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PX4 Vision Example

These examples use the Pixhawk Platform <aerial_platform_px4>. You can install it following the instructions in installation section <aerial_platform_px4_installation>.

To install this project, please clone the repository:

git clone

To start using this project, please go to the root folder of the project.


The flags for the components launcher are:

  • -s: launch the components for the simulated version.
  • -g: use GPS localization for outdoor flight.
  • -t: launch keyboard teleoperation.
  • -r: record rosbag.
  • -n: use custom dron namespace.

Arguments for the components launcher are:

  • -e: estimator type. Allowed values [ground_truth, raw_odometry, mocap]. Default: ground_truth.

Simulated execution

In order to launch the components for the simulated version, you have to execute:

./launch_as2.bash -s -t

This will open a simulation for a single drone alongside the Aerostack2 components necessary for the mission execution.

A window like the following image should open.

Gazebo Classic simulator

Gazebo Classic simulator

It will also open a keyboard teleoperation (argument -t), which you can use to teleoperate the drone with the aerostack2 keyboard teleoperation user interface <user_interfaces_keyboard_teleoperation>.

A window like the following image should popup:

Keyboard teleoperation

Keyboard teleoperation

To start the mission, go to a new terminal line and execute:

python3 -s

To do a clean exit of tmux, execute:

./stop.bash drone0

Real execution

Before launching the components, remember to set the correct state estimator to use. Currently, Aerostack2 supports two types of state estimators for the PX4, this are:

  • Optitrack: which uses mocap plugin.
  • Odometry: which uses raw_odometry plugin.

Also, the second one have two versions, the one to indoor flights and the one to outdoor flights using GPS, that you can select with the flag -g.

In order to launch the components, do:

  • For the odometmocapry version, do:
./launch_as2.bash -e mocap -t
  • For the odometry indoor version, do:
./launch_as2.bash -e raw_odometry -t
  • For the odometry outdoor version, do:
./launch_as2.bash -e raw_odometry -g -t


Before launching the components with mocap, it is also necessary to set the file real_config/mocap.yaml. This file will be used by the state estimator mocap plugin to get the ground truth pose coming from our motion capture system into the Aerostack2 common interface localization topics <ros2_common_interfaces_state_estimator_topics>.

To start the mission, execute:


To do a clean exit of tmux, execute the following command:

./stop.bash drone0