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Automerge internal data structures

This document is a quick summary of how Automerge stores data internally. You shouldn't need to read it in order to use Automerge in your application, but you might find it useful if you want to hack on the Automerge code itself.

State, operations, and deltas

You get a Automerge instance by calling Automerge.init() (creates a new, empty document) or Automerge.load() (loads an existing document, typically from a file on disk). By default, this document exists only in memory on a single device, and you don't need any network communication for read or write access. There may be a separate networking layer that asynchronously propagates changes from one device to another, but that networking layer is outside of the scope of Automerge itself.

The Automerge document looks like a JavaScript object (by default the empty object {}), but it's actually a wrapper (technically, a Proxy) around a state object. The state is an Immutable.js data structure containing the set of changes that were made to the state over time. Think of the state as being like a database of edits; then then proxy is like a database query through which you can examine the current state of the document.

The state is immutable and is never updated in place. Instead, whenever you want to do something that changes the state, you call a function that takes the old state as first argument, and returns a new state reflecting the change. There are two ways how the state can change:

  1. Local operations, which are generally triggered by the user changing some piece of application data in the user interface. Such editing by the user is expressed by calling Automerge.change(), which groups together a block of operations that should be applied as an atomic unit. Within that block, a mutable API is used for expressing the changes, but internally these API calls are translated into operations on the immutable state. The change() function returns a new copy of the state with those operations included.
  2. Remote operations: a user on another device has edited their copy of a document, that change was sent to you via the network, and now you want to apply it to your own copy of the document. Remote operations are applied using Automerge.applyDeltas(), which again returns a new copy of the state. For testing purposes there is also Automerge.merge(), which is is a short-cut for the case where the "remote" document is actually just another instance of Automerge in the same process.

To facilitate network communication, the functions Automerge.getVClock() and .getDeltasAfter() allow Automerge instances on different devices to figure out their differences (which operations are missing on which device). These functions only query the state, but do not change it.

Actor IDs, vector clocks, and causality

Each Automerge instance has an actor ID — a UUID that is generated randomly whenever you do Automerge.init() or Automerge.load() (unless you explicitly pass an actor ID into those functions). Whenever you make a local edit on that Automerge instance, the operations are tagged with that actor ID as the origin. All changes made on a Automerge instance are numbered sequentially, starting with 1 and never skipping or reusing sequence numbers. We assume that nobody else is using the same actor ID, and thus each change is uniquely identified by the combination of its originating actor ID and its sequence number. That unique identifier for the change always remains fixed, even when it is applied on remote copies of the document.

An actor ID is a bit similar to a device ID. Each device can generate changes independently from every other device, and so each device needs to have its own numbering sequence. You can have several actor IDs for the same device, for example if the user might run several instances of the application on the same device (in which case, each instance needs its own actor ID). However, there is a performance cost to having lots of actor IDs, so it's a good idea to keep using the same actor ID if possible (at least for the lifetime of an application process).

With those sequence numbers in place, we can fairly efficiently keep track of all changes we've seen: for each actor ID, we apply the changes originating on that instance in strictly incrementing order; and then we only need to store the highest sequence number we've seen for each actor ID. This mapping from actor ID to highest sequence number is called a vector clock.

With our documents, one change sometimes depends on another. For example, if an item is first added and then removed, it doesn't make sense to try to apply the removal if you haven't already seen the addition (since you'd be trying to remove something that doesn't yet exist). To keep track of these dependencies, every change includes the vector clock of the originating Automerge instance at the time when the local edit was made. Every other Automerge instance that wants to apply this change needs to check that the prior changes have already been applied; it can do this by checking that for all known actor IDs, the greatest sequence number it has already applied is no less than the sequence number in the change's vector clock. If the change depends on some other change that has not yet been seen, the change is buffered until the prerequisite change arrives. This ordering and buffering process is known as causally ordered delivery (because it ensures that everybody first sees the cause, then the effect, not the other way round).

Change structure and operation types

Every change is a JSON document with four properties:

  • actor: The actor ID on which the change originated (a UUID).
  • clock: The vector clock of the originating Automerge instance at the time the change was generated, represented as a map from actor IDs to sequence numbers: {[actorId1]: seq1, [actorId2]: seq2, ...}. The entry for the actor ID on which the change originated, i.e. change.clock[], is the sequence number of this particular change.
  • message: An optional human-readable "commit message" that describes the change in a meaningful way. It is not interpreted by Automerge, only stored for introspection, debugging, undo, and similar purposes.
  • ops: An array of operations that are grouped into this change.

Each operation in the ops array is a JSON object. Automerge currently uses the following types of operation:

  • { action: 'makeMap', obj: objectId }

    The user created a new empty map object, and that object will henceforth be identified by the UUID obj. The contents of the map, and its position within the document, are defined by subsequent operations. For the root object, which has a fixed UUID consisting of all zeros, a makeMap operation is not required.

  • { action: 'makeList', obj: objectId }

    The user created a new empty list object, and that list will henceforth be identified by the UUID obj.

  • { action: 'makeText', obj: objectId }

    The user created a new empty text sequence, and that sequence will henceforth be identified by the UUI obj. (A text sequence provides better performance for text editing compared with using a regular JavaScript array.)

  • { action: 'makeTable', obj: objectId }

    The user created a new empty table, and that table will henceforth be identified by the UUID obj. The table does not enforce a schema; the columns that exist in the table depend on the contents of each row. Rows are added in subsequent operations.

  • { action: 'ins', obj: listId, key: elemId, elem: uint }

    The user inserted a new item into a list. obj is the UUID of the list object being modified. key is the ID of an existing element after which the new element should be inserted, or the string '_head' if the new element should be inserted at the beginning of the list. elem is an integer that is strictly greater than the elem value of any other element in this list at the time of insertion.

    The ID of the newly inserted list element is constructed by concatenating the actor ID on which the operation originated, a colon character ':', and the elem value (as a decimal string). This ID is unique per list: although different actors may generate insertions with the same elem value, the same actor never reuses elems. This element ID is then used by subsequent set and link operations to assign a value to the list element, by del operations to delete the list element, and by ins operations to insert new list elements after this one.

    Note that the operation does not use list indexes, which are not safe under concurrent use, but instead uses unique identifiers for list elements. Note also that this operation does not specify what value should be inserted into the list; it only creates a placeholder at a particular position. A subsequent set or link operation is used to assign the actual value.

    The elem value looks a bit similar to a sequence number in the vector clock, but it is different due to the requirement that it must be greater than any other elem in that list (regardless of originating actor). This fact is required to ensure the list elements are ordered correctly. Technically, this construction is known as a Lamport timestamp.

  • { action: 'set', obj: objectId, key: key, value: value }

    The user assigned a value to a key in a map, or to an existing index in a list. obj is the UUID of the map or list being modified. If the target is a map, key is the name of the field being assigned. If the target is a list, key is the ID of the list element to be updated. This ID must have been created by a prior ins operation. value is always a primitive value (string, number, boolean, or null); use link for assigning objects or arrays.

  • { action: 'link', obj: objectId, key: key, value: objectId }

    The user took a previously created map (created with makeMap) or list object (created with makeList), and made it a nested object within another map or list. Put another way, this operation creates a reference or pointer from one object to another. It is acceptable for the same object to be referenced from several different places in a document. In principle, you could also create reference cycles, but the code currently doesn't handle them, so you'll get infinite loops.

    obj is the UUID of the map or list being modified (i.e. the outer map or list in the nesting). key is the name of the field (in the case of obj being a map) or the ID of the list element (if obj is a list) being updated. value is the UUID of the object being referenced (i.e. the nested map or list).

  • { action: 'del', obj: objectId, key: key }

    The user deleted a key from a map, or an element from a list. obj is the UUID of the map or list being modified. key is the key being removed from the map, or the ID of the list element being removed, as appropriate. Assigning the value undefined is interpreted as a deletion.

  • { action: 'inc', obj: objectId, value: number }

    The user incremented or decremented a counter. obj is the UUID of the counter being modified. value is the amount by which the counter is incremented, with a negative value representing a decrement.

For example, the following code:

Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), 'Create document', doc => = [ { title: 'hello world' } ])

generates the following JSON object describing the change:

{ actor: 'be3a9238-66c1-4215-9694-8688f1162cea',        // actorId where this change originated
  clock: { 'be3a9238-66c1-4215-9694-8688f1162cea': 1 }, // sequence number 1
  message: 'Create document',                           // human-readable message
   [ { action: 'makeList',                              // Make a list object to hold the cards
       obj: '3a64c13f-c270-4af4-a733-abaadc5e7c46' },   // New UUID for the list
     { action: 'ins',                                   // Insert a new element into the list we created
       obj: '3a64c13f-c270-4af4-a733-abaadc5e7c46',
       key: '_head',                                    // Insert at the beginning of the list
       elem: 1 },
     { action: 'makeMap',                               // Make a map object to reprsent a card
       obj: '4f1cd0ee-3855-4b56-9b8d-85f88cd614e3' },
     { action: 'set',                                   // Set the title of the card
       obj: '4f1cd0ee-3855-4b56-9b8d-85f88cd614e3',
       key: 'title',
       value: 'hello world' },
     { action: 'link',                                  // Make the card the first element of the list
       obj: '3a64c13f-c270-4af4-a733-abaadc5e7c46',
       key: 'be3a9238-66c1-4215-9694-8688f1162cea:1',   // Assign to the list element with elem:1
       value: '4f1cd0ee-3855-4b56-9b8d-85f88cd614e3' }, // UUID of the card object
     { action: 'link',                                  // Place the list of cards in the root object
       obj: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',     // UUID of the root object (hard-coded)
       key: 'cards',
       value: '3a64c13f-c270-4af4-a733-abaadc5e7c46' } ] }

Applying operations to the local state

The local state is comprised of a few different pieces:

  • queue: A list of pending changes.
  • history: A list of all applied changes.

The two pieces of state above represent the single source-of-truth for every change that the system has observed. When saving and loading an Automerge CRDT, only the history is used. The pieces described in the next section below contain cached information that would otherwise have to be computed by iterating over the entire history.

  • states: A map keyed by actor IDs. The values are lists, where each element is a change plus all of the changes dependencies, including transitive dependencies. (Since each change only stores direct dependencies, this essentially caches the transitive dependencies for each change.)
  • byObject: A map of object IDs to objects. An "object" is a map, a list, or a text sequence.
  • clock: A map keyed by actor IDs, with sequence numbers as the values. This represents the current vector clock of the local state.
  • deps: A map

Finally, the pieces of state below store the information necessary to support undo and redo operations:

  • undoPos: An integer, representing the current place in the undo stack.
  • undoStack: A list of changes that, if applied to the state, would perform an "undo".
  • redoStack: A list of changes that, if applied to the state, would perform a "redo".

When a change is generated (whether locally or remotely), it is immediately added to the queue list of changes. Automerge then iterates through every change in queue, performing the following steps for each pending change:

  • The local state is checked to see if the change is causally ready (described below). If a change is not causally ready, then it is skipped and Automerge moves on to the next pending change. If the change is causally ready, then Automerge continues with the next step.
  • The change is applied. This step updates several different parts of the state and is described in depth below.

Determining if a change is causally ready

For each change that it receives, Automerge checks to make sure that every sequence number in the change's dependencies is less than or equal to the sequence number stored in the local vector clock (clock described above). If every sequence number satisfies this condition, then the change is considered causally ready.


This section is still a work in progress. More to come!

Querying the local state