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Releases: actions/runner-images

Ubuntu 22.04 (20240514) Image Update

15 May 09:38
Choose a tag to compare
Ubuntu 24.04 is now available
[Ubuntu, Windows] Docker Compose v1 will be removed from images on July, 9
[Ubuntu] ubuntu-toolchain-r/test repository will be removed from images on May 13

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 22.04

  • OS Version: 22.04.4 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 6.5.0-1021-azure
  • Image Version: 20240514.2.1
  • Systemd version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.12

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20240514.2.1)
Project Management Ant 1.10.12
Gradle 8.7
Sbt 1.10.0
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 8.0.300

Deleted ➖

Category Tool name Previous (20240422.1.0)
Language and Runtime GNU C++ 9.5.0, 13.1.0
GNU Fortran 9.5.0, 13.1.0
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 8.0.204


Category Tool name Previous (20240422.1.0) Current (20240514.2.1)
Kernel Version 6.5.0-1018-azure 6.5.0-1021-azure
Language and Runtime Julia 1.10.2 1.10.3
Kotlin 1.9.23-release-779 1.9.24-release-822
Package Management Homebrew 4.2.19 4.3.0
Vcpkg (build from commit 9224b3bbd) (build from commit bd2b54836)
Project Management Lerna 8.1.2 8.1.3
Tools Bazel 7.1.1 7.1.2
Bicep 0.26.170 0.27.1
CMake 3.29.2 3.29.3
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.0 2.17.2
Docker Amazon ECR Credential Helper 0.7.1 0.8.0
Heroku 8.11.4 8.11.5
Kind 0.22.0 0.23.0
Minikube 1.33.0 1.33.1
Packer 1.10.2 1.10.3
Pulumi 3.113.3 3.116.0
R 4.3.3 4.4.0
Terraform 1.8.1 1.8.3
yq 4.43.1 4.44.1
CLI Tools Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.202 3.0.205
AWS CLI 2.15.40 2.15.50
AWS SAM CLI 1.115.0 1.116.0
Azure CLI 2.59.0 2.60.0
GitHub CLI 2.48.0 2.49.2
Google Cloud CLI 472.0.0 476.0.0
Netlify CLI 17.22.1 17.23.5
OpenShift CLI 4.15.9 4.15.12
Vercel CLI 34.1.1 34.1.14
PHP Tools Composer 2.7.3 2.7.6
Haskell Tools GHC 9.8.2 9.10.1
Stack 2.15.5 2.15.7
Rust Tools Cargo 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rust 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustdoc 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustup 1.27.0 1.27.1
Rust Tools >
Cargo clippy 0.1.77 0.1.78
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.207
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.207
Microsoft Edge 124.0.2478.51 124.0.2478.105
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 124.0.2478.51 124.0.2478.97
Selenium server 4.19.1 4.20.0
Mozilla Firefox 125.0.2 126.0
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 6.0.421, 7.0.408 6.0.422, 7.0.409
Databases >
PostgreSQL 14.11 14.12
Cached Tools Go 1.21.9, 1.22.2 1.21.10, 1.22.3
Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
PyPy 3.9.18 [PyPy 7.3.15], 3.10.13 [PyPy 7.3.15] 3.9.19 [PyPy 7.3.16], 3.10.14 [PyPy 7.3.16]
Ruby 3.1.4 3.1.5
PowerShell Tools >
PowerShell Modules
Microsoft.Graph 2.17.0 2.19.0


Version Environment Variable
8.0.402+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.22+7 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.10+7 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.2+13 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.412+8 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.23+9 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.11+9 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.3+9 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
debian:10 ~~sha256:873743c4eec09ddea0dcac0cda31fce2ff348ed41cd1d5c33ecee7d42f03052f ~~ 2024-04-10
debian:11 ~~sha256:26d72b71f88865377988af6f54da9aaa5bed201f39bcee13eb557370166...
Read more

Ubuntu 20.04 (20240514) Image Update

15 May 09:38
Choose a tag to compare
Ubuntu 24.04 is now available
[Ubuntu, Windows] Docker Compose v1 will be removed from images on July, 9
[Ubuntu] ubuntu-toolchain-r/test repository will be removed from images on May 13

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 20.04

  • OS Version: 20.04.6 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1064-azure
  • Image Version: 20240514.2.1
  • Systemd version: 245.4-4ubuntu3.23

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20240514.2.1)
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 8.0.300

Deleted ➖

Category Tool name Previous (20240422.1.0)
Language and Runtime GNU C++ 9.4.0
GNU Fortran 9.4.0
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 8.0.204


Category Tool name Previous (20240422.1.0) Current (20240514.2.1)
Kernel Version 5.15.0-1061-azure 5.15.0-1064-azure
Language and Runtime Julia 1.10.2 1.10.3
Kotlin 1.9.23-release-779 1.9.24-release-822
Package Management Homebrew 4.2.19 4.3.0
Vcpkg (build from commit 9224b3bbd) (build from commit bd2b54836)
Project Management Lerna 8.1.2 8.1.3
Sbt 1.9.9 1.10.0
Tools Bazel 7.1.1 7.1.2
Bicep 0.26.170 0.27.1
CMake 3.29.2 3.29.3
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.0 2.17.2
Docker Amazon ECR Credential Helper 0.7.1 0.8.0
Heroku 8.11.4 8.11.5
Kind 0.22.0 0.23.0
Minikube 1.33.0 1.33.1
Packer 1.10.2 1.10.3
Pulumi 3.113.3 3.116.0
R 4.3.3 4.4.0
Terraform 1.8.1 1.8.3
yq 4.43.1 4.44.1
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.15.40 2.15.50
AWS SAM CLI 1.115.0 1.116.0
Azure CLI 2.59.0 2.60.0
GitHub CLI 2.48.0 2.49.2
Google Cloud CLI 472.0.0 476.0.0
Netlify CLI 17.22.1 17.23.5
OpenShift CLI 4.15.9 4.15.12
Vercel CLI 34.1.1 34.1.14
PHP Tools PHP 8.1.27, 8.2.18, 8.3.6 8.1.28, 8.2.19, 8.3.7
Composer 2.7.3 2.7.6
Haskell Tools GHC 9.8.2 9.10.1
Stack 2.15.5 2.15.7
Rust Tools Cargo 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rust 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustdoc 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustup 1.27.0 1.27.1
Rust Tools >
Cargo clippy 0.1.77 0.1.78
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.207
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.207
Microsoft Edge 124.0.2478.51 124.0.2478.105
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 124.0.2478.51 124.0.2478.105
Selenium server 4.19.1 4.20.0
Mozilla Firefox 125.0.1 126.0
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 6.0.421, 7.0.408 6.0.422, 7.0.409
Databases >
PostgreSQL 14.11 14.12
Cached Tools Go 1.21.9, 1.22.2 1.21.10, 1.22.3
Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
PyPy 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.15], 3.9.18 [PyPy 7.3.15], 3.10.13 [PyPy 7.3.15] 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.16], 3.9.19 [PyPy 7.3.16], 3.10.14 [PyPy 7.3.16]
Ruby 3.0.6, 3.1.4 3.0.7, 3.1.5
PowerShell Tools >
PowerShell Modules
Microsoft.Graph 2.17.0 2.19.0


Version Environment Variable
8.0.402+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.22+7 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.10+7 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.2+13 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.412+8 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.23+9 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.11+9 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.3+9 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
debian:10 ~~sha256:873743c4eec09ddea0dcac0cda31fce2ff348ed41cd1d5c33ecee7d42f03052f ~~ 2024-04-10
debian:11 ~~sha256:26d72b71f88865377988af6f54da9aaa5bed201f39bcee13eb55737016660df2 ~~ 2024-04-10
moby/buildkit:latest ~~sha256:00d2c6b8f39ae515e0eadd74f39e71a5efdc94321c9b919692a2aa32deef2bb1 ~~ ...
Read more

macOS 14 (20240514) Image Update

15 May 09:52
Choose a tag to compare

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: macOS 14

  • OS Version: macOS 14.4.1 (23E224)
  • Kernel Version: Darwin 23.4.0
  • Image Version: 20240514.3

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20240514.3)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 8.0.300


Category Tool name Previous (20240507.2) Current (20240514.3)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 7.0.408 7.0.409
Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
PHP 8.3.6 8.3.7
Package Management Homebrew 4.2.21 4.3.0
NPM 10.5.0 10.5.2
Utilities bazel 7.1.1 7.1.2
bazelisk 1.19.0_1 1.20.0
Git 2.45.0 2.45.1
GitHub CLI 2.49.0 2.49.2
yq 4.43.1 4.44.1
Tools AWS CLI 2.15.45 2.15.50
Cmake 3.29.2 3.29.3
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.1 2.17.2
SwiftFormat 0.53.8 0.53.9
Xcbeautify 2.3.0 2.3.1
Browsers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.156 124.0.6367.208
Google Chrome for Testing 124.0.6367.155 124.0.6367.207
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.155 124.0.6367.207
Microsoft Edge 124.0.2478.80 124.0.2478.105
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 124.0.2478.80 124.0.2478.97
Mozilla Firefox 125.0.3 126.0
Cached Tools Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
Go 1.21.9, 1.22.2 1.21.10, 1.22.3


Version Build Path
15.4 (beta) 15F5021i /Applications/
15.4 15F31c /Applications/

Xcode > Installed Simulators

OS Xcode Version Simulators
iOS 17.4 14.3.1
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 Plus
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone SE (3rd generation)
iPad (10th generation)
iPad Air (5th generation)
iPad mini (6th generation)
iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation)
iOS 17.5 14.3.1
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 Plus
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone SE (3rd generation)
iPad (10th generation)
iPad Air (5th generation)
iPad mini (6th generation)
iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation)
iOS 17.4 14.3.1
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 Plus
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone SE (3rd generation)
iPad (10th generation)
iPad Air (5th generation)
iPad Air 11-inch (M2)
iPad Air 13-inch (M2)
iPad mini (6th generation)
iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (M4)
iPad Pro 13-inch (M4)
iOS 17.5 14.3.1
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 Plus
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone SE (3rd generation)
iPad (10th generation)
iPad Air (5th generation)
iPad Air 11-inch (M2)
iPad Air 13-inch (M2)
iPad mini (6th generation)
iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (M4)
iPad Pro 13-inch (M4)

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

macOS 14 arm64 (20240514) Image Update

15 May 09:51
Choose a tag to compare

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: macOS 14

  • OS Version: macOS 14.4.1 (23E224)
  • Kernel Version: Darwin 23.4.0
  • Image Version: 20240514.3

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20240514.3)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 8.0.300
Cached Tools Python 3.9.13, 3.10.11


Category Tool name Previous (20240422.3) Current (20240514.3)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 7.0.408 7.0.409
Kotlin 1.9.23-release-779 1.9.24-release-822
Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
Ruby 3.0.6p216 3.0.7p220
Package Management Bundler 2.5.9 2.5.10
Homebrew 4.2.19 4.3.0
NPM 10.5.0 10.5.2
RubyGems 3.5.9 3.5.10
Utilities bazel 7.1.1 7.1.2
bazelisk 1.19.0 1.20.0
Git 2.44.0 2.45.1
GitHub CLI 2.48.0 2.49.2
yq 4.43.1 4.44.1
Tools AWS CLI 2.15.40 2.15.50
AWS SAM CLI 1.115.0 1.116.0
Azure CLI 2.59.0 2.60.0
Bicep CLI 0.26.170 0.27.1
Cmake 3.29.2 3.29.3
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.0 2.17.2
SwiftFormat 0.53.7 0.53.9
Xcbeautify 2.1.0 2.3.1
Browsers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.62 124.0.6367.208
Google Chrome for Testing 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.207
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.207
Selenium server 4.19.1 4.20.0
Cached Tools Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
Go 1.21.9, 1.22.2 1.21.10, 1.22.3
Rust Tools Cargo 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rust 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustdoc 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustup 1.27.0 1.27.1
Rust Tools >
Clippy 0.1.77 0.1.78
PowerShell Tools >
PowerShell Modules
Az 11.5.0 11.6.0


Version Build Path
15.4 (beta) 15F5021i /Applications/
15.4 15F31c /Applications/

Xcode > Installed Simulators

OS Xcode Version Simulators
iOS 17.4 14.3.1
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 Plus
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone SE (3rd generation)
iPad (10th generation)
iPad Air (5th generation)
iPad mini (6th generation)
iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation)
iOS 17.5 14.3.1
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 Plus
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone SE (3rd generation)
iPad (10th generation)
iPad Air (5th generation)
iPad mini (6th generation)
iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation)
iOS 17.4 14.3.1
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 Plus
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone SE (3rd generation)
iPad (10th generation)
iPad Air (5th generation)
iPad Air 11-inch (M2)
iPad Air 13-inch (M2)
iPad mini (6th generation)
iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (M4)
iPad Pro 13-inch (M4)
iOS 17.5 14.3.1
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 Plus
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone SE (3rd generation)
iPad (10th generation)
iPad Air (5th generation)
iPad Air 11-inch (M2)
iPad Air 13-inch (M2)
iPad mini (6th generation)
iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (M4)
iPad Pro 13-inch (M4)


Package Name Version
Android Emulator 34.1.20
Android Emulator 34.2.13

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

macOS 13 (20240514) Image Update

15 May 10:03
Choose a tag to compare

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: macOS 13

  • OS Version: macOS 13.6.6 (22G630)
  • Kernel Version: Darwin 22.6.0
  • Image Version: 20240514.3

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20240514.3)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 8.0.300


Category Tool name Previous (20240506.1) Current (20240514.3)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 7.0.408 7.0.409
Kotlin 1.9.23-release-779 1.9.24-release-822
Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
PHP 8.3.6 8.3.7
Package Management Homebrew 4.2.21 4.3.0
NPM 10.5.0 10.5.2
Vcpkg 2024 (build from commit 28b1cf627) 2024 (build from commit bd2b54836)
Utilities bazel 7.1.1 7.1.2
bazelisk 1.19.0_1 1.20.0
Git 2.45.0 2.45.1
GitHub CLI 2.49.0 2.49.2
yq 4.43.1 4.44.1
Tools AWS CLI 2.15.45 2.15.50
Bicep CLI 0.26.170 0.27.1
Cmake 3.29.2 3.29.3
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.1 2.17.2
SwiftFormat 0.53.8 0.53.9
Xcbeautify 2.3.0 2.3.1
Browsers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.119 124.0.6367.208
Google Chrome for Testing 124.0.6367.91 124.0.6367.207
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.91 124.0.6367.207
Microsoft Edge 124.0.2478.80 124.0.2478.105
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 124.0.2478.80 124.0.2478.105
Mozilla Firefox 125.0.3 126.0
Cached Tools Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
Go 1.21.9, 1.22.2 1.21.10, 1.22.3

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

macOS 13 arm64 (20240514) Image Update

15 May 10:03
Choose a tag to compare

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: macOS 13

  • OS Version: macOS 13.6.6 (22G630)
  • Kernel Version: Darwin 22.6.0
  • Image Version: 20240514.3

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20240514.3)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 8.0.300
Cached Tools Python 3.9.13, 3.10.11


Category Tool name Previous (20240506.2) Current (20240514.3)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 7.0.408 7.0.409
Kotlin 1.9.23-release-779 1.9.24-release-822
Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
Package Management Homebrew 4.2.21 4.3.0
NPM 10.5.0 10.5.2
Utilities bazel 7.1.1 7.1.2
bazelisk 1.19.0_1 1.20.0
Git 2.45.0 2.45.1
GitHub CLI 2.49.0 2.49.2
yq 4.43.1 4.44.1
Tools AWS CLI 2.15.45 2.15.50
Bicep CLI 0.26.170 0.27.1
Cmake 3.29.2 3.29.3
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.1 2.17.2
SwiftFormat 0.53.8 0.53.9
Xcbeautify 2.3.0 2.3.1
Browsers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.119 124.0.6367.208
Google Chrome for Testing 124.0.6367.91 124.0.6367.207
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.91 124.0.6367.207
Cached Tools Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
Go 1.21.9, 1.22.2 1.21.10, 1.22.3

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

macOS 12 (20240514) Image Update

15 May 16:54
Choose a tag to compare

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: macOS 12

  • OS Version: macOS 12.7.4 (21H1123)
  • Kernel Version: Darwin 21.6.0
  • Image Version: 20240514.3

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20240514.3)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 8.0.300


Category Tool name Previous (20240418.1) Current (20240514.3)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 6.0.421, 7.0.408 6.0.422, 7.0.409
Julia 1.10.2 1.10.3
Kotlin 1.9.23-release-779 1.9.24-release-822
Go 1.21.9 1.21.10
NVM - Cached node versions 20.12.2 20.13.1
PHP 8.3.6 8.3.7
R 4.3.3 4.4.0
Ruby 3.0.6p216 3.0.7p220
Package Management Bundler 2.5.9 2.5.10
Composer 2.7.2 2.7.6
Homebrew 4.2.18 4.3.0
RubyGems 3.5.9 3.5.10
Vcpkg 2024 (build from commit 6c87aab05) 2024 (build from commit bd2b54836)
Project Management Sbt 1.9.9 1.10.0
Utilities bazel 7.1.1 7.1.2
bazelisk 1.19.0 1.20.0
Git 2.44.0 2.45.1
GitHub CLI 2.48.0 2.49.2
ImageMagick 7.1.1-30 7.1.1-32
PostgreSQL 14.11 (Homebrew) 14.12 (Homebrew)
psql (PostgreSQL) 14.11 (Homebrew) 14.12 (Homebrew)
yq 4.43.1 4.44.1
Tools AWS CLI 2.15.39 2.15.50
AWS SAM CLI 1.115.0 1.116.0
Azure CLI 2.59.0 2.60.0
Bicep CLI 0.26.170 0.27.1
Cmake 3.29.2 3.29.3
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.0 2.17.2
GHC 9.8.2 9.10.1
Jazzy 0.14.4 0.15.0
SwiftFormat 0.53.7 0.53.9
Browsers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.62 124.0.6367.208
Google Chrome for Testing 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.207
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.207
Microsoft Edge 124.0.2478.51 124.0.2478.105
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 124.0.2478.51 124.0.2478.105
Mozilla Firefox 125.0.1 126.0
Selenium server 4.19.1 4.20.0
Cached Tools PyPy 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.15], 3.9.18 [PyPy 7.3.15], 3.10.13 [PyPy 7.3.15] 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.16], 3.9.19 [PyPy 7.3.16], 3.10.14 [PyPy 7.3.16]
Ruby 3.0.6, 3.1.4 3.0.7, 3.1.5
Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
Go 1.21.9, 1.22.2 1.21.10, 1.22.3
Rust Tools Cargo 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rust 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustdoc 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustup 1.27.0 1.27.1
Rust Tools >
Clippy 0.1.77 0.1.78
PowerShell Tools >
PowerShell Modules
Az 11.5.0 11.6.0


Version Environment Variable
8.0.402+6 (default) JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.22+7 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
21.0.2+13.0 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.412+8 (default) JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.23+9 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
21.0.3+9.0 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

Xamarin > Visual Studio for Mac

Version Build Path
2022 (default) /Applications/Visual
2022 (default) /Applications/Visual


Package Name Version
Android Emulator 34.1.20
Android Emulator 34.2.13

Miscellaneous > Environment variables

Name Value

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Ubuntu 24.04 (20240510) Image Update

10 May 12:05
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[Ubuntu, Windows] Docker Compose v1 will be removed from images on July, 9
[Ubuntu] ubuntu-toolchain-r/test repository will be removed from images on May 13

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

  • OS Version: 24.04 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 6.8.0-1007-azure
  • Image Version: 20240510.1.1
  • Systemd version: 255.4-1ubuntu8

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20240510.1.1)
Tools Bazel 7.1.2
Bazelisk 1.19.0
Buildah 1.33.7
Fastlane 2.220.0
Podman 4.9.3
Skopeo 1.13.3
Cached Tools Go 1.20.14, 1.21.10, 1.22.3
Node.js 16.20.2, 18.20.2, 20.13.1
Python 3.9.19, 3.10.14, 3.11.9, 3.12.3
PyPy 3.9.19 [PyPy 7.3.16], 3.10.14 [PyPy 7.3.16]


Version Environment Variable
8.0.412+8 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.23+9 JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.11+9 (default) JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.3+9 JAVA_HOME_21_X64


Category Tool name Previous (20240430.1.0) Current (20240510.1.1)
Language and Runtime Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
Package Management Homebrew 4.2.20 4.2.21
Npm 10.5.0 10.5.2
Vcpkg (build from commit c591ac646) (build from commit cbf4a6641)
Tools Bicep 0.26.170 0.27.1
CMake 3.29.2 3.29.3
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.1 2.17.2
Pulumi 3.114.0 3.115.2
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.15.42 2.15.47
GitHub CLI 2.49.0 2.49.1
PHP Tools Composer 2.7.4 2.7.6
Rust Tools Cargo 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rust 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustdoc 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustup 1.27.0 1.27.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.118 124.0.6367.201
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.91 124.0.6367.201
Databases >
PostgreSQL 16.2 16.3
PowerShell Tools >
PowerShell Modules
Microsoft.Graph 2.18.0 2.19.0

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

macOS 14 (20240507) Image Update

08 May 15:58
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🖥️ Actions Runner Image: macOS 14

  • OS Version: macOS 14.4.1 (23E224)
  • Kernel Version: Darwin 23.4.0
  • Image Version: 20240507.2

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20240507.2)
Cached Tools Python 3.9.19, 3.10.14


Category Tool name Previous (20240422.1) Current (20240507.2)
Language and Runtime Kotlin 1.9.23-release-779 1.9.24-release-822
Ruby 3.0.6p216 3.0.7p220
Package Management Bundler 2.5.9 2.5.10
Composer 2.7.3 2.7.6
Homebrew 4.2.19 4.2.21
RubyGems 3.5.9 3.5.10
Utilities bazelisk 1.19.0 1.19.0_1
Git 2.44.0 2.45.0
GitHub CLI 2.48.0 2.49.0
Tools AWS CLI 2.15.40 2.15.45
AWS SAM CLI 1.115.0 1.116.0
Azure CLI 2.59.0 2.60.0
Bicep CLI 0.26.170 0.27.1
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.0 2.17.1
SwiftFormat 0.53.7 0.53.8
Xcbeautify 2.1.0 2.3.0
Browsers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.62 124.0.6367.156
Google Chrome for Testing 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.155
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.155
Microsoft Edge 124.0.2478.51 124.0.2478.80
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 124.0.2478.51 124.0.2478.80
Mozilla Firefox 125.0.2 125.0.3
Selenium server 4.19.1 4.20.0
Cached Tools Ruby 3.0.6, 3.1.4 3.0.7, 3.1.5
Rust Tools Cargo 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rust 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustdoc 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustup 1.27.0 1.27.1
Rust Tools >
Clippy 0.1.77 0.1.78
PowerShell Tools >
PowerShell Modules
Az 11.5.0 11.6.0


Package Name Version
Android Emulator 34.1.20
Android Emulator 34.2.13

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.


07 May 17:44
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[macos] Add python 3.9, 3.10 to toolcache (#9803)