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< The ConTeXt Way | Inside ConTeXt | Project structure >

Very often, you want to generate multiple versions of the same document: one version for printing and one for viewing on the screen, one version for students and one version for the instructor, and so on. You can do this in a simple but naive way: create different files set up for the different versions and \input the common material, or create some new conditional flags using \newif and set them appropriately for conditional processing. Or you could use modes—the ConTeXt way of doing conditional processing.

Table of Contents


A mode is similar to a conditional flag, but with a few advantages: new modes need not be explicitly defined (no need for something like \newif), multiple modes can be simultaneously enabled or disabled, and the status of multiple modes can be checked easily. Moreover, modes can be set from a command line switch. As a result, multiple versions of a document can be generated without changing the source file.

The name or identifier of a mode can be any combination of letters, digits, or spaces. Names starting with * are reserved for system modes.

In this article I explain how to activate a mode and how to check if a mode is active or not.

Setting modes

ConTeXt has three commands for setting modes:

  • <cmd>enablemode </cmd>[...]
  • <cmd>disablemode</cmd>[...]
  • <cmd>preventmode</cmd>[...]
The names are self-descriptive. <cmd>enablemode</cmd> activates a mode, <cmd>disablemode</cmd> deactivates a mode, and <cmd>preventmode</cmd> permanently deactivates a mode. All three commands take a list of modes as an argument. For example, you can activate modes named screen and solution with <texcode> \enablemode[screen,solution] </texcode>

Modes can also be activated by a command line switch --modes to texexec or context. For example, another way to activate the screen and solution modes, to run ConTeXt using one of:

  texexec --mode=screen,solution ...
  context --mode=screen,solution ...

Conditional processing based on modes

You may want to process or ignore a chunk of code if a particular mode is enabled or disabled. Such a chunk of code is specified using \startmode and \startnotmode environments. Their usable is best explained by an example.

Suppose you want to change the paper size of a document depending on whether it is for print or screen. This can be done in multiple ways. You could set the default paper size for print and change it in screen mode: <texcode> \setuppapersize[letter][letter] \startmode[screen] \setuppapersize[S6][S6] \stopmode </texcode> (S6 is one of the screen-optimized paper sizes in ConTeXt; the paper size has a 4:3 aspect ratio and a width equal to the width of A4 paper.)

Alternatively, you could set a default paper size for the screen and change it if screen mode is not enabled: <texcode> \setuppapersize[S6][S6] \startnotmode[screen] \setuppapersize[letter][letter] \stopnotmode </texcode>

\startmode and \startnotmode can check for multiple modes, by giving a list of modes as their arguments. \startmode processes its contents (everything until the next \stopmode, thus \startmode cannot be nested.) if any of the modes are enabled, otherwise (i.e., when all the modes are disabled) \startmode ignores its contents. The opposite is \startnotmode: it processes its contents (everything until the next \stopnotmode) if any of the modes are disabled, otherwise—when all the modes are enabled—the contents are ignored.

\startmode and \startnotmode are "or" environments. They process their contents if any of the modes satisfy the required condition. Their "and" counterparts are also available: \startallmodes and \startnotallmodes process their contents only if all the given modes satisfy the required condition. For example, suppose you want to enable interaction (e.g., hyperlinks) only when both screen and solution modes are enabled. Then you can use: <texcode> \startallmodes[screen,solution] \setupinteraction[state=start] \stopallmodes </texcode>

To summarize, the four start-stop environments for checking modes are:

<texcode> \startmode[mode1,] % Processed if any of the modes is enabled \stopmode \startnotmode[mode1,] % Processed if any of the modes is disabled \stopnotmode \startallmodes[mode1,] % Processed if all the modes are enabled \stopallmodes \startnotallmodes[mode1,] % Processed if all the modes are disabled \stopnotallmodes </texcode>

These environments have \doif... alternatives that are useful for short setups. Also, they can be nested.

<texcode> \doifmode {modes} {content} \doifnotmode {modes} {content} \doifallmodes {modes} {content} \doifnotallmodes {modes} {content} </texcode> The logic for determining when the content is processed is exactly the same as for the start-stop commands.

These \doif commands each have a variant to process alternative code if the conditions are not satisfied (like the \else branch of \if). <texcode> \doifmodeelse {modes} {content} {alt} \doifnotmodeelse {modes} {content} {alt} \doifallmodeselse {modes} {content} {alt} \doifnotallmodeselse{modes} {content} {alt} </texcode>

System modes

Besides allowing user-definable modes, ConTeXt provides some system modes. These modes start with a * character. Here I will explain only the more commonly used system modes; see the ConTeXt modes manual for a complete list.

Perhaps the most useful system modes are *mkii and *mkiv which determine whether MKII or MKIV is being used. These modes are handy when you want different setups for MKII and MKIV.

Other modes are useful for very specific situations. Some of these are described below.

A document must be run multiple times to get the cross referencing, table of contents, etc. right. However, sometimes you need to do some external processing (e.g., graphic conversion) that only needs to be done once. In such cases, the *first mode is handy—it is active only on the first run of the document.

You can use the project-product-component structure for managing large projects like a book series. See Project structure for details of this approach. A product or its components may be compiled separately, and you may want to do something different when a product is compiled or when a component is compiled. To do so, you need to check for modes *project, *product, *component, and *environment; these modes are set when the corresponding structure file is processed. For example, the *product mode is set whenever a product file is read; more specifically, when \startproduct is encountered. Similarly, a mode *text is enabled when \starttext is encountered, and likewise for the others.

A large document is typically broken down into different section blocks: frontmatter, bodymatter, appendices, and backmatter. Internally, these section blocks are referred to as frontpart, bodypart, appendix, and backpart. Each section block sets a system mode with the same name. So, if you want macros that work differently in different section blocks, you can check for modes *frontpart, *bodypart, and so on.

ConTeXt provides support for multiple languages. Languages are recognized by their IETF language tags, like en-us for US English, en-gb for British English, nl for Dutch, de for German, etc. A document has a main language, set with the command \mainlanguage[...], that is used for translated labels like chapter and figure. You can also switch the current language using \language[...] to change the hyphenation rules. Whenever a language is chosen, its identifier is set as a mode. The mode for the main language starts with two *. For example, when the main language is US English and the current language is Dutch, the modes **en-us and *nl are set (notice the extra * in **en-us).

Other system modes: *figure is set when a graphic is found, *interaction is set when interaction is enabled, *grid is set when grid typesetting is enabled, and *pdf and *dvi are set when the output is PDF or DVI. Others are too esoteric to describe here. If you are interested, see the modes manual mentioned earlier.

Specific Examples

Different fonts

Suppose you want to generate two versions of a document, one with times font and one with palatino. One way to do this is as follows:

<texcode> \startmode[palatino] \usetypescript[palatino][8r] \setupbodyfont[palatino,12pt] \stopmode \startmode[times] \usetypescript[postscript][8r] \setupbodyfont[postscript,12pt] \stopmode \starttext \input knuth \stoptext </texcode>

and run with one of the following:

  texexec --mode=palatino filename
  texexec --mode=times    filename

Running external commands once

Suppose you want to run some external program, say to generate a figure. Unfortunately, the program only generates postscript figure. So you want to convert it to pdf. This can be done as follows:

<texcode> \startmode[*first] % external program which creates a file \executesystemcommand{some_external_program ...} % convert PS into PDF \executesystemcommand{texmfstart pstopdf} \stopmode % include the resulting PDF \externalfigure[fig-1] </texcode>


In summary, modes provide generalized conditional processing. A rich set of built-in modes is available.