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QLever Quickstart

This page gives easy step-by-step instructions on how to build a qlever index for an arbitrary given RDF N-Triples or RDF Turtle file.

QLever can build indexes for up to 100 billion triples on a standard PC or server with 128 GB of RAM (for smaller datasets, less RAM suffices). For an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X processor, indexing time is currently around 1 hour / 1 billion triples.

For the following, it is useful to have a single directory for all your QLever stuff. This can be any directory. For example:

    export QLEVER_HOME=/local/data/qlever
    mkdir $QLEVER_HOME

Get the QLever code and build it

Building the code will take a few minutes. The --recursive is important because the QLever repository uses a few submodules.

    git clone --recursive -j8 qlever-code
    cd qlever-code
    docker build -t qlever .

Note: The compilation of qlever by default runs in parallel by default, using the number of logical cores on your machine as the degree of parallelism. If it runs out of memory on your machine, you can manually set the degree of parallelism by replacing ninja (at the end of line 19) by ninja -j <num_cores_to_use>. A good starting point for <num_cores_to_use> is the available amount of RAM on your machine in GB, divided by 2. You can detect that you ran out of memory when you encounter error messages like c++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus .compilation terminated..

Get the data

Create and go to a directory of your choice, and download or copy an N-Triples for Turtle file of your choice there. If the file is compressed (as large files usually are), there is no need to decompress it. If there are multiple files, there is no need to concatenate them. This will become clear in the next section. As an example, let us copy the example file olympics.nt.xz from your local copy of the Qlever repository.

    mkdir -p $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-indices/olympics
    cd $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-indices/olympics
    cp $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-code/examples/olympics.nt.xz .
    cp $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-code/examples/olympics.settings.json .

As another example, let us download the latest version of the complete Wikidata. this takes half a day, even with a fast internet connection, so only do this if you actually want to build a QLever index for Wikidata.

    mkdir -p $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-indices/wikidata
    cd $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-indices/wikidata
    cp $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-code/examples/wikidata.settings.json .

Build a QLever index

To build an index for the olympics dataset (1.8M triples), the following command line does the job. It takes about 20 seconds on an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X. The only purpose of the final tee is to save the log in a file (you can also recover the log from the docker container as long as it exists).

    chmod o+w . && docker run -it --rm -v $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-indices/olympics:/index --entrypoint bash qlever -c "cd /index && xzcat olympics.nt.xz | IndexBuilderMain -F ttl -f - -l -i olympics -s olympics.settings.json | tee olympics.index-log.txt"

To build an index for the complete Wikidata (16 billion triples as of 30.09.2021), the following command line does the job (after obtaining the dataset and the settings as explained in the previous paragraph). It takes about 20 hours on an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X. Note that the only difference is the basename (wikidata instead of olympics) and how the input files are piped into the IndexBuilderMain executable (using bzcat instead of xzcat and two files instead of one). Also note the ulimit -Sn 1048576, which ensures that the operating system allows a sufficient number of open files (on some systems, the default is as low as 1024, and for large datasets, QLever operates with more temporary files than that).

    chmod o+w . && docker run -it --rm -v $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-indices/wikidata:/index --entrypoint bash qlever -c "cd /index && ulimit -Sn 1048576 && bzcat latest-all.ttl.bz2 latest-lexemes.ttl.bz2 | IndexBuilderMain -F ttl -f - -l -i wikidata -s wikidata.settings.json | tee wikidata.index-log.txt"

Start the engine

To start the engine for the olympics dataset, the following command line does the job. Choose a PORT of your choice, the SPARQL endpoint will then be available on that port on the machine where you have started this. If you want the container to run in the background, replace --rm by -d.

    PORT=7001; docker run --rm -v $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-indices/olympics:/index \
      -p $PORT:7001 -e INDEX_PREFIX=olympics --name qlever.olympics qlever

Here is an example query to this SPARQL endpoint, computing the names of the three athletes with the most gold medals in the Olympics games.

    curl -Gs http://localhost:$PORT \
      --data-urlencode "query=PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX medal: <> PREFIX olympics: <> SELECT ?athlete (COUNT(?medal) as ?count_medal) WHERE { ?medal olympics:medal medal:Gold .  ?medal olympics:athlete/rdfs:label ?athlete .  } GROUP BY ?athlete ORDER BY DESC(?count_medal) LIMIT 10" \
      --data-urlencode "action=tsv_export"

Similarly, here is how to start the engine for the Wikidata dataset (after you have build the index as explained in the previous section):

    PORT=7002; docker run --rm -v $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-indices/wikidata:/index \
      -p $PORT:7001 -e INDEX_PREFIX=wikidata --name qlever.wikidata qlever

Here is an example query to this SPARQL endpoint, computing all people and their professions and returning the top-10. Note that this a very hard query (for which all SPARQL engines we know of time out).

    curl -Gs http://localhost:$PORT \
      --data-urlencode 'query=PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wdt: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> SELECT ?person_id ?person (COUNT(?profession_id) AS ?count) (GROUP_CONCAT(?profession; separator=", ") AS ?professions) WHERE { ?person_id wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . ?person_id wdt:P106 ?profession_id . ?profession_id rdfs:label ?profession . ?person_id rdfs:label ?person . FILTER (LANG(?person) = "en") . FILTER (LANG(?profession) = "en") } GROUP BY ?person_id ?person ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 10' \
      --data-urlencode "action=tsv_export"

QLever UI

If you don't just want to talk to the API, but you also want a nice user interface (that in particular provides SPARQL autocompletion), execute the following steps. Afterwards the QLever UI will be available on http://localhost:8000 (you can change PORT below as you like).

The UI will be preconfigured for the olympics dataset above, assuming a SPARQL endpoint at http://localhost:7001 . You can change the address of that SPARQL endpoint by logging into QLever UI (user and password demo) and clicking on Backend Information -> Edit this backend.

    git clone
    cd qlever-ui
    docker build -t qlever-ui .
    chmod o+w db && cp $QLEVER_HOME/qlever-code/examples/qleverui.sqlite3 db && chmod o+w db/qleverui.sqlite3
    PORT=8000; docker run -it --rm -p $PORT:7000 -v $(pwd)/db:/app/db qlever-ui

If you just want to see the QLever UI in action and not install it yourself, here is a demo instance of the QLever UI with convenient access to various SPARQL endpoints (all realized via QLever).