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Federated Learning on Embedded Devices with Flower

This demo will show you how Flower makes it very easy to run Federated Learning workloads on edge devices. Here we'll be showing how to use NVIDIA Jetson devices and Raspberry Pi as Flower clients. This demo uses Flower with PyTorch. The source code used is mostly borrowed from the example that Flower provides for CIFAR-10.

Getting things ready

This is a list of components that you'll need:

  • For server: A machine running Linux/macOS.
  • For clients: either a Rapsberry Pi 3 B+ (RPi 4 would work too) or a Jetson Xavier-NX (or any other recent NVIDIA-Jetson device).
  • A 32GB uSD card and ideally UHS-1 or better. (not needed if you plan to use a Jetson TX2 instead)
  • Software to flash the images to a uSD card (e.g. Etcher)

What follows is a step-by-step guide on how to setup your client/s and the server. In order to minimize the amount of setup and potential issues that might arise due to the hardware/software heterogenity between clients we'll be running the clients inside a Docker. We provide two docker images: one built for Jetson devices and make use of their GPU; and the other for CPU-only training suitable for Raspberry Pi (but would also work on Jetson devices). The following diagram illustrates the setup for this demo:

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Clone this repo

Start with cloning the Flower repo and checking out the example. We have prepared a single line which you can copy into your shell:

$ git clone --depth=1 && mv flower/examples/embedded_devices . && rm -rf flower && cd embedded_devices

Setting up the server

The only requirement for the server is to have flower installed. You can do so by running pip install flwr inside your virtualenv or conda environment.

Setting up a Jetson Xavier-NX

These steps have been validated for a Jetson Xavier-NX Dev Kit. An identical setup is needed for a Jetson Nano and Jetson TX2 once you get ssh access to them (i.e. jumping straight to point 4 below). For instructions on how to setup these devices please refer to the "getting started guides" for Jetson Nano and Jetson TX2.

  1. Download the Ubuntu 18.04 image from NVIDIA-embedded, note that you'll need a NVIDIA developer account. This image comes with Docker pre-installed as well as PyTorch+Torchvision compiled with GPU support.

  2. Extract the imgae (~14GB) and flash it onto the uSD card using Etcher (or equivalent).

  3. Follow the instructions to setup the device.

  4. Installing Docker: Docker comes pre-installed with the Ubuntu image provided by NVIDIA. But for convinience we will create a new user group and add our user to it (with the idea of not having to use sudo for every command involving docker (e.g. docker run, docker ps, etc)). More details about what this entails can be found in the Docker documentation. You can achieve this by doing:

    $ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    # apply changes to current shell (or logout/reboot)
    $ newgrp docker
  5. The minimal installation to run this example only requires an additional package, git, in order to clone this repo. Install git by:

    $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git -y
  6. (optional) additional packages:

    • jtop, to monitor CPU/GPU utilization, power consumption and, many more.

      # First we need to install pip3
      $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y 
      # updated pip3
      $ sudo pip3 install -U pip
      # finally, install jtop
      $ sudo -H pip3 install -U jetson-stats
    • TMUX, a terminal multiplexer.

      # install tmux
      $ sudo apt-get install tmux -y
      # add mouse support
      $ echo set -g mouse on > ~/.tmux.conf
  7. Power modes: The Jetson devices can operate at different power modes, each making use of more or less CPU cores clocked at different freqencies. The right power mode might very much depend on the application and scenario. When power consumption is not a limiting factor, we could use the highest 15W mode using all 6 CPU cores. On the other hand, if the devices are battery-powered we might want to make use of a low power mode using 10W and 2 CPU cores. All the details regarding the different power modes of a Jetson Xavier-NX can be found here. For this demo we'll be setting the device to the high performance mode:

    $ sudo /usr/sbin/nvpmodel -m 2 # 15W with 6cpus @ 1.4GHz

Setting up a Raspberry Pi (3B+ or 4B)

  1. Install Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS 64-bit for Rapsberry Pi. You can do this by using one of the images provided by Ubuntu and then use Etcher. Alternativelly, astep-by-step installation guide, showing how to download and flash the image onto a uSD card and, go throught the first boot process, can be found here. Please note that the first time you boot your RPi it will automatically update the system (which will lock sudo and prevent running the commands below for a few minutes)

  2. Install docker (+ post-installation steps as in Docker Docs):

    # make sure your OS is up-to-date
    $ sudo apt-get update
    # get the installation script
    $ curl -fsSL -o
    # install docker
    $ sudo sh
    # add your user to the docker group
    $ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    # apply changes to current shell (or logout/reboot)
    $ newgrp docker
  3. (optional) additional packages: you could install TMUX (see point 6 above) and htop as a replacement for jtop (which is only available for Jetson devices). Htop can be installed via: sudo apt-get install htop -y.

Running FL training with Flower

For this demo we'll be using CIFAR-10, a popular dataset for image classification comprised of 10 classes (e.g. car, bird, airplane) and a total of 60K 32x32 RGB images. The training set contains 50K images. The server will automatically download the dataset should it not be found in ./data. To keep the client side simple, the datasets will be downloaded when building the docker image. This will happen as the first stage in both and

If you'd like to make use of your own dataset you could mount it to the client docker container when calling docker run. We leave this an other more advanced topics for a future example.


Launch the server and define the model you'd like to train. The current code (see provides two models for CIFAR-10: a small CNN (more suitable for Raspberry Pi) and, a ResNet18, which will run well on the gpu. Each model can be specified using the --model flag with options Net or ResNet18. Launch a FL training setup with one client and doing three rounds as:

# launch your server. It will be waiting until one client connects
$ python --server_address <YOUR_SERVER_IP:PORT> --rounds 3 --min_num_clients 1 --min_sample_size 1 --model ResNet18


Asuming you have cloned this repo onto the device/s, then execute the appropiate script to run the docker image, connect with the server and proceed with the training. Note that you can use both a Jetson and a RPi simultaneously, just make sure you modify the script above when launching the server so it waits until 2 clients are online.

For Jetson

$ ./ --server_address=<SERVER_ADDRESS> --cid=0 --model=ResNet18

For Raspberry Pi

Depending on the model of RapsberryPi you have, running the smaller Net model might be the only option due to the higher RAM budget needed for ResNet18. It should be fine for a RaspberryPi 4 with 4GB of RAM to run a RestNet18 (with an appropiate batch size) but bear in mind that each batch might take several second to complete. The following would run the smaller Net model:

# note that pulling the base image, extracting the content might take a while (specially on a RPi 3) the first time you run this.
$ ./ --server_address=<SERVER_ADDRESS> --cid=0 --model=Net