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File metadata and controls

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This a project for Udacity's Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree and tutorial is inspired from one of courses.


How to run the code

  • Clone the repository git clone or download the repository.
  • Install the prerequisites
  • Move the repository to the directry called vagrant, see Download the VM configuration section
  • Run the following command:
  1. python database_setup, to create sqlite database catalog with Category and Item tables
  2. python, to fill the tables with values
  3. python, to get the website up and running

Install VirtualBox

VirtualBox is the software that actually runs the virtual machine. You can download it from, here. Install the platform package for your operating system. You do not need the extension pack or the SDK. You do not need to launch VirtualBox after installing it; Vagrant will do that.

Ubuntu users: If you are running Ubuntu 14.04, install VirtualBox using the Ubuntu Software Center instead. Due to a reported bug, installing VirtualBox from the site may uninstall other software you need.

Install Vagrant

Vagrant is the software that configures the VM and lets you share files between your host computer and the VM's filesystem. Download it from Install the version for your operating system.

Windows users The Installer may ask you to grant network permissions to Vagrant or make a firewall exception. Be sure to allow this.

  • If Vagrant is successfully installed, you will be able to run vagrant --version in your terminal to see the version number.
  • The shell prompt in your terminal may differ. Here, the $ sign is the shell prompt.

Download the VM configuration

You can use Github to fork and clone the repository or download the repository.

You will end up with a new directory containing the VM files. Change to this directory in your terminal with cd. Inside, you will find another directory called vagrant. Change directory to the vagrant directory.

Start the virtual machine

From your terminal, inside the vagrant subdirectory, run the command vagrant up. This will cause Vagrant to download the Linux operating system and install it. This may take quite a while (many minutes) depending on how fast your Internet connection is.

  • Starting the Ubuntu Linux installation with vagrant up.

When vagrant up is finished running, you will get your shell prompt back. At this point, you can run vagrant ssh to log in to your newly installed Linux VM!