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Guidelines for contributors and maintainers

Git branching

The project maintainer will oversee three public branches:

  • main (a branch for handling releases and registration),
  • next (a branch for stabilisation of the next release) and
  • dev (a branch for integrating destabilising changes).

The additional gh-pages-... branches are only used for publishing online documentation.

Contributors should create a new branch for each topic, based on the main branch. Do not branch from dev: that branch is not guaranteed to maintain a linear modification history. If you think you want to branch from dev (or next), branch from main instead and use git merge to incorporate the commits you need.

The branching setup is a simplified version of git-workflow, without a previous release maintenance branch. Only the latest release will be maintained with bugfixes.


Write source code in UTF-8, with POSIX-compliant line terminators (i.e. \n).


Write docstrings for (at least) all exported names. Write a brief docstring for all modules. Use DocStringExtensions to show:

  • exported names in module docstrings, i.e. $(EXPORTS)
  • field docstrings in their parent struct docstrings, i.e. $(TYPEDFIELDS)

Documentation should be written in Markdown format, according to the Julia Markdown spec.

More detailed examples or tutorials belong in the docs/src folder. They will be rendered to web pages for online documentation. The online documentation will be built with Documenter.jl.

Error messages

Errors can be classified as expected or unexpected. Expected errors will usually be implemented with ArgumentError or similar. Trying to read from a missing file is an example of an "unexpected" error.

General guidelines:

  • Begin the message with a lowercase character
  • Enclose code in backticks, i.e. '`...`'
  • Don't include web hyperlinks

Expected errors

  1. Indicate the violated constraints. Use an imperative statement, i.e. "must".
  2. Show the invalid name or expression. Use the second person, i.e. "you".
  3. Optionally offer suggestions for how to remedy the error.

Each component should consist of no more than two lines. For example:

"`angle` must be in the interval (-90,90]." *
" You've supplied `angle = $(angle)`." *
" You might want to use `transform_angle`."

Unexpected errors

  1. Indicate which operation failed and why. Use "unable to ..."
  2. Optionally offer suggestions for how to debug the error.

Each component should consist of no more than two lines. For example:

"unable to write to '$(file)'." *
" The file seems to be missing." *
" You can use `loglevel=3` to enable debugging messages."

Releasing new versions

Version releases should adhere to semantic versioning. Releasing new versions requires admin access to the GitHub mirror, which is used for hosting the documentation.

Preparing the release on next

  1. Update the project manifest: julia --project=$PWD -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.update()'.
  2. Run JuliaFormatter on the entire src/ tree.
  3. Verify that any tests are passing locally (or debug failures/errors, separate commits).
  4. Update the documentation files, including docs/make.jl (although it can't be tested until the new version is registered).
  5. Update docs/src/ with an Unreleased section (concise list of changes).
  6. If the changelog is larger than 1MB, split off a changelog-<version_range>.md for old versions.
  7. Commit the changes to next with a message like Prepare release v<version>.
  8. Don't add a tag! Releases must only be tagged after registration on main.
  9. Push next to all remotes.

Releasing a new version on main

Any commit from next that is considered stable enough can be merged into main. Then the HTML documentation also needs to be built, and the package can be registered with Registrator.jl. After merging, switch to main, then:

  1. Bump the version number in Project.toml, rename the Unreleased changelog section and register the package.
  2. Resolve issues raised by registry maintainers and repeat step 1 with new patch versions.
  3. After successful registration, create an annotated git tag with git tag -am "Version <version>" v<version>.
  4. Create a documentation branch with git switch -c gh-pages-<version>.
  5. Build the web docs on the new branch with julia --project=docs/ docs/make.jl (commit any fixes on this branch also).
  6. From the project root: mv docs/build site.
  7. Remove the docs folder only on this branch (due to GitHub Pages inflexibility).
  8. From the project root: mv site docs, git add -A, git c -m "Docs for v<version>".
  9. Push main to all remotes, and the documentation branch to GitHub.
  10. In the GitHub repository web UI, navigate to Settings > Pages, change the branch accordingly and make sure it is looking in the docs/ subfolder.