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107 lines (72 loc) · 3.82 KB

IoT Hub ESP32 AirLift Networking

Ensure your IoT Hub device works with this simple test.


Handle direct methods.


Send device to cloud messages, and handle cloud to device messages.


Update the reported properties of the devices device twin, and receive updates to desired properties.


IoT Central ESP32 AirLift Networking

Ensure your IoT Central device works with this simple test.


Handle commands.


Update the properties of the device, and receive updates to properties.


Handle connection errors.


IoT Hub Native Networking

Ensure your IoT Hub device works with this simple test.


Handle direct methods.


Send device to cloud messages, and handle cloud to device messages.


Update the reported properties of the devices device twin, and receive updates to desired properties.


IoT Central Native Networking

Ensure your IoT Central device works with this simple test.


Handle commands.


Update the properties of the device, and receive updates to properties.


Handle connection errors.
