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This change log is used to track all major changes to Mopidy.

v0.8 (in development)


  • Added tools/ to tee client requests to two backends and diff responses. Intended as a developer tool for checking for MPD protocol changes and various client support. Requires gevent, which currently is not a dependency of Mopidy.
  • Fixed bug when the MPD command playlistinfo is used with a track position. Track position and CPID was intermixed, so it would cause a crash if a CPID matching the track position didn't exist. (Fixes: 162)
  • Added --list-deps option to the mopidy command that lists required and optional dependencies, their current versions, and some other information useful for debugging. (Fixes: 74)
  • When unknown settings are encountered, we now check if it's similar to a known setting, and suggests to the user what we think the setting should have been.
  • Removed multiple outputs support. Having this feature currently seems to be more trouble than what it is worth. The mopidy.settings.OUTPUTS setting is no longer supported, and has been replaced with mopidy.settings.OUTPUT which is a GStreamer bin description string in the same format as gst-launch expects. Default value is autoaudiosink. (Fixes: 81, 115, 121, 159)
  • Switch to pure GStreamer based mixing. This implies that users setup a GStreamer bin with a mixer in it in mopidy.setting.MIXER. The default value is autoaudiomixer, a custom mixer that attempts to find a mixer that will work on your system. If this picks the wrong mixer you can of course override it. Setting the mixer to None is also supported. MPD protocol support for volume has also been updated to return -1 when we have no mixer set.
  • Removed the Denon hardware mixer, as it is not maintained.
  • Updated the NAD hardware mixer to work in the new GStreamer based mixing regime. Settings are now passed as GStreamer element properties. In practice that means that the following old-style config:

    MIXER = u'mopidy.mixers.nad.NadMixer' MIXER_EXT_PORT = u'/dev/ttyUSB0' MIXER_EXT_SOURCE = u'Aux' MIXER_EXT_SPEAKERS_A = u'On' MIXER_EXT_SPEAKERS_B = u'Off'

    Now is reduced to simply:

    MIXER = u'nadmixer port=/dev/ttyUSB0 source=aux speakers-a=on speakers-b=off'

    The port property defaults to /dev/ttyUSB0, and the rest of the properties may be left out if you don't want the mixer to adjust the settings on your NAD amplifier when Mopidy is started.

  • Fixed 150 which caused some clients to block Mopidy completely. Bug was caused by some clients sending close and then shutting down the connection right away. This trigged a situation in which the connection cleanup code would wait for an response that would never come inside the event loop, blocking everything else.
  • Created a Spotify track proxy that will switch to using loaded data as soon as it becomes available. Fixes 72.

v0.7.3 (2012-08-11)

A small maintenance release to fix a crash affecting a few users, and a couple of small adjustments to the Spotify backend.


  • Fixed crash when logging IOError exceptions on systems using languages with non-ASCII characters, like French.
  • Move the default location of the Spotify cache from ~/.cache/mopidy to ~/.cache/mopidy/spotify. You can change this by setting mopidy.settings.SPOTIFY_CACHE_PATH.
  • Reduce time required to update the Spotify cache on startup. One one system/Spotify account, the time from clean cache to ready for use was reduced from 35s to 12s.

v0.7.2 (2012-05-07)

This is a maintenance release to make Mopidy 0.7 build on systems without all of Mopidy's runtime dependencies, like Launchpad PPAs.


  • Change from version tuple at mopidy.VERSION to 386 compliant version string at mopidy.__version__ to conform to 396.

v0.7.1 (2012-04-22)

This is a maintenance release to make Mopidy 0.7 work with pyspotify >= 1.7.


  • Don't override pyspotify's notify_main_thread callback. The default implementation is sensible, while our override did nothing.

v0.7.0 (2012-02-25)

Not a big release with regard to features, but this release got some performance improvements over v0.6, especially for slower Atom systems. It also fixes a couple of other bugs, including one which made Mopidy crash when using GStreamer from the prereleases of Ubuntu 12.04.


  • The MPD command playlistinfo is now faster, thanks to John Bäckstrand.
  • Added the method mopidy.backends.base.CurrentPlaylistController.length(), mopidy.backends.base.CurrentPlaylistController.index(), and mopidy.backends.base.CurrentPlaylistController.slice() to reduce the need for copying the entire current playlist from one thread to another. Thanks to John Bäckstrand for pinpointing the issue.
  • Fix crash on creation of config and cache directories if intermediate directories does not exist. This was especially the case on OS X, where ~/.config doesn't exist for most users.
  • Fix gst.LinkError which appeared when using newer versions of GStreamer, e.g. on Ubuntu 12.04 Alpha. (Fixes: 144)
  • Fix crash on mismatching quotation in list MPD queries. (Fixes: 137)
  • Volume is now reported to be the same as the volume was set to, also when internal rounding have been done due to mopidy.settings.MIXER_MAX_VOLUME has been set to cap the volume. This should make it possible to manage capped volume from clients that only increase volume with one step at a time, like ncmpcpp does.

v0.6.1 (2011-12-28)

This is a maintenance release to make Mopidy 0.6 work with pyspotify >= 1.5, which Mopidy's develop branch have supported for a long time. This should also make the Debian packages work out of the box again.

Important changes

  • pyspotify 1.5 or greater is required.


  • Spotify playlist folder boundaries are now properly detected. In other words, if you use playlist folders, you will no longer get lots of log messages about bad playlists.

v0.6.0 (2011-10-09)

The development of Mopidy have been quite slow for the last couple of months, but we do have some goodies to release which have been idling in the develop branch since the warmer days of the summer. This release brings support for the MPD idle command, which makes it possible for a client wait for updates from the server instead of polling every second. Also, we've added support for the MPRIS standard, so that Mopidy can be controlled over D-Bus from e.g. the Ubuntu Sound Menu.

Please note that 0.6.0 requires some updated dependencies, as listed under Important changes below.

Important changes

  • Pykka 0.12.3 or greater is required.
  • pyspotify 1.4 or greater is required.
  • All config, data, and cache locations are now based on the XDG spec.
    • This means that your settings file will need to be moved from ~/.mopidy/ to ~/.config/mopidy/
    • Your Spotify cache will now be stored in ~/.cache/mopidy instead of ~/.mopidy/spotify_cache.
    • The local backend's tag_cache should now be in ~/.local/share/mopidy/tag_cache, likewise your playlists will be in ~/.local/share/mopidy/playlists.
    • The local client now tries to lookup where your music is via XDG, it will fall-back to ~/music or use whatever setting you set manually.
  • The MPD command idle is now supported by Mopidy for the following subsystems: player, playlist, options, and mixer. (Fixes: 32)
  • A new frontend mopidy.frontends.mpris have been added. It exposes Mopidy through the MPRIS interface over D-Bus. In practice, this makes it possible to control Mopidy through the Ubuntu Sound Menu.


  • Replace mopidy.backends.base.Backend.uri_handlers with mopidy.backends.base.Backend.uri_schemes, which just takes the part up to the colon of an URI, and not any prefix.
  • Add Listener API, mopidy.listeners, to be implemented by actors wanting to receive events from the backend. This is a formalization of the ad hoc events the scrobbler has already been using for some time.
  • Replaced all of the MPD network code that was provided by asyncore with custom stack. This change was made to facilitate support for the idle command, and to reduce the number of event loops being used.
  • Fix metadata update in Shoutcast streaming. (Fixes: 122)
  • Unescape all incoming MPD requests. (Fixes: 113)
  • Increase the maximum number of results returned by Spotify searches from 32 to 100.
  • Send Spotify search queries to pyspotify as unicode objects, as required by pyspotify 1.4. (Fixes: 129)
  • Add setting mopidy.settings.MPD_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS. (Fixes: 134)
  • Remove destroy() methods from backend controller and provider APIs, as it was not in use and actually not called by any code. Will reintroduce when needed.

v0.5.0 (2011-06-15)

Since last time we've added support for audio streaming to SHOUTcast servers and fixed the longstanding playlist loading issue in the Spotify backend. As always the release has a bunch of bug fixes and minor improvements.

Please note that 0.5.0 requires some updated dependencies, as listed under Important changes below.

Important changes

  • If you use the Spotify backend, you must upgrade to libspotify 0.0.8 and pyspotify 1.3. If you install from APT, libspotify and pyspotify will automatically be upgraded. If you are not installing from APT, follow the instructions at /installation/libspotify/.
  • If you have explicitly set the mopidy.settings.SPOTIFY_HIGH_BITRATE setting, you must update your settings file. The new setting is named mopidy.settings.SPOTIFY_BITRATE and accepts the integer values 96, 160, and 320.
  • Mopidy now supports running with 1 to N outputs at the same time. This feature was mainly added to facilitate SHOUTcast support, which Mopidy has also gained. In its current state outputs can not be toggled during runtime.


  • Local backend:
    • Fix local backend time query errors that where coming from stopped pipeline. (Fixes: 87)
  • Spotify backend:
    • Thanks to Antoine Pierlot-Garcin's recent work on updating and improving pyspotify, stored playlists will again load when Mopidy starts. The workaround of searching and reconnecting to make the playlists appear are no longer necessary. (Fixes: 59)
    • Track's that are no longer available in Spotify's archives are now "autolinked" to corresponding tracks in other albums, just like the official Spotify clients do. (Fixes: 34)
  • MPD frontend:
    • Refactoring and cleanup. Most notably, all request handlers now get an instance of mopidy.frontends.mpd.dispatcher.MpdContext as the first argument. The new class contains reference to any object in Mopidy the MPD protocol implementation should need access to.
    • Close the client connection when the command close is received.
    • Do not allow access to the command kill.
    • commands and notcommands now have correct output if password authentication is turned on, but the connected user has not been authenticated yet.
  • Command line usage:
    • Support passing options to GStreamer. See --help-gst for a list of available options. (Fixes: 95)
    • Improve --list-settings output. (Fixes: 91)
    • Added --interactive for reading missing local settings from stdin. (Fixes: 96)
    • Improve shutdown procedure at CTRL+C. Add signal handler for SIGTERM, which initiates the same shutdown procedure as CTRL+C does.
  • Tag cache generator:
    • Made it possible to abort mopidy-scan with CTRL+C.
    • Fixed bug regarding handling of bad dates.
    • Use logging instead of print statements.
    • Found and worked around strange WMA metadata behaviour.
  • Backend API:
    • Calling on and mopidy.backends.base.playback.PlaybackController.previous no longer implies that playback should be started. The playback state--whether playing, paused or stopped--will now be kept.
    • The method mopidy.backends.base.playback.PlaybackController.change_track has been added. Like next(), and prev(), it changes the current track without changing the playback state.

v0.4.1 (2011-05-06)

This is a bug fix release fixing audio problems on older GStreamer and some minor bugs.

Bug fixes

  • Fix broken audio on at least GStreamer 0.10.30, which affects Ubuntu 10.10. The GStreamer appsrc bin wasn't being linked due to lack of default caps. (Fixes: 85)
  • Fix crash in mopidy.mixers.nad that occures at startup when the io module is available. We used an eol keyword argument which is supported by serial.FileLike.readline, but not by io.RawBaseIO.readline. When the io module is available, it is used by PySerial instead of the FileLike implementation.
  • Fix UnicodeDecodeError in MPD frontend on non-english locale. Thanks to Antoine Pierlot-Garcin for the patch. (Fixes: 88)
  • Do not create Pykka proxies that are not going to be used in mopidy.core. The underlying actor may already intentionally be dead, and thus the program may crash on creating a proxy it doesn't need. Combined with the Pykka 0.12.2 release this fixes a crash in the frontend which may occur when all dependencies are installed, but the frontend isn't configured. (Fixes: 84)

v0.4.0 (2011-04-27)

Mopidy 0.4.0 is another release without major feature additions. In 0.4.0 we've fixed a bunch of issues and bugs, with the help of several new contributors who are credited in the changelog below. The major change of 0.4.0 is an internal refactoring which clears way for future features, and which also make Mopidy work on Python 2.7. In other words, Mopidy 0.4.0 works on Ubuntu 11.04 and Arch Linux.

Please note that 0.4.0 requires some updated dependencies, as listed under Important changes below. Also, the known bug in the Spotify playlist loading from Mopidy 0.3.0 is still present.


Known bug in Spotify playlist loading

There is a known bug in the loading of Spotify playlists. To avoid the bug, follow the simple workaround described at 59.

Important changes

  • Mopidy now depends on Pykka >=0.12. If you install from APT, Pykka will automatically be installed. If you are not installing from APT, you may install Pykka from PyPI:

    sudo pip install -U Pykka
  • If you use the Spotify backend, you should upgrade to libspotify 0.0.7 and the latest pyspotify from the Mopidy developers. If you install from APT, libspotify and pyspotify will automatically be upgraded. If you are not installing from APT, follow the instructions at /installation/libspotify/.


  • Mopidy now use Pykka actors for thread management and inter-thread communication. The immediate advantage of this is that Mopidy now works on Python 2.7, which is the default on e.g. Ubuntu 11.04. (Fixes: 66)
  • Spotify backend:
    • Fixed multiple segmentation faults due to bugs in Pyspotify. Thanks to Antoine Pierlot-Garcin and Jamie Kirkpatrick for patches to Pyspotify.
    • Better error messages on wrong login or network problems. Thanks to Antoine Pierlot-Garcin for patches to Mopidy and Pyspotify. (Fixes: 77)
    • Reduce log level for trivial log messages from warning to info. (Fixes: 71)
    • Pause playback on network connection errors. (Fixes: 65)
  • Local backend:
    • Fix crash in mopidy-scan if a track has no artist name. Thanks to Martins Grunskis for test and patch and "octe" for patch.
    • Fix crash in tag_cache parsing if a track has no total number of tracks in the album. Thanks to Martins Grunskis for the patch.
  • MPD frontend:
    • Add support for "date" queries to both the find and search commands. This makes media library browsing in ncmpcpp work, though very slow due to all the meta data requests to Spotify.
    • Add support for play "-1" when in playing or paused state, which fixes resume and addition of tracks to the current playlist while playing for the MPoD client.
    • Fix bug where status returned song: None, which caused MPDroid to crash. (Fixes: 69)
    • Gracefully fallback to IPv4 sockets on systems that supports IPv6, but has turned it off. (Fixes: 75)
  • GStreamer output:
    • Use uridecodebin for playing audio from both Spotify and the local backend. This contributes to support for multiple backends simultaneously.
  • Settings:
    • Fix crash on --list-settings on clean installation. Thanks to Martins Grunskis for the bug report and patch. (Fixes: 63)
  • Packaging:
    • Replace test data symlinks with real files to avoid symlink issues when installing with pip. (Fixes: 68)
  • Debugging:
    • Include platform, architecture, Linux distribution, and Python version in the debug log, to ease debugging of issues with attached debug logs.

v0.3.1 (2011-01-22)

A couple of fixes to the 0.3.0 release is needed to get a smooth installation.

Bug fixes

  • The Spotify application key was missing from the Python package.
  • Installation of the Python package as a normal user failed because it did not have permissions to install mopidy.desktop. The file is now only installed if the installation is executed as the root user.

v0.3.0 (2011-01-22)

Mopidy 0.3.0 brings a bunch of small changes all over the place, but no large changes. The main features are support for high bitrate audio from Spotify, and MPD password authentication.

Regarding the docs, we've improved the installation instructions <installation> and done a bit of testing of the available Android <android_mpd_clients> and iOS clients <ios_mpd_clients> for MPD.

Please note that 0.3.0 requires some updated dependencies, as listed under Important changes below. Also, there is a known bug in the Spotify playlist loading, as described below. As the bug will take some time to fix and has a known workaround, we did not want to delay the release while waiting for a fix to this problem.


Known bug in Spotify playlist loading

There is a known bug in the loading of Spotify playlists. This bug affects both Mopidy 0.2.1 and 0.3.0, given that you use libspotify 0.0.6. To avoid the bug, either use Mopidy 0.2.1 with libspotify 0.0.4, or use either Mopidy version with libspotify 0.0.6 and follow the simple workaround described at 59.

Important changes

  • If you use the Spotify backend, you need to upgrade to libspotify 0.0.6 and the latest pyspotify from the Mopidy developers. Follow the instructions at /installation/libspotify/.
  • If you use the frontend, you need to upgrade to pylast 0.5.7. Run sudo pip install --upgrade pylast or install Mopidy from APT.


  • Spotify backend:
    • Support high bitrate (320k) audio. Set the new setting mopidy.settings.SPOTIFY_HIGH_BITRATE to True to switch to high bitrate audio.
    • Rename mopidy.backends.libspotify to mopidy.backends.spotify. If you have set mopidy.settings.BACKENDS explicitly, you may need to update the setting's value.
    • Catch and log error caused by playlist folder boundaries being threated as normal playlists. More permanent fix requires support for checking playlist types in pyspotify (see 62).
    • Fix crash on failed lookup of track by URI. (Fixes: 60)
  • Local backend:
    • Add mopidy-scan command to generate tag_cache files without any help from the original MPD server. See generating_a_tag_cache for instructions on how to use it.
    • Fix support for UTF-8 encoding in tag caches.
  • MPD frontend:
    • Add support for password authentication. See mopidy.settings.MPD_SERVER_PASSWORD and use_mpd_on_a_network for details on how to use it. (Fixes: 41)
    • Support setvol 50 without quotes around the argument. Fixes volume control in Droid MPD.
    • Support seek 1 120 without quotes around the arguments. Fixes seek in Droid MPD.
  • frontend:
    • Update to use's new Scrobbling 2.0 API, as the old Submissions Protocol 1.2.1 is deprecated. (Fixes: 33)
    • Fix crash when track object does not contain all the expected meta data.
    • Fix crash when response from cannot be decoded as UTF-8. (Fixes: 37)
    • Fix crash when response from contains invalid XML.
    • Fix crash when response from has an invalid HTTP status line.
  • Mixers:
    • Support use of unicode strings for settings specific to mopidy.mixers.nad.
  • Settings:
    • Automatically expand the "~" characted to the user's home directory and make the path absolute for settings with names ending in _PATH or _FILE.
    • Rename the following settings. The settings validator will warn you if you need to change your local settings.
      • LOCAL_MUSIC_FOLDER to mopidy.settings.LOCAL_MUSIC_PATH
      • LOCAL_TAG_CACHE to mopidy.settings.LOCAL_TAG_CACHE_FILE
      • SPOTIFY_LIB_CACHE to mopidy.settings.SPOTIFY_CACHE_PATH
    • Fix bug which made settings set to None or 0 cause a mopidy.SettingsError to be raised.
  • Packaging and distribution:
    • Setup APT repository and crate Debian packages of Mopidy. See installation for instructions for how to install Mopidy, including all dependencies, from APT.
    • Install mopidy.desktop file that makes Mopidy available from e.g. Gnome application menus.
  • API:
    • Rename and generalize Playlist._with(**kwargs) to mopidy.models.ImmutableObject.copy.
    • Add musicbrainz_id field to mopidy.models.Artist, mopidy.models.Album, and mopidy.models.Track.
    • Prepare for multi-backend support (see 40) by introducing the provider concept <backend-concepts>. Split the backend API into a backend controller API <backend-controller-api> (for frontend use) and a backend provider API <backend-provider-api> (for backend implementation use), which includes the following changes:
      • Rename BaseBackend to mopidy.backends.base.Backend.
      • Rename BaseCurrentPlaylistController to mopidy.backends.base.CurrentPlaylistController.
      • Split BaseLibraryController to mopidy.backends.base.LibraryController and mopidy.backends.base.BaseLibraryProvider.
      • Split BasePlaybackController to mopidy.backends.base.PlaybackController and mopidy.backends.base.BasePlaybackProvider.
      • Split BaseStoredPlaylistsController to mopidy.backends.base.StoredPlaylistsController and mopidy.backends.base.BaseStoredPlaylistsProvider.
    • Move BaseMixer to mopidy.mixers.base.BaseMixer.
    • Add docs for the current non-stable output API, mopidy.outputs.base.BaseOutput.

v0.2.1 (2011-01-07)

This is a maintenance release without any new features.

Bug fixes

  • Fix crash in mopidy.frontends.lastfm which occurred at playback if either pylast was not installed or the scrobbling was not correctly configured. The scrobbling thread now shuts properly down at failure.

v0.2.0 (2010-10-24)

In Mopidy 0.2.0 we've added a scrobbling support, which means that Mopidy now can submit meta data about the tracks you play to your profile. See mopidy.frontends.lastfm for details on new dependencies and settings. If you use Mopidy's support, please join the Mopidy group at

With the exception of the work on the scrobbler, there has been a couple of quiet months in the Mopidy camp. About the only thing going on, has been stabilization work and bug fixing. All bugs reported on GitHub, plus some, have been fixed in 0.2.0. Thus, we hope this will be a great release!

We've worked a bit on OS X support, but not all issues are completely solved yet. 25 is the one that is currently blocking OS X support. Any help solving it will be greatly appreciated!

Finally, please update your pyspotify installation <pyspotify_installation> when upgrading to Mopidy 0.2.0. The latest pyspotify got a fix for the segmentation fault that occurred when playing music and searching at the same time, thanks to Valentin David.

Important changes

  • Added a scrobbler. See mopidy.frontends.lastfm for details.


  • Logging and command line options:
    • Simplify the default log format, mopidy.settings.CONSOLE_LOG_FORMAT. From a user's point of view: Less noise, more information.
    • Rename the --dump command line option to --save-debug-log.
    • Rename setting mopidy.settings.DUMP_LOG_FORMAT to mopidy.settings.DEBUG_LOG_FORMAT and use it for --verbose too.
    • Rename setting mopidy.settings.DUMP_LOG_FILENAME to mopidy.settings.DEBUG_LOG_FILENAME.
  • MPD frontend:
    • MPD command list now supports queries by artist, album name, and date, as used by e.g. the Ario client. (Fixes: 20)
    • MPD command add "" and addid "" now behaves as expected. (Fixes 16)
    • MPD command playid "-1" now correctly resumes playback if paused.
  • Random mode:
    • Fix wrong behavior on end of track and next after random mode has been used. (Fixes: 18)
    • Fix infinite recursion loop crash on playback of non-playable tracks when in random mode. (Fixes 17)
    • Fix assertion error that happened if one removed tracks from the current playlist, while in random mode. (Fixes 22)
  • Switched from using subprocesses to threads. (Fixes: 14)
  • mopidy.outputs.gstreamer: Set caps on the appsrc bin before use. This makes sound output work with GStreamer >= 0.10.29, which includes the versions used in Ubuntu 10.10 and on OS X if using Homebrew. (Fixes: 21, 24, contributes to 14)
  • Improved handling of uncaught exceptions in threads. The entire process should now exit immediately.

v0.1.0 (2010-08-23)

After three weeks of long nights and sprints we're finally pleased enough with the state of Mopidy to remove the alpha label, and do a regular release.

Mopidy 0.1.0 got important improvements in search functionality, working track position seeking, no known stability issues, and greatly improved MPD client support. There are lots of changes since 0.1.0a3, and we urge you to at least read the important changes below.

This release does not support OS X. We're sorry about that, and are working on fixing the OS X issues for a future release. You can track the progress at 14.

Important changes

  • License changed from GPLv2 to Apache License, version 2.0.
  • GStreamer is now a required dependency. See our GStreamer installation docs <installation/gstreamer>.
  • mopidy.backends.libspotify is now the default backend. mopidy.backends.despotify is no longer available. This means that you need to install the dependencies for libspotify <installation/libspotify>.
  • If you used mopidy.backends.libspotify previously, pyspotify must be updated when updating to this release, to get working seek functionality.
  • mopidy.settings.SERVER_HOSTNAME and mopidy.settings.SERVER_PORT has been renamed to mopidy.settings.MPD_SERVER_HOSTNAME and mopidy.settings.MPD_SERVER_PORT to allow for multiple frontends in the future.


  • Exit early if not Python >= 2.6, < 3.
  • Validate settings at startup and print useful error messages if the settings has not been updated or anything is misspelled.
  • Add command line option --list-settings to print the currently active settings.
  • Include Sphinx scripts for building docs, pylintrc, tests and test data in the packages created by for i.e. PyPI.
  • MPD frontend:
    • Search improvements, including support for multi-word search.
    • Fixed play "-1" and playid "-1" behaviour when playlist is empty or when a current track is set.
    • Support plchanges "-1" to work better with MPDroid.
    • Support pause without arguments to work better with MPDroid.
    • Support plchanges, play, consume, random, repeat, and single without quotes to work better with BitMPC.
    • Fixed deletion of the currently playing track from the current playlist, which crashed several clients.
    • Implement seek and seekid.
    • Fix playlistfind output so the correct song is played when playing songs directly from search results in GMPC.
    • Fix load so that one can append a playlist to the current playlist, and make it return the correct error message if the playlist is not found.
    • Support for single track repeat added. (Fixes: 4)
    • Relocate from mopidy.mpd to mopidy.frontends.mpd.
    • Split gigantic protocol implementation into eleven modules.
    • Rename mopidy.frontends.mpd.{serializer => translator} to match naming in backends.
    • Remove setting mopidy.settings.SERVER and mopidy.settings.FRONTEND in favour of the new mopidy.settings.FRONTENDS.
    • Run MPD server in its own process.
  • Backends:
    • Rename mopidy.backends.gstreamer to mopidy.backends.local.
    • Remove mopidy.backends.despotify, as Despotify is little maintained and the Libspotify backend is working much better. (Fixes: 9, 10, 13)
    • A Spotify application key is now bundled with the source. mopidy.settings.SPOTIFY_LIB_APPKEY is thus removed.
    • If failing to play a track, playback will skip to the next track.
    • Both mopidy.backends.libspotify and mopidy.backends.local have been rewritten to use the new common GStreamer audio output module, mopidy.outputs.gstreamer.
  • Mixers:
    • Added new mopidy.mixers.gstreamer_software.GStreamerSoftwareMixer which now is the default mixer on all platforms.
    • New setting mopidy.settings.MIXER_MAX_VOLUME for capping the maximum output volume.
  • Backend API:
    • Relocate from mopidy.backends to mopidy.backends.base.
    • The id field of mopidy.models.Track has been removed, as it is no longer needed after the CPID refactoring.
    • mopidy.backends.base.BaseBackend() now accepts an output_queue which it can use to send messages (i.e. audio data) to the output process.
    • mopidy.backends.base.BaseLibraryController.find_exact() now accepts keyword arguments of the form find_exact(artist=['foo'], album=['bar']).
    • now accepts keyword arguments of the form search(artist=['foo', 'fighters'], album=['bar', 'grooves']).
    • mopidy.backends.base.BaseCurrentPlaylistController.append() replaces mopidy.backends.base.BaseCurrentPlaylistController.load(). Use mopidy.backends.base.BaseCurrentPlaylistController.clear() if you want to clear the current playlist.
    • The following fields in mopidy.backends.base.BasePlaybackController has been renamed to reflect their relation to methods called on the controller:
      • next_track to track_at_next
      • next_cp_track to cp_track_at_next
      • previous_track to track_at_previous
      • previous_cp_track to cp_track_at_previous
    • mopidy.backends.base.BasePlaybackController.track_at_eot and mopidy.backends.base.BasePlaybackController.cp_track_at_eot has been added to better handle the difference between the user pressing next and the current track ending.
    • Rename mopidy.backends.base.BasePlaybackController.new_playlist_loaded_callback() to mopidy.backends.base.BasePlaybackController.on_current_playlist_change().
    • Rename mopidy.backends.base.BasePlaybackController.end_of_track_callback() to mopidy.backends.base.BasePlaybackController.on_end_of_track().
    • Remove since it was barely used, untested, and we got no use case for non-exact search in stored playlists yet. Use mopidy.backends.base.BaseStoredPlaylistsController.get() instead.

v0.1.0a3 (2010-08-03)

In the last two months, Mopidy's MPD frontend has gotten lots of stability fixes and error handling improvements, proper support for having the same track multiple times in a playlist, and support for IPv6. We have also fixed the choppy playback on the libspotify backend. For the road ahead of us, we got an updated release roadmap <development/roadmap> with our goals for the 0.1 to 0.3 releases.

Enjoy the best alpha relase of Mopidy ever :-)


  • MPD frontend:
    • Support IPv6.
    • addid responds properly on errors instead of crashing.
    • commands support, which makes RelaXXPlayer work with Mopidy. (Fixes: 6)
    • Does no longer crash on invalid data, i.e. non-UTF-8 data.
    • ACK error messages are now MPD-compliant, which should make clients handle errors from Mopidy better.
    • Requests to existing commands with wrong arguments are no longer reported as unknown commands.
    • command_list_end before command_list_start now returns unknown command error instead of crashing.
    • list accepts field argument without quotes and capitalized, to work with GMPC and ncmpc.
    • noidle command now returns OK instead of an error. Should make some clients work a bit better.
    • Having multiple identical tracks in a playlist is now working properly. (CPID refactoring)
  • Despotify backend:
    • Catch and log spytify.SpytifyError. (Fixes: 11)
  • Libspotify backend:
    • Fix choppy playback using the Libspotify backend by using blocking ALSA mode. (Fixes: 7)
  • Backend API:
    • A new data structure called cp_track is now used in the current playlist controller and the playback controller. A cp_track is a two-tuple of (CPID integer, mopidy.models.Track), identifying an instance of a track uniquely within the current playlist.
    • mopidy.backends.BaseCurrentPlaylistController.load() now accepts lists of mopidy.models.Track instead of mopidy.models.Playlist, as none of the other fields on the Playlist model was in use.
    • mopidy.backends.BaseCurrentPlaylistController.add() now returns the cp_track added to the current playlist.
    • mopidy.backends.BaseCurrentPlaylistController.remove() now takes criterias, just like mopidy.backends.BaseCurrentPlaylistController.get().
    • mopidy.backends.BaseCurrentPlaylistController.get() now returns a cp_track.
    • mopidy.backends.BaseCurrentPlaylistController.tracks is now read-only. Use the methods to change its contents.
    • mopidy.backends.BaseCurrentPlaylistController.cp_tracks is a read-only list of cp_track. Use the methods to change its contents.
    • mopidy.backends.BasePlaybackController.current_track is now just for convenience and read-only. To set the current track, assign a cp_track to mopidy.backends.BasePlaybackController.current_cp_track.
    • mopidy.backends.BasePlaybackController.current_cpid is the read-only CPID of the current track.
    • mopidy.backends.BasePlaybackController.next_cp_track is the next cp_track in the playlist.
    • mopidy.backends.BasePlaybackController.previous_cp_track is the previous cp_track in the playlist.
    • now takes a cp_track.

v0.1.0a2 (2010-06-02)

It has been a rather slow month for Mopidy, but we would like to keep up with the established pace of at least a release per month.


  • Improvements to MPD protocol handling, making Mopidy work much better with a group of clients, including ncmpc, MPoD, and Theremin.
  • New command line flag --dump for dumping debug log to dump.log in the current directory.
  • New setting mopidy.settings.MIXER_ALSA_CONTROL for forcing what ALSA control mopidy.mixers.alsa.AlsaMixer should use.

v0.1.0a1 (2010-05-04)

Since the previous release Mopidy has seen about 300 commits, more than 200 new tests, a libspotify release, and major feature additions to Spotify. The new releases from Spotify have lead to updates to our dependencies, and also to new bugs in Mopidy. Thus, this is primarily a bugfix release, even though the not yet finished work on a Gstreamer backend have been merged.

All users are recommended to upgrade to 0.1.0a1, and should at the same time ensure that they have the latest versions of our dependencies: Despotify r508 if you are using DespotifyBackend, and pyspotify 1.1 with libspotify 0.0.4 if you are using LibspotifyBackend.

As always, report problems at our IRC channel or our issue tracker. Thanks!


  • Backend API changes:
    • Removed backend.playback.volume wrapper. Use backend.mixer.volume directly.
    • Renamed backend.playback.playlist_position to current_playlist_position to match naming of current_track.
    • Replaced get_by_id() with a more flexible get(**criteria).
  • Merged the gstreamer branch from Thomas Adamcik:
    • More than 200 new tests, and thus several bug fixes to existing code.
    • Several new generic features, like shuffle, consume, and playlist repeat. (Fixes: 3)
    • [Work in Progress] A new backend for playing music from a local music archive using the Gstreamer library.
  • Made mopidy.mixers.alsa.AlsaMixer work on machines without a mixer named "Master".
  • Make mopidy.backends.DespotifyBackend ignore local files in playlists (feature added in Spotify 0.4.3). Reported by Richard Haugen Olsen.
  • And much more.

v0.1.0a0 (2010-03-27)

"Release early. Release often. Listen to your customers." wrote Eric S. Raymond in The Cathedral and the Bazaar.

Three months of development should be more than enough. We have more to do, but Mopidy is working and usable. 0.1.0a0 is an alpha release, which basicly means we will still change APIs, add features, etc. before the final 0.1.0 release. But the software is usable as is, so we release it. Please give it a try and give us feedback, either at our IRC channel or through the issue tracker. Thanks!


  • Initial version. No changelog available.