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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
443 lines (335 loc) · 17.8 KB
.. currentmodule:: aerospike

Scan Class --- :class:`Scan`

The Scan object is used to return all the records in a specified set (which can be ommitted or :py:obj:`None`). A Scan with a :py:obj:`None` set returns all the records in the namespace.

The scan can (optionally) be assigned one of the following

The scan is invoked using :meth:`foreach`, :meth:`results`, or :meth:`execute_background`. The bins returned can be filtered using :meth:`select`.

.. seealso::
    `Scans <>`_ and \
    `Managing Scans <>`_.

Scan Methods

.. method:: select(bin1[, bin2[, bin3..]])

    Set a filter on the record bins resulting from :meth:`results` or \
    :meth:`foreach`. If a selected bin does not exist in a record it will \
    not appear in the *bins* portion of that record tuple.

.. method:: apply(module, function[, arguments])

    Aggregate the :meth:`results` using a stream \
    `UDF <>`_.

    :param str module: the name of the Lua module.
    :param str function: the name of the Lua function within the *module*.
    :param list arguments: optional arguments to pass to the *function*. NOTE: these arguments must be types supported by Aerospike See: `supported data types <>`_.
        If you need to use an unsuported type, (e.g. set or tuple) you can use a serializer like pickle first.
    :return: one of the supported types, :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`float` (double), :class:`list`, :class:`dict` (map), :class:`bytearray` (bytes).

    .. seealso:: `Developing Stream UDFs <>`_

.. method:: add_ops(ops)

    Add a list of write ops to the scan.
    When used with :meth:`Scan.execute_background` the scan will perform the write ops on any records found.
    If no predicate is attached to the scan it will apply ops to all the records in the specified set. See :mod:`aerospike_helpers` for available ops.

    :param ops: `list` A list of write operations generated by the aerospike_helpers e.g. list_operations, map_operations, etc.

    .. note::
        Requires server version >= 4.7.0.

    .. code-block:: python

        import aerospike
        from aerospike_helpers.operations import list_operations
        from aerospike_helpers.operations import operations
        scan = client.scan('test', 'demo')

        ops =  [
            operations.append(test_bin, 'val_to_append'),
            list_operations.list_remove_by_index(test_bin, list_index_to_remove, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_NONE)

        id = scan.execute_background()

    For a more comprehensive example, see using a list of write ops with :meth:`Query.execute_background` .

.. method:: results([policy[, nodename]]) -> list of (key, meta, bins)

    Buffer the records resulting from the scan, and return them as a \
    :class:`list` of records.

    :param dict policy: optional :ref:`aerospike_scan_policies`.
    :param str nodename: optional Node ID of node used to limit the scan to a single node.

    :return: a :class:`list` of :ref:`aerospike_record_tuple`.

    .. code-block:: python

        import aerospike
        import pprint

        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
        config = { 'hosts': [ ('',3000)]}
        client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

        client.put(('test','test','key1'), {'id':1,'a':1},
        client.put(('test','test','key2'), {'id':2,'b':2},

        scan = client.scan('test', 'test')'id','a','zzz')
        res = scan.results()

    .. note::

        We expect to see:

        .. code-block:: python

            [ ( ( 'test',
                { 'gen': 52, 'ttl': 2592000},
                { 'id': 2}),
              ( ( 'test',
                { 'gen': 52, 'ttl': 2592000},
                { 'a': 1, 'id': 1})]

    .. note::
        Python client versions >= 3.10.0 Supports predicate expressions for results, foreach, and execute_background see :mod:`~aerospike.predexp`.
        Requires server version >= 4.7.0.

        .. code-block:: python

            from __future__ import print_function
            import aerospike
            from aerospike import predexp
            from aerospike import exception as ex
            import sys
            import time

            config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)]}
            client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

            # register udf
            except ex.AerospikeError as e:
                print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

            # put records and run scan
                keys = [('test', 'demo', 1), ('test', 'demo', 2), ('test', 'demo', 3)]
                records = [{'number': 1}, {'number': 2}, {'number': 3}]
                for i in range(3):
                    client.put(keys[i], records[i])

                scan = client.scan('test', 'demo')

                preds = [ # check that the record has value < 2 or value == 3 in bin 'name'

                policy = {
                    'predexp': preds

                records = scan.results(policy)
            except ex.AerospikeError as e:
                print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))
            # the scan only returns records that match the predexp
            # EXPECTED OUTPUT:
            # [
            #   (('test', 'demo', 1, bytearray(b'\xb7\xf4\xb88\x89\xe2\xdag\xdeh>\x1d\xf6\x91\x9a\x1e\xac\xc4F\xc8')), {'gen': 2, 'ttl': 2591999}, {'number': 1}),
            #   (('test', 'demo', 3, bytearray(b'\xb1\xa5`g\xf6\xd4\xa8\xa4D9\xd3\xafb\xbf\xf8ha\x01\x94\xcd')), {'gen': 13, 'ttl': 2591999}, {'number': 3})
            # ]

        .. code-block:: python

            # contents of my_udf.lua
            function my_udf(rec, bin, offset)
                info("my transform: %s", tostring(record.digest(rec)))
                rec[bin] = rec[bin] + offset

.. method:: foreach(callback[, policy[, options[, nodename]]])

    Invoke the *callback* function for each of the records streaming back \
    from the scan.

    :param callable callback: the function to invoke for each record.
    :param dict policy: optional :ref:`aerospike_scan_policies`.
    :param dict options: the :ref:`aerospike_scan_options` that will apply to the scan.
    :param str nodename: optional Node ID of node used to limit the scan to a single node.

    .. note:: A :ref:`aerospike_record_tuple` is passed as the argument to the callback function.

    .. code-block:: python

        import aerospike
        import pprint

        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
        config = { 'hosts': [ ('',3000)]}
        client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

        client.put(('test','test','key1'), {'id':1,'a':1},
        client.put(('test','test','key2'), {'id':2,'b':2},

        def show_key(record):
            key, meta, bins = record

        scan = client.scan('test', 'test')
        scan_opts = {
          'concurrent': True,
          'nobins': True,
          'priority': aerospike.SCAN_PRIORITY_MEDIUM
        scan.foreach(show_key, options=scan_opts)

    .. note::

        We expect to see:

        .. code-block:: python

            ('test', 'test', u'key2', bytearray(b'\xb2\x18\n\xd4\xce\xd8\xba:\x96s\xf5\x9ba\xf1j\xa7t\xeem\x01'))
            ('test', 'test', u'key1', bytearray(b'\x1cJ\xce\xa7\xd4Vj\xef+\xdf@W\xa5\xd8o\x8d:\xc9\xf4\xde'))

    .. note:: To stop the stream return ``False`` from the callback function.

        .. code-block:: python

            from __future__ import print_function
            import aerospike

            config = { 'hosts': [ ('',3000)]}
            client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

            def limit(lim, result):
                c = [0] # integers are immutable so a list (mutable) is used for the counter
                def key_add(record):
                    key, metadata, bins = record
                    if c[0] < lim:
                        c[0] = c[0] + 1
                        return False
                return key_add

            scan = client.scan('test','user')
            keys = []
            scan.foreach(limit(100, keys))
            print(len(keys)) # this will be 100 if the number of matching records > 100

.. method:: execute_background([, policy])

    Execute a record UDF on records found by the scan in the background. This method returns before the scan has completed.
    A UDF can be added to the scan with :meth:`Scan.apply`.

    :param dict policy: optional :ref:`aerospike_write_policies`.

    :return: a job ID that can be used with :meth:`aerospike.Client.job_info` to track the status of the ``aerospike.JOB_SCAN``, as it runs in the background.

    .. note::
        Python client version 3.10.0 implemented scan execute_background.

        .. code-block:: python

            from __future__ import print_function
            import aerospike
            from aerospike import exception as ex
            import sys
            import time

            config = {"hosts": [("", 3000)]}
            client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

            # register udf
            except ex.AerospikeError as e:
                print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

            # put records and apply udf
                keys = [("test", "demo", 1), ("test", "demo", 2), ("test", "demo", 3)]
                records = [{"number": 1}, {"number": 2}, {"number": 3}]
                for i in range(3):
                    client.put(keys[i], records[i])

                scan = client.scan("test", "demo")
                scan.apply("my_udf", "my_udf", ["number", 10])
                job_id = scan.execute_background()

                # wait for job to finish
                while True:
                    response = client.job_info(job_id, aerospike.JOB_SCAN)
                    if response["status"] != aerospike.JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS:

                records = client.get_many(keys)
            except ex.AerospikeError as e:
                print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))
            # EXPECTED OUTPUT:
            # [
            #   (('test', 'demo', 1, bytearray(b'\xb7\xf4\xb88\x89\xe2\xdag\xdeh>\x1d\xf6\x91\x9a\x1e\xac\xc4F\xc8')), {'gen': 2, 'ttl': 2591999}, {'number': 11}),
            #   (('test', 'demo', 2, bytearray(b'\xaejQ_7\xdeJ\xda\xccD\x96\xe2\xda\x1f\xea\x84\x8c:\x92p')), {'gen': 12, 'ttl': 2591999}, {'number': 12}),
            #   (('test', 'demo', 3, bytearray(b'\xb1\xa5`g\xf6\xd4\xa8\xa4D9\xd3\xafb\xbf\xf8ha\x01\x94\xcd')), {'gen': 13, 'ttl': 2591999}, {'number': 13})
            # ]
        .. code-block:: python

            # contents of my_udf.lua
            function my_udf(rec, bin, offset)
                info("my transform: %s", tostring(record.digest(rec)))
                rec[bin] = rec[bin] + offset

Scan Policies

.. object:: policy

    A :class:`dict` of optional scan policies which are applicable to :meth:`Scan.results` and :meth:`Scan.foreach`. See :ref:`aerospike_policies`.

    .. hlist::
        :columns: 1

        * **max_retries** :class:`int`
            | Maximum number of retries before aborting the current transaction. The initial attempt is not counted as a retry.
            | If max_retries is exceeded, the transaction will return error ``AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT``.
            | Default: ``0``

            .. warning::  Database writes that are not idempotent (such as "add") should not be retried because the write operation may be performed multiple times \
               if the client timed out previous transaction attempts. It's important to use a distinct write policy for non-idempotent writes which sets max_retries = `0`;

        * **sleep_between_retries** :class:`int`
            | Milliseconds to sleep between retries. Enter ``0`` to skip sleep.
            | Default: ``0``
        * **socket_timeout** :class:`int`
            | Socket idle timeout in milliseconds when processing a database command.
            | If socket_timeout is not ``0`` and the socket has been idle for at least socket_timeout, both max_retries and total_timeout are checked. \
              If max_retries and total_timeout are not exceeded, the transaction is retried.
            | If both ``socket_timeout`` and ``total_timeout`` are non-zero and ``socket_timeout`` > ``total_timeout``, then ``socket_timeout`` will be set to \
             ``total_timeout``. If ``socket_timeout`` is ``0``, there will be no socket idle limit.
            | Default: ``30000``.
        * **total_timeout** :class:`int`
            | Total transaction timeout in milliseconds.
            | The total_timeout is tracked on the client and sent to the server along with the transaction in the wire protocol. The client will most likely \
              timeout first, but the server also has the capability to timeout the transaction.
            | If ``total_timeout`` is not ``0`` and ``total_timeout`` is reached before the transaction completes, the transaction will return error \
             ``AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT``. If ``total_timeout`` is ``0``, there will be no total time limit.
            | Default: ``0``
        * **fail_on_cluster_change** :class:`bool`
            | Abort the scan if the cluster is not in a stable state.
            | Default: ``False``
        * **durable_delete** :class:`bool`
            | Perform durable delete (requires Enterprise server version >= 3.10)
            | If the transaction results in a record deletion, leave a tombstone for the record.
            | Default: ``False``
        * **records_per_second** :class:`int`
            | Limit the scan to process records at records_per_second.
            | Requires server version >= 4.7.0.
            | Default: ``0`` (no limit).

Scan Options

.. object:: options

    A :class:`dict` of optional scan options which are applicable to :meth:`Scan.foreach`.

    .. hlist::
        :columns: 1

        * **priority**
            | Scan priority has been replaced by the records_per_second policy see :ref:`aerospike_scan_policies`.
        * **nobins** :class:`bool`
            | Whether to return the *bins* portion of the :ref:`aerospike_record_tuple`.
            | Default ``False``.
        * **concurrent** :class:`bool`
            | Whether to run the scan concurrently on all nodes of the cluster.
            | Default ``False``.
        * **percent** :class:`int`
            | Percentage of records to return from the scan.
            | Default ``100``.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.39