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Releases: aeharding/voyager


22 Jan 20:15
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New Features

Switch account anywhere

Long requested feature is here: Hold the profile tab button to switch accounts anywhere!

Note: If your account is on a different instance, your tabs will be reset (Lemmy post/comment IDs are not the same between instances).

Guest Accounts

You can now browse arbitrary instances without an account! Even better: They will persist in your accounts dialog for quick switching later.

How to add? Two ways:

  1. Press submit on login page with username/password empty. You will get an option to connect as guest.
  2. Press the (...) in the header of the join instance page. You will get an option to connect as guest.

Please note: You can only add a guest instance if you don't have a logged in account with that instance.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.36.0...1.37.0


19 Jan 03:32
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New Features

User and community autosuggest

By starting to type "!" or "@" (or tapping the options in the menu), the markdown toolbar will be replaced by suggestions for users and communities.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

Always show hidden in communities

Sometimes people like hiding posts on all/local/home, but they want to see all posts when viewing a community. Now there's an option for that!

Autofill crosspost titles

If you want to share a post without a custom title, there's now a handy button to copy over the title.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.35.0...1.36.0


16 Jan 01:57
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New Feature: Revamped login flow, new signup flow

This release brings a complete rewrite of the login flow, and adds picking a server and signing up! Check it out! (If it seems familiar, that's because it's inspired from the Mastodon app.)

For now, this release will only be available on web and iOS Test Flight. It needs more testing before rolling out to a wider audience. Thanks!

Welcome and about

Log in

✨ NEW: Pick server and sign up

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.34.1...1.35.0


11 Jan 01:43
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.34.0...1.34.1


11 Jan 01:26
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New features

Create crossposts

You can now crosspost anything to a community! Try it out and let me know what you think.

Improved unread inbox item color

Now more easily discernible!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.33.1...1.34.0


09 Jan 01:28
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.33.0...1.33.1


07 Jan 17:06
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New Features

Crosspost viewing support

When Voyager detects a crosspost, it will now automatically render it in the UI. This makes it quick and easy to see # of comments and post score of the crossposted content. It also makes it much easier to navigate to the original post!

It's also supported in compact mode!

If you don't like this behavior, you can disable it in Settings -> Appearance -> Embed Crossposts.

In an upcoming release, I will add support for crossposting to a community.

Lastly, I've improved some code and functionality around blurring images. Now, URL embed images will not blur when you navigate to the post details.

Ban users from community

Voyager now supports banning/unbanning users from a community. You can specify time banned, reason, and whether to remove user content.

Mods: Let me know what you think!

Embedded media in comments can now be fullscreen

Before, embedded media in comments was limited to 200px wide. Now, the constraint is 200px tall. This means images can now go to full width (if less than 200px tall).

The 200px tall constraint ensures comments don't spam/clutter the comment tree.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.32.7...1.33.0


04 Jan 00:10
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.32.6...1.32.7


24 Dec 07:02
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.32.5...1.32.6


23 Dec 07:21
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.32.4...1.32.5