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Simulation Report

The current protocol is considered to be 0.14.0.

Current Protocol

Protocol Description

  • Connect to all trusted nodes.
  • Start pinging all outbound connections.
  • Send a new ping 2 minutes after a ping response is received.
  • Send up to 32 random peers in each ping.
  • Respond to all pings with 32 random peers excluding the received ones.
  • Add all gossiped peers to the pool and connect to them.
  • Accept all inbound connections.
  • Add the peer that connects to the node to the pool only after receiving the first ping (when we get its full address).
  • No limitation on the number of inbound/outbound connections.

Possible divergences from current epoch protocol:

  • Connections are not retried individually, the pool is the one selecting the connection and handling the exponential backoff.
  • Because there is no simulation of the synchronization protocol the ping messages are always sent by the node initiating the connection and this never change during the life of the connection.

Simple Simulation

This simulation runs for a fixed amount of simulated time (3 hours). It first bootstraps a cluster of 3 nodes; two of them are marked as trusted and used to start later nodes. It then proceeds to start a new node every 30 seconds up to 300 nodes.

Command line

aesim max_sim_time=3h max_nodes=300 rrd_enabled=true


The report and metrics can be consulted in the report/current/simple directory.

Number of Connection per Node

The main issue with the protocol is the unbound number of connection. All the nodes quickly end up connecting to all the other nodes; this causes a very large number of ping/response to be sent.

After the 3 hours of simulation, all the nodes know each other, and all the nodes are available in the pool of all the nodes.

All these connections mean each node received an average of 12000 ping messages during these 3 hours of simulation, the rate at the end is around 5 ping messages per second. This number is still in acceptable but not negligible.

Sybil Attack

Because all the nodes connect to all the other ones, it is quite resistant against Sybil attacks, but the nodes nor remembering the known peers between restarts make it more sensible to attacks after scheduled or forced restart.

A way to isolate a node would require the attacker to isolate the attacked node from the trusted nodes when it is restarted, connect to the node and gossip only compromised nodes. The attacker would have to keep it isolated from the trusted nodes during the whole duration of the attack to keep it isolated. Isolating the attacked node from the trusted nodes could be achieved through DNS spoofing or DoS of the trusted nodes.

Cluster Discovery Time

This simulation focus on finding the time required for a new node to know the majority of the cluster through gossip when joining a cluster.

A cluster of 300 nodes is setup and the scenario waits for all the nodes in the cluster to know at least 90% of the other nodes.

Then a new node is started and the time for it to know 90% of the cluster is measured. This operation is repeated 20 times to get a reliable metric.

Command line

aesim scenario_mod=aesim_scenario_gossip_time max_sim_time=4h max_nodes=320


The report can be consulted in the report/current/gossip-time directory.

Because the nodes connect to all the peers they get from gossiping, and every node sends them a gossip message right away, they discover the full cluster very fast. The simulation shows that the median time to know 90% of the cluster is under one second with a maximum of just over 19 seconds. The connection delay and processing delay of the simulator could probably be tweaked to get a more realistic result, but it shows that the gossip protocol is extremely fast.

Enhancement Proposals

  1. Limit the number of connections, at least the outbound ones.

This would reduce greatly the number of connection in a cluster, making it more scalable reducing load on the trusted nodes.

  1. Store the pooled peers between restarts.

Storing the known peers between restart would prevent a restarting node to completely depend on the trusted node to join the cluster. Note that if no more precautions are taken, the known peers could be heavily poisoned with compromised peers, but because the node connects to all the peers, at least one ought to not be compromised.

Current Protocol With Connection Limitation

Protocol Description

This is the same protocol as Current Protocol with the only difference that the number of inbound/outbound connection is limited.

Simple Simulation

Same as Current Protocol simple simulation with a limit of 10 outbound connections and 100 inbound connections (soft limit).

Command line

aesim max_sim_time=3h max_nodes=300 max_outbound=10 soft_max_inbound=100 max_inbound=1000 rrd_enabled=true


The report and metrics can be consulted in the 'report/current/limited-connections' directory.

Distribution of Inbound/Outbound Connections

Even though nodes have a maximum of 10 outbound connections, the trusted nodes never reach this number. They get at most a couple of outbound connections.

This is due to the fact that all the nodes connect to the trusted nodes, so they never try to connect to any peers they receive through gossip because they already have an inbound connection from them.

This could be a major issue if we would relay new blocks only to outbound connections and use inbound connection only for sync and mempool.

For the same reason, the trusted nodes still end up with a connection to each node in the cluster, and if we limit the number of incoming connection to a number lower than the maximum number of node in the cluster, new nodes wouldn't be able to join the cluster when this limit is reached.

Sybil Attack

Limiting the number of outbound connection make the protocol more exposed to isolation attack. The attacker would only have to prevent the attacked node from connecting to the trusted nodes and send a single gossip message with only compromised peers. Because the limit of outbound connection would be reached, the attacked node would never connect to the trusted nodes and stay isolated.

Cluster Discovery Time

Same as Current Protocol cluster discovery time simulation with a limit of 10 outbound connections and 100 inbound connections (soft limit).

Command line

aesim scenario_mod=aesim_scenario_gossip_time max_sim_time=4h max_nodes=320 max_outbound=10 soft_max_inbound=100 max_inbound=1000


The report can be consulted in the 'report/limited-connections/gossip-time' directory.

Because each node (besides the trusted ones) have a lot fewer connections, the gossip protocol takes more time to reach the point where a new node knows 90% of the other nodes. The simulation shows that the median time for a node joining the cluster to know 90% of the cluster is 4 minutes with the maximum being 4 minutes and 21 seconds.

Enhancement Proposal

  1. Not connecting to more than one peer from the same gossip source.

This is a partial solution, the attacker could just send gossip message from multiple compromised nodes.

  1. Not connecting to more than one peer from the same address group.

Like Bitcoin reference server, all peers could be categorized into groups based on the peer address (e.g. IPv4 /16 group), and the node could connect to only one peer from each group. This would force an attacker to own compromised nodes from a different address group. Like the previous proposal this just makes the attack harder, it doesn't prevent it.

  1. Have a soft limit on inbound connections.

To prevent all the nodes to be connected to the trusted nodes but still allow new nodes to join the cluster, the protocol could have a soft limit on inbound connections. When the limit is reached, any new inbound connection is closed right after responding to the first ping message.

This would distribute the connections more homogeneously in the cluster and resolve the issue of the trusted nodes not having enough outbound connections.

  1. Store the pooled peers between restarts.

Like with the current protocol, storing known peer would prevent a restarting node from depending on the trusted nodes. But a major difference is that when restarting, it will only connect to a limited number of the peers, so if they are heavily poisoned by an attacker there is a probability of the node getting isolated. So with limited outbound connections, special attention should be taken in preventing the pool to get poisoned.

Current Protocol With Connection Limitation - Smaller Network

Protocol Description

This is the same protocol as Current Protocol with the only difference that the number of inbound/outbound connection is limited.

Simple Simulation

Same as Current Protocol simple simulation with a limit of 10 outbound connections and 100 inbound connections (soft limit). Also, maximum number of nodes is set to 100, which is more realistic scenario as it's unlikely there is more than ~100 nodes (on mainnet or testnet).

Command Line

aesim max_sim_time=3h max_nodes=100 max_outbound=10 soft_max_inbound=100 max_inbound=1000 rrd_enabled=true


The report and metrics can be consulted in the 'report/limited-connections/simple2' directory.

Cluster Discovery Time

Same as Current Protocol cluster discovery time simulation with a limit of 10 outbound connections and 100 inbound connections (soft limit). The maximum number of nodes is set to 100.

Command line

aesim scenario_mod=aesim_scenario_gossip_time max_sim_time=4h max_nodes=100 max_outbound=10 soft_max_inbound=100 max_inbound=1000


The report can be consulted in the 'report/limited-connections/gossip-time2' directory.

Current Protocol With Connection Limitation - Larger Network

Protocol Description

This is the same protocol as Current Protocol with the only difference that the number of inbound/outbound connection is limited.

Simple Simulation

Same as Current Protocol simple simulation with a limit of 10 outbound connections and 100 inbound connections (soft limit). The simulation starts with 1000 nodes, maximum number of nodes is 2000. The most important aspect of this simulation is connection rejection probability, which is set to 99% (only 1% of connection attempts succeeds).

Command Line

aesim max_sim_time=3h bootstrap_size=1000 max_nodes=2000 reject_iprob=99 max_outbound=10 soft_max_inbound=100 max_inbound=1000 rrd_enabled=true


The report and metrics can be consulted in the 'report/limited-connections/simple3' directory.

Cluster Discovery Time

Same as Current Protocol cluster discovery time simulation with a limit of 10 outbound connections and 100 inbound connections (soft limit). The simulation starts with 1000 nodes, maximum number of nodes is 2000 and conenctions rejection probabilty is 99%.

Command line

aesim scenario_mod=aesim_scenario_gossip_time max_sim_time=4h bootstrap_size=1000 max_nodes=2000 reject_iprob=99 max_outbound=10 soft_max_inbound=100 max_inbound=1000


TODO: simulation timeout.

Protocol With Changed Parameters And Connection Limitation - Smaller Network

Protocol Description

This is the same protocol as Current Protocol with changes:

  • number of inbound/outbound connection is limited:
    • 20 outbound (was 10), 100 inbound
  • number of gossiped peers is 8 (was 32)
  • max rejections decreased to 2 (was 7), this is changed in the code:
diff --git a/src/pools/aesim_pool_simple.erl b/src/pools/aesim_pool_simple.erl
index 3a8d252..bd55ab3 100644
--- a/src/pools/aesim_pool_simple.erl
+++ b/src/pools/aesim_pool_simple.erl
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@

 %=== MACROS ====================================================================

--define(BACKOFF_TIMES, [5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600]).
--define(MAX_RETRIES, 7).
+-define(BACKOFF_TIMES, [5, 15]).
+-define(MAX_RETRIES, 2).

 %=== EXPORTS ===================================================================

Simple Simulation

Same as Current Protocol simple simulation with a limit of 20 outbound connections and 100 inbound connections (soft limit). Also, maximum number of nodes is set to 100, which is more realistic scenario as it's unlikely there is more than ~100 nodes (on mainnet or testnet). Number of gossiped peers is set to 8.

Command Line

aesim max_sim_time=3h max_nodes=100 gossiped_neighbours=8 max_outbound=20 soft_max_inbound=100 max_inbound=1000 rrd_enabled=true


The report and metrics can be consulted in the 'report/limited-connections/simple4' directory.

Cluster Discovery Time

Same as Current Protocol cluster discovery time simulation with a limit of 20 outbound connections and 100 inbound connections (soft limit). The maximum number of nodes is set to 100 and the number of gossiped peers is set to 8.

Command line

aesim scenario_mod=aesim_scenario_gossip_time max_sim_time=4h max_nodes=100 gossiped_neighbours=8 max_outbound=20 soft_max_inbound=100 max_inbound=1000


The report can be consulted in the 'report/limited-connections/gossip-time4' directory.

Protocol With Changed Parameters And Connection Limitation - Larger Network

Protocol Description

This is the same protocol as Current Protocol with changes:

  • number of inbound/outbound connection is limited:
    • 20 outbound (was 10), 100 inbound
  • number of gossiped peers is 8 (was 32)
  • max rejections decreased to 2 (was 7), this is changed in the code:
diff --git a/src/pools/aesim_pool_simple.erl b/src/pools/aesim_pool_simple.erl
index 3a8d252..bd55ab3 100644
--- a/src/pools/aesim_pool_simple.erl
+++ b/src/pools/aesim_pool_simple.erl
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@

 %=== MACROS ====================================================================

--define(BACKOFF_TIMES, [5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600]).
--define(MAX_RETRIES, 7).
+-define(BACKOFF_TIMES, [5, 15]).
+-define(MAX_RETRIES, 2).

 %=== EXPORTS ===================================================================

Simple Simulation

Same as Current Protocol simple simulation with a limit of 20 outbound connections and 100 inbound connections (soft limit). The simulation starts with 1000 nodes, maximum number of nodes is 2000. The most important aspect of this simulation is connection rejection probability, which is set to 99% (only 1% of connection attempts succeeds), the max rejections is set to 2 (as opposed to 7 by default). Also, Number of gossiped peers is set to 8.

Command Line

aesim max_sim_time=3h bootstrap_size=1000 max_nodes=2000 reject_iprob=99 gossiped_neighbours=8 max_outbound=20 soft_max_inbound=100 max_inbound=1000 rrd_enabled=true


The report and metrics can be consulted in the 'report/limited-connections/simple5' directory.

Cluster Discovery Time

Same as Current Protocol cluster discovery time simulation with a limit of 20 outbound connections and 100 inbound connections (soft limit). The simulation starts with 1000 nodes, maximum number of nodes is 2000 and conenctions rejection probabilty is 99%. The max rejections is set to 2, the number of gossiped peers is set to 8.

Command line

aesim scenario_mod=aesim_scenario_gossip_time max_sim_time=4h bootstrap_size=1000 max_nodes=2000 reject_iprob=99 gossiped_neighbours=8 max_outbound=20 soft_max_inbound=100 max_inbound=1000


TODO: simulation timeout.