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File metadata and controls

191 lines (131 loc) · 6.62 KB
.. currentmodule:: aerospike

Scan Class --- :class:`Scan`

The Scan object is used to return all the records in a specified set (which can be ommitted or :py:obj:`None`). A Scan with a :py:obj:`None` set returns all the records in the namespace.

The scan is invoked using either :meth:`foreach` or :meth:`results`. The bins returned can be filtered using :meth:`select`.

.. seealso::
    `Scans <>`_ and \
    `Managing Scans <>`_.

.. method:: select(bin1[, bin2[, bin3..]])

    Set a filter on the record bins resulting from :meth:`results` or \
    :meth:`foreach`. If a selected bin does not exist in a record it will \
    not appear in the *bins* portion of that record tuple.

.. method:: results([policy]) -> list of (key, meta, bins)

    Buffer the records resulting from the scan, and return them as a \
    :class:`list` of records.

    :param dict policy: optional :ref:`aerospike_scan_policies`.
    :return: a :class:`list` of :ref:`aerospike_record_tuple`.

    .. code-block:: python

        import aerospike
        import pprint

        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
        config = { 'hosts': [ ('',3000)]}
        client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

        client.put(('test','test','key1'), {'id':1,'a':1},
        client.put(('test','test','key2'), {'id':2,'b':2},

        scan = client.scan('test', 'test')'id','a','zzz')
        res = scan.results()

    .. note::

        We expect to see:

        .. code-block:: python

            [ ( ( 'test',
                { 'gen': 52, 'ttl': 2592000},
                { 'id': 2}),
              ( ( 'test',
                { 'gen': 52, 'ttl': 2592000},
                { 'a': 1, 'id': 1})]

.. method:: foreach(callback[, policy[, options]])

    Invoke the *callback* function for each of the records streaming back \
    from the scan.

    :param callable callback: the function to invoke for each record.
    :param dict policy: optional :ref:`aerospike_scan_policies`.
    :param dict options: the :ref:`aerospike_scan_options` that will apply \
       to the scan.

    .. note:: A :ref:`aerospike_record_tuple` is passed as the argument to the callback function.

    .. code-block:: python

        import aerospike
        import pprint

        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
        config = { 'hosts': [ ('',3000)]}
        client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

        client.put(('test','test','key1'), {'id':1,'a':1},
        client.put(('test','test','key2'), {'id':2,'b':2},

        def show_key((key, meta, bins)):

        scan = client.scan('test', 'test')
        scan_opts = {
          'concurrent': True,
          'nobins': True,
          'priority': aerospike.SCAN_PRIORITY_MEDIUM
        scan.foreach(show_key, options=scan_opts)

    .. note::

        We expect to see:

        .. code-block:: python

            ('test', 'test', u'key2', bytearray(b'\xb2\x18\n\xd4\xce\xd8\xba:\x96s\xf5\x9ba\xf1j\xa7t\xeem\x01'))
            ('test', 'test', u'key1', bytearray(b'\x1cJ\xce\xa7\xd4Vj\xef+\xdf@W\xa5\xd8o\x8d:\xc9\xf4\xde'))

    .. note:: To stop the stream return ``False`` from the callback function.

        .. code-block:: python

            from __future__ import print_function
            import aerospike

            config = { 'hosts': [ ('',3000)]}
            client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

            def limit(lim, result):
                c = [0] # integers are immutable so a list (mutable) is used for the counter
                def key_add((key, metadata, bins)):
                    if c[0] < lim:
                        c[0] = c[0] + 1
                        return False
                return key_add

            scan = client.scan('test','user')
            keys = []
            scan.foreach(limit(100, keys))
            print(len(keys)) # this will be 100 if the number of matching records > 100

Scan Policies

.. object:: policy

    A :class:`dict` of optional scan policies which are applicable to :meth:`Scan.results` and :meth:`Scan.foreach`. See :ref:`aerospike_policies`.

    .. hlist::
        :columns: 1

        * **timeout** maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the operation to complete. Default ``0`` means *do not timeout*.
        * **fail_on_cluster_change** :class:`bool` whether to fail the scan if a change occurs on the cluster. Default ``True``.
        * **socket_timeout** Maximum time in milliseconds for server side socket timeout. ``0`` means there is no socket timeout. Default ``10000``. Added in version 2.0.11.

Scan Options

.. object:: options

    A :class:`dict` of optional scan options which are applicable to :meth:`Scan.foreach`.

    .. hlist::
        :columns: 1

        * **priority** See :ref:`aerospike_scan_constants` for values. Default ``aerospike.SCAN_PRIORITY_AUTO``.
        * **nobins** :class:`bool` whether to return the *bins* portion of the :ref:`aerospike_record_tuple`. Default ``False``.
        * **concurrent** :class:`bool` whether to run the scan concurrently on all nodes of the cluster. Default ``False``.
        * **include_ldt** :class:`bool` whether to include LDT bins with the scan. Default ``False``.
        * **percent** :class:`int` percentage of records to return from the scan. Default ``100``.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.39