/lib/android/sdk

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
alpine:3.16 sha256:452e7292acee0ee16c332324d7de05fa2c99f9994ecc9f0779c602916a672ae4 2024-01-27
alpine:3.17 sha256:53cf9478b76f4c8fae126acbdfb79bed6e69e628faff572ebe4a029d3d247d98 2024-01-27
alpine:3.18 sha256:11e21d7b981a59554b3f822c49f6e9f57b6068bb74f49c4cd5cc4c663c7e5160 2024-01-27
debian:10 sha256:6e7bd55a5705914837aad8db01b349f4617510c11e47ccae8e87f6f14e489626 2024-05-14
debian:11 sha256:2c7a92a41cb814c00e7d455b2bc0c90ccdb9a4ced2ffdc10e562c7a84a186032 2024-05-14
debian:9 sha256:c5c5200ff1e9c73ffbf188b4a67eb1c91531b644856b4aefe86a58d2f0cb05be 2022-06-23
moby/buildkit:latest sha256:9194b5ec1be368f41c516df7f93f7f540630ea06136056b2ffebb62226ed4ad6 2024-04-25
node:16 sha256:f77a1aef2da8d83e45ec990f45df50f1a286c5fe8bbfb8c6e4246c6389705c0b 2023-09-07
node:16-alpine sha256:a1f9d027912b58a7c75be7716c97cfbc6d3099f3a97ed84aa490be9dee20e787 2023-08-10
node:18 sha256:5bac3a1edff13e76586b8eaef1d411fcd80e4f18cce5bc40ea6993245e0721ec 2024-05-14
node:18-alpine sha256:4837c2ac8998cf172f5892fb45f229c328e4824c43c8506f8ba9c7996d702430 2024-04-23
node:20 sha256:d6925dc84f8c0d1c1f8df4ea6a9a54e57d430241cb734b1b0c45ed6d26e8e9c0 2024-05-14
node:20-alpine sha256:291e84d956f1aff38454bbd3da38941461ad569a185c20aa289f71f37ea08e23 2024-05-09
ubuntu:20.04 sha256:874aca52f79ae5f8258faff03e10ce99ae836f6e7d2df6ecd3da5c1cad3a912b 2024-04-27

Installed apt packages

Name Version
acl 2.2.53-6
aria2 1.35.0-1build1
autoconf 2.69-11.1
automake 1:1.16.1-4ubuntu6
binutils 2.34-6ubuntu1.9
bison 2:3.5.1+dfsg-1
brotli 1.0.7-6ubuntu0.1
bzip2 1.0.8-2
coreutils 8.30-3ubuntu2
curl 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.22
dbus 1.12.16-2ubuntu2.3
dnsutils 1:9.16.48-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
dpkg 1.19.7ubuntu3.2
dpkg-dev 1.19.7ubuntu3.2
fakeroot 1.24-1
file 1:5.38-4
findutils 4.7.0-1ubuntu1
flex 2.6.4-6.2
fonts-noto-color-emoji 0~20200916-1~ubuntu20.04.1
ftp 0.17-34.1
g++ 4:9.3.0-1ubuntu2
gcc 4:9.3.0-1ubuntu2
gnupg2 2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
haveged 1.9.1-6ubuntu1
imagemagick 8:
iproute2 5.5.0-1ubuntu1
iputils-ping 3:20190709-3ubuntu1
jq 1.6-1ubuntu0.20.04.1
lib32z1 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2ubuntu1.5
libc++-dev 1:10.0-50~exp1
libc++abi-dev 1:10.0-50~exp1
libc6-dev 2.31-0ubuntu9.15
libcurl4 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.22
libgbm-dev 21.2.6-0ubuntu0.1~20.04.2
libgconf-2-4 3.2.6-6ubuntu1
libgsl-dev 2.5+dfsg-6+deb10u1build0.20.04.1
libgtk-3-0 3.24.20-0ubuntu1.1
libmagic-dev 1:5.38-4
libmagickcore-dev 8:
libmagickwand-dev 8:
libsecret-1-dev 0.20.4-0ubuntu1
libsqlite3-dev 3.31.1-4ubuntu0.6
libtool 2.4.6-14
libunwind8 1.2.1-9ubuntu0.1
libxkbfile-dev 1:1.1.0-1
libxss1 1:1.2.3-1
libyaml-dev 0.2.2-1
locales 2.31-0ubuntu9.15
m4 1.4.18-4
make 4.2.1-1.2
mediainfo 19.09-1build1
mercurial 5.3.1-1ubuntu1
net-tools 1.60+git20180626.aebd88e-1ubuntu1
netcat 1.206-1ubuntu1
openssh-client 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.11
p7zip-full 16.02+dfsg-7build1
p7zip-rar 16.02-3build1
parallel 20161222-1.1
pass 1.7.3-2
patchelf 0.10-2build1
pigz 2.4-1
pkg-config 0.29.1-0ubuntu4
pollinate 4.33-3ubuntu1.20.04.1
python-is-python3 3.8.2-4
rsync 3.1.3-8ubuntu0.7
shellcheck 0.7.0-2build2
sphinxsearch 2.2.11-2ubuntu2
sqlite3 3.31.1-4ubuntu0.6
ssh 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.11
sshpass 1.06-1
subversion 1.13.0-3ubuntu0.2
sudo 1.8.31-1ubuntu1.5
swig 4.0.1-5build1
tar 1.30+dfsg-7ubuntu0.20.04.4
telnet 0.17-41.2build1
texinfo 6.7.0.dfsg.2-5
time 1.7-25.1build1
tk 8.6.9+1
tzdata 2024a-0ubuntu0.20.04
unzip 6.0-25ubuntu1.2
upx 3.95-2build1
wget 1.20.3-1ubuntu2
xorriso 1.5.2-1
xvfb 2:1.20.13-1ubuntu1~20.04.17
xz-utils 5.2.4-1ubuntu1.1
zip 3.0-11build1
zsync 0.6.2-3ubuntu1