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dark mode plot

View dark mode plot  on File Exchange This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week!

Transform your MATLAB plots to fit dark mode theme backgrounds! The function test which of the figure colors are not suitable to be used over a dark background (via color contrast), and adjust colors accordingly using a desaturation and brightness approach. In addition, it transforms the relevant Matlab figure attributes, such as axis and text colors, and figure background. The result is a transformed figure that can be copied to a dark mode theme presentation or website.

Preparing this function I was inspired by

How to use the function: generate or import a Matlab figure and run the function, for example:


Copy the figure from the clipboard using Edit>Copy Figure and paste it on top of the dark background theme, for example in PowerPoint. Make sure that in the Copy Option, the Transparent Background is enabled. The function was tested with Matlab 2019b - Win10.

plot plot