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=== HeroThemes Code Snippets ===
Contributors: herothemes
Tags: knowledge base, knowledge plugin, faq, widget, snippet
Requires at least: 5.2
Version: 0.24
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

== Description ==

Provides code snippets and examples for HeroThemes products

== Installation ==

It's easy to get started

1. Upload `ht-code-snippets` unzipped file to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or goto Plugins>Add New and upload the `ht-code-snippets` zip file.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. If upgrading, ensure you deactivate and re-activate the plugin to ensure any upgrade routines are run correctly.
4. In the WordPress Administration menu goto Code Snippet Settings and check all the snippets to activate, then click Save Changes. 
5. Only Active snippets will be run (unless the snippet is pasted directly into a (child) theme's functions.php file) 
6. Some snippets do not work when run in a plugin and MUST be placed in your theme's functions.php file

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Q. I have a question! =

A. Please consult the documentation accompanying this plugin or see

== Screenshots ==

== Changelog ==

= 0.24 =
new examples showing role and capabilities management examples for knowledge base

= 0.23 =
new dequeue common.css example

= 0.22 =
new translate knowledge base embed strings example
new ht_kb_articles_widget_exclude_self example

= 0.21 =
new hkb_breadcrumbs_kb_home_label example
new other arbitary code snippet examples

= 0.20 =

new remove_meta_box example

= 0.19 =

new hkb_get_knowledgebase_searchbox_placeholder_text filter examples

= 0.18 =

new ht_kb_toc_content_filter_post_types filter example to disable replace functionality
new ht_desk_* filter examples

= 0.17 =

new ht_kb_disable_live_search example
new ht_kb_get_ancestors example

= 0.16 =

new ht_faq_cpt_public remove from search example

= 0.15 =

new hkb_attachment_download filter example

= 0.14 =

new yoast title and description modification examples
new breadcrumb modification examples

= 0.13 =

new display ht kb archive id snippet

= 0.12 =

new debug and review snippets
new always output ht-faq schema example

= 0.11 =

new stop custom content filter example

= 0.10 =

new allow analytics override filter example
new enable/disable knowall package installation snippet
new KnowAll one column archive example (note this is now an option in the theme)

= 0.9 =

updated allow editor access filters
updated are widgets enabled test
new enable ht-faq example
new test inline js debug example
new test rest url filter debug example

= 0.8 =

added ht_kb_related_articles action example
added ht-kb-category-icons support example
added {after}_hkb_get_template_part_{hkb-breadcrumbs} action example
added {after}_hkb_get_template_part_{hkb-searchbox} action example
added hkb_custom_excerpt_length filter example
added example code to detect active widgets
added hkb_data_cleaner_retention_cutoff_days filter example
adjust column widths in admin

= 0.7 =

added ht_faq_builder_page_capability filter example

= 0.6 =

ht_knowledge_base_menu_metabox_allowed disable example
Fixed PHP warnings in admin

= 0.5 =

More snippets

= 0.2 - 0.4 =

Additional snippets

= 0.1 =


== Upgrade Notice ==


Public code snippets for HeroThemes







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