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Getting Started

Addison Elliott edited this page Jul 21, 2017 · 4 revisions

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What is Visceral Fat Validation

Visceral Fat Validation is a program made to load in MRI images (in the form of NIFTI files) and allows the user to trace different depots of fat on the MRI images. These tracings can be saved and analyzed at a later time in a simple to understand text format.

Opening Files

Opening a file means to load in a MRI scan, in a specified NIFTI format, to display to the user. This does not contain any tracing data.

In the program, select File->Open (or use the typical OS shortcut) and select the top-level directory of the NIFTI images (e.g. Subject0001_Initial directory) Opening Files

Loading Tracing Data

Importing tracing data loads data that a previous user has traced on a specified MRI scan. The user must have the same MRI scan used when tracing opened before importing the tracing data.

In the program, select File->Import Tracing Data (or use specified shortcut) and select the top-level directory of the tracing data (e.g. Subject0001_Initial_JK)

Loading Tracing Data

Loading Tracing Data


This program will be used on different screen sizes and even for different purposes. With that in mind, each user may have particular preferences of how they want to view the MRI scans. The program offers alternative views for the user to select.

  • Axial/Coronal [Lo Res]
    • Meant for low resolution monitors where there is not much space to utilize. Three columns are present: settings, coronal view, and axial view. Axial/Coronal Lo Res
  • Axial/Coronal [Hi Res]
    • Meant for high resolution monitors where there is more space. Two columns are present: one column for settings and coronal view, another column for axial view. Axial/Coronal Hi Res


Hovering over item controls throughout the application, including in the toolbar at the top will show tips.

Tip Example

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