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.NET + Appwrite Todo API


Todo CRUD API built with Appwrite Cloud and .NET 7


Appwrite Setup

  • Sign up for Appwrite Cloud

    Register for Appwrite Cloud

  • Create your first project

    Create a project

  • Create an API Key with the scopes and documents.write

    API Key scopes

  • Create a database, followed by a collection, and create the following attributes

    Attribute ID Type Size Default Value Required Array
    description string 255 Yes No
    isCompleted boolean Yes No

    Collection attributes

  • Keep your Project Id, Database Id, Collection Id, and API Key saved for the project setup

Project Setup

  • Install the .NET 7 SDK if you haven't already

  • Clone the repository
  • Restore all NuGet packages

    dotnet restore
  • Enter the project directory

    cd AppwriteCrudApi/
  • Add the Project Id, Database Id, Collection Id, and API Key you saved from your Appwrite project in the appsettings.json file

  • Run the project

    dotnet run
  • Open the following URL in your browser


