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File metadata and controls

255 lines (185 loc) · 10.1 KB
.. currentmodule:: aerospike

Query Class --- :class:`Query`

The Query object created by calling :meth:`aerospike.Client.query` is used for executing queries over a secondary index of a specified set (which can be omitted or :py:obj:`None`). For queries, the :py:obj:`None` set contains those records which are not part of any named set.

The Query can (optionally) be assigned one of the :mod:`~aerospike.predicates` (:meth:`~aerospike.predicates.between` or :meth:`~aerospike.predicates.equals`) using :meth:`where`. A query without a predicate will match all the records in the given set, similar to a :class:`~aerospike.Scan`.

The query is invoked using either :meth:`foreach` or :meth:`results`. The bins returned can be filtered by using :meth:`select`.

Finally, a stream UDF may be applied with :meth:`apply`. It will aggregate results out of the records streaming back from the query.

.. seealso::
    `Queries <>`_ and \
    `Managing Queries <>`_.

.. method:: select(bin1[, bin2[, bin3..]])

    Set a filter on the record bins resulting from :meth:`results` or \
    :meth:`foreach`. If a selected bin does not exist in a record it will \
    not appear in the *bins* portion of that record tuple.

.. method:: where(predicate)

    Set a where *predicate* for the query, without which the query will \
    behave similar to :class:`aerospike.Scan`. The predicate is produced by \
    one of the :mod:`aerospike.predicates` methods :meth:`~aerospike.predicates.equals` \
    and :meth:`~aerospike.predicates.between`.

    :param tuple predicate: the :py:func:`tuple` produced by one of the :mod:`aerospike.predicates` methods.

    .. note:: Currently, you can assign at most one predicate to the query.

.. method:: results([policy]) -> list of (key, meta, bins)

    Buffer the records resulting from the query, and return them as a \
    :class:`list` of records.

    :param dict policy: optional :ref:`aerospike_query_policies`.
    :return: a :class:`list` of :ref:`aerospike_record_tuple`.

    .. code-block:: python

        import aerospike
        from aerospike import predicates as p
        import pprint

        config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
        client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
        query = client.query('test', 'demo')'name', 'age') # matched records return with the values of these bins
        # assuming there is a secondary index on the 'age' bin of test.demo
        query.where(p.equals('age', 40))
        records = query.results( {'timeout':2000})

    .. note::

        Queries require a secondary index to exist on the *bin* being queried.

.. method:: foreach(callback[, policy])

    Invoke the *callback* function for each of the records streaming back \
    from the query.

    :param callable callback: the function to invoke for each record.
    :param dict policy: optional :ref:`aerospike_query_policies`.

    .. note:: A :ref:`aerospike_record_tuple` is passed as the argument to the callback function.

    .. code-block:: python

        import aerospike
        from aerospike import predicates as p
        import pprint

        config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
        client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
        query = client.query('test', 'demo')'name', 'age') # matched records return with the values of these bins
        # assuming there is a secondary index on the 'age' bin of test.demo
        query.where(p.between('age', 20, 30))
        names = []
        def matched_names((key, metadata, bins)):

        query.foreach(matched_names, {'timeout':2000})

    .. note:: To stop the stream return ``False`` from the callback function.

        .. code-block:: python

            from __future__ import print_function
            import aerospike
            from aerospike import predicates as p

            config = { 'hosts': [ ('',3000)]}
            client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

            def limit(lim, result):
                c = [0] # integers are immutable so a list (mutable) is used for the counter
                def key_add((key, metadata, bins)):
                    if c[0] < lim:
                        c[0] = c[0] + 1
                        return False
                return key_add

            query = client.query('test','user')
            query.where(p.between('age', 20, 30))
            keys = []
            query.foreach(limit(100, keys))
            print(len(keys)) # this will be 100 if the number of matching records > 100

.. method:: apply(module, function[, arguments])

    Aggregate the :meth:`results` using a stream \
    `UDF <>`_. If no \
    predicate is attached to the  :class:`~aerospike.Query` the stream UDF \
    will aggregate over all the records in the specified set.

    :param str module: the name of the Lua module.
    :param str function: the name of the Lua function within the *module*.
    :param list arguments: optional arguments to pass to the *function*.
    :return: one of the supported types, :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`float` (double), :class:`list`, :class:`dict` (map), :class:`bytearray` (bytes).

    .. seealso:: `Developing Stream UDFs <>`_

    .. note::

        Assume we registered the following Lua module with the cluster as \
        **stream_udf.lua** using :meth:`aerospike.Client.udf_put`.

        .. code-block:: lua

             local function having_ge_threshold(bin_having, ge_threshold)
                 return function(rec)
                     debug("group_count::thresh_filter: %s >  %s ?", tostring(rec[bin_having]), tostring(ge_threshold))
                     if rec[bin_having] < ge_threshold then
                         return false
                     return true

             local function count(group_by_bin)
               return function(group, rec)
                 if rec[group_by_bin] then
                   local bin_name = rec[group_by_bin]
                   group[bin_name] = (group[bin_name] or 0) + 1
                   debug("group_count::count: bin %s has value %s which has the count of %s", tostring(bin_name), tostring(group[bin_name]))
                 return group

             local function add_values(val1, val2)
               return val1 + val2

             local function reduce_groups(a, b)
               return map.merge(a, b, add_values)

             function group_count(stream, group_by_bin, bin_having, ge_threshold)
               if bin_having and ge_threshold then
                 local myfilter = having_ge_threshold(bin_having, ge_threshold)
                 return stream : filter(myfilter) : aggregate(map{}, count(group_by_bin)) : reduce(reduce_groups)
                 return stream : aggregate(map{}, count(group_by_bin)) : reduce(reduce_groups)

        Find the first name distribution of users in their twenties using \
        a query aggregation:

        .. code-block:: python

            import aerospike
            from aerospike import predicates as p
            import pprint

            config = {'hosts': [('', 3000)],
                      'lua': {'system_path':'/usr/local/aerospike/lua/',
            client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

            pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
            query = client.query('test', 'users')
            query.where(p.between('age', 20, 29))
            query.apply('stream_udf', 'group_count', [ 'first_name' ])
            names = query.results()
            # we expect a dict (map) whose keys are names, each with a count value

        With stream UDFs, the final reduce steps (which ties
        the results from the reducers of the cluster nodes) executes on the
        client-side. Explicitly setting the Lua ``user_path`` in the
        config helps the client find the local copy of the module
        containing the stream UDF. The ``system_path`` is constructed when
        the Python package is installed, and contains system modules such
        as ``aerospike.lua``, ``as.lua``, and ``stream_ops.lua``.
        The default value for the Lua ``system_path`` is

Query Policies

.. object:: policy

    A :class:`dict` of optional query policies which are applicable to :meth:`Query.results` and :meth:`Query.foreach`. See :ref:`aerospike_policies`.

    .. hlist::
        :columns: 1

        * **timeout** maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the operation to complete. Default ``0`` means *do not timeout*.