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Why am I charging for FOSS stuff?

A lot of people complain about why I'm charging for stuff that are FOSS. Simple and straightforward answer, I'm Not.

I'm charging for the time, work and efforts I put in creating those amazing stuff for you.

Why though? I've not asked you to do that. Correct, You've not. But Some people did ask for that. And that paid stuff is not for you, It's for them who have asked for that.

But as a person who loves ricing, I share those things with you, So you can take inspiration and try to rice on your own, So that you can learn. Not because I want an audience to buy my stuff or advertising on those particular platforms. I don't even put any links or comments GO, grab the files from here and there, Check my patreon page and shit. I don't care. People who really need it will buy it. People who have asked for that, will buy that.

And all the money I get from this, Will eventually be invested in a Free and Open Source Project, Archcraft. Which I've created and maintain all alone.

Also, Why should I not charge?

Let me tell you why... I'm an Openbox WM guy, I'm using it for 5 years till date. I don't use many WMs. But I've configured many WMs for you people as you've asked me to do that, Kind of demanded. Like do this and do that. I've still done that for free (Archcraft has 8 free WMs, Each of them amazingly configured to provide you a DE like experience).

Now I want you to imagine the work I have to put here for your Requested WM.

  • Find a window manager.
  • Read all of its man pages, wasting hours understanding how things work.
  • Write the config file from scratch, step by step. Keeping everything in mind according to a user, what's the most popular keybinding pattern, windows rules for application most user use, etc etc.
  • Find add-on programs to make the whole WM usable. statusbar, application launcher, powermenus, applets, notification daemon, wallpaper setter, polkit agents, terminals, CLI programs, and many other things.
  • Read the man pages for each utility and write configuration files for each of them, again from scratch.
  • Style each of those programs, How they should look and work.
  • Writing scripts for each program so that they can work differently on each WM, So setting up multiple WMs does not mess with other WM's style.
  • Finding / creating a good color-scheme.
  • Use that color-scheme to style all desktop elements (terminal, bar, menus, notifications)
  • Find / create gtk themes to match with that color-scheme and other desktop elements.
  • Find the correct icon pack so it'll fit with the overall appearance of the desktop.
  • Find amazing wallpapers, and then edit them with that color-scheme.
  • Think every small detail accurately, where should be the statusbar placed, how big the menu should be, what kind of fonts should look good, what should be ideal font size, which elements are most needed on the bar, where should notifications display, what should be the priority for each level of notifications.
  • How user's gonna deal with screen brightness, volume, How user's gonna take screenshots. A script for each of those tasks, not only doing the work but displaying the information also.
  • That's it, Right... NO!
  • Then write READMEs, Guides for you on how to use that WM.
  • Telling you how you can setup those things on your computer, on other distributions.
  • Telling you what the keybindings are, how to use the mouse or touchpad.
  • Recording Videos (multiple times for a perfect video), multiple videos, each of them demonstrating all features of that WM.
  • Uploading them on Youtube.
  • Well, that's enough work. All Done... NO!
  • Dealing with your issues, Telling you the same thing again and again even though it's mentioned on README.
  • Guide you how to achieve a thing on that WM.

Yeah... Imagine the work here. And to be honest even though i'm putting a price here, It doesn't even justify the work and effort.

Assume working for 15USD an hour (lowest) for 8 hours (regular 9to5 job). And if it takes 7 days to configure a WM (trust me it takes that much time when you do everything from scratch), You should be getting 15x8x7 = 840 USD. I put a 5USD tag on each WM with a total 100 purchases. Even though if 100 people purchase it, I still get 500 USD (414 USD actually after charges). Dude I'm not getting half of the actual work I've done.

Still people teaches me ETHICS, Yeah... FUCK ETHICS.

FOSS doesn't mean FREE OF COST. It means Freedom to choose. So you're free to choose either my stuff or other stuff.

Yes, I'm a FOSS developer and I charge for my time, work and efforts. That's it.

I understand now, what else can you do for me?

  • I can create A fully customized Linux distribution for you that is tailored according to you, your needs and workflow. To be assured about the quality of work, Check Archcraft.
  • I can set up any Window manager, wayland compositor, Desktop Environment for you, according to your taste.
  • I can create any kind of rice / theme (desktop setup) for you, Just show the concept, screenshot and I'll do it from scratch.