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If you do not plan to modify the source code and you want to use the simulator/library as is, you can download one of the latest builds from the download page of the AFF3CT website and skip this section.

This project uses CMake in order to generate any type of projects (Makefile, Visual Studio, Eclipse, CLion, XCode, etc.).

is portable and can be compiled on Windows, macOS and Linux. Of course it works on traditional x86 architectures like Intel and AMD CPUs but it also works on embedded architectures like ARM CPUs.

supports many C++11 compliant compilers, until now the following compilers have been tested: GNU (g++), Clang (clang++), Intel (icpc) and Microsoft (MSVC). In this section, a focus is given to compile with:

  1. the GNU compiler on Windows and Linux (Makefile project),
  2. the Microsoft compiler on Windows (Visual Studio 2017 solution),
  3. the Clang compiler on macOS (Makefile project).

CMake Installation


Download CMake from the official web page and launch the installer. Just press the Next button until the installation is over.


On Windows, if you plan to build from the Visual Studio IDE you can skip the CMake installation and directly go to the Compilation with Visual Studio <compilation-visual_studio_project> section.


On Windows, it is recommended to download a version of CMake with an installer: it looks like cmake-x.x.x-win64-x64.msi.


It is recommended to add CMake to your system PATH during the installation.


The CMake minimal version requirement is 3.0.2.



Install Make and CMake from the package manager:

sudo apt install make cmake


On CentOS-like systems you have to replace apt by yum.

C++ GNU Compiler Installation


Download the latest MinGW build from the official web page (tested with MinGW x86_64-6.2.0 <>). Unzip the archive. Copy the extracted mingw64 folder in the C:\\Programs\\Git\\ folder (overwrite all the duplicated files).


We suppose that you have installed Git for Windows has explained in the Git Installation on Windows <source_code-git_installation-windows> section and consequently you have Git Bash installed.


The instructions to install the C++ GNU compiler are not given for macOS because the native Clang compiler will be used instead in the next steps. Directly go to the Compilation with a Makefile project on macOS <compilation-makefile_project> section.


Install the C++ GNU compiler from the package manager:

sudo apt install g++


On CentOS-like systems you have to replace apt by yum.

Compilation with a Makefile Project

Go into the directory where you cloned , this directory will be refereed as $AFF3CT_ROOT.


Generate the Makefile from CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G"MinGW Makefiles"

This last command line should fail but you can ignore it, continue with:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="g++.exe" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-funroll-loops -march=native"

Build with the Makefile:

mingw32-make -j4

Once finished, the executable should be located in the $AFF3CT_ROOT/build/bin folder.


Run the previous commands on Git Bash (Start Menu > Git > Git Bash) and not on the Windows Command Prompt. If you try to run the previous commands on the Windows Command Prompt, CMake will not find the GNU compiler (g++.exe and gcc.exe commands) because it has not been added to the system PATH, same for the mingw32-make command.


Generate the Makefile from CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="clang++" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-funroll-loops -march=native"

Build with the Makefile:

make -j4

Once finished, the executable should be located in the $AFF3CT_ROOT/build/bin folder.


Generate the Makefile from CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="g++" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-funroll-loops -march=native"

Build with the Makefile:

make -j4

Once finished, the executable should be located in the $AFF3CT_ROOT/build/bin folder.

Compilation with a Visual Studio 2017 Solution

Since Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, Visual natively supports CMake. To generate the solution, open the $AFF3CT_ROOT folder from the IDE.


Select the Release target and press the green play button aff3ct.exe to start the compilation.


Once is compiled you can browse the build by right clicking on CMakeList.txt > Cache > Open Cache Folder.



Visual Studio should not be mixed up with Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio is the Windows native IDE and Visual Studio Code is a portable code editor.


Visual Studio 2017 Community is free for Open-source contributors, students and freelance developers.


The Visual Studio default compiler (MSVC) is known to generate significantly slower executable than the GNU compiler. If you target an high speed executable it is recommended to use the GNU or Clang compilers.


When compiling AFF3CT in debug mode, the src\Factory\Module\Decoder\Polar\Decoder_polar.cpp file generates the following error: fatal error C1128. To fix this, you need to compile with the /bigobj parameter.

The compilation can also be started from the command line after calling the %VS_PATH%\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat batch script (where %VS_PATH% is the location of Visual Studio on your system):

devenv /build Release aff3ct.sln

Compilation with a Visual Studio 2019 Solution

The compilation process on Visual Studio 2019 is almost the same than on Visual Studio 2017. Note that many improvements have been made on the compiler on Visual Studio 2019 and now the produced binaries are competitive with other standard compilers like GNU and Clang.

CMake Options

CMake allows to define project specific options. takes advantage of this feature and provides the following options:

Option Type Default Description
AFF3CT_COMPILE_EXE BOOLEAN ON Compile the executable.
AFF3CT_COMPILE_STATIC_LIB BOOLEAN OFF Compile the static library.
AFF3CT_COMPILE_SHARED_LIB BOOLEAN OFF Compile the shared library.
AFF3CT_LINK_GSL BOOLEAN OFF Link with the GSL library (used in the channels).
AFF3CT_LINK_MKL BOOLEAN OFF Link with the MKL library (used in the channels).
AFF3CT_MPI BOOLEAN OFF Enable the MPI support.
AFF3CT_POLAR_BIT_PACKING BOOLEAN ON Enable the bit packing technique for Polar code SC decoding.
AFF3CT_COLORS BOOLEAN ON Enable the colors in the terminal.
AFF3CT_BACKTRACE BOOLEAN ON Enable the backtrace display when and exception is raised. On Windows and macOS this option is not available and automatically set to OFF.
AFF3CT_EXT_STRINGS BOOLEAN ON Enable external strings for the help documentation. If ON the help doc will be parsed from the strings.rst external file. If OFF the strings will be self-contained in the binary. On this option is not available and automatically set to ON.
AFF3CT_PREC STRING MULTI Select the precision in bits (can be '8', '16', '32', '64' or 'MULTI').

Considering an option AFF3CT_OPTION we want to set to ON, here is the syntax to follow:

cmake .. -DAFF3CT_OPTION="ON"

Compiler Options

Build Type

CMake allows to select the type of build through the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE built-in variable. Release and Debug are the common values that the variable can get. For instance, to compile in release mode:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"


In CMake it is recommended to not explicitly set the compiler optimization level flags (-O0, -O1, -O2, -O3, etc.). Those compiler options will be set automatically by the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE built-in variable. For instance, with the GNU compiler, if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set to Release, the code will be compiled with the -O3 flag.


If you need to develop in it is recommended to compile in the Debug mode (or eventually RelWithDebInfo mode) during the development process to add the debug symbols in the binary files. It will certainly ease the debug process but be careful, the execution speed will be seriously affected in this mode, be sure to switch to the Release mode when the code is stable.


In Visual Studio solutions, the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE built-in variable has no effect and the build type is directly managed by Visual.

Specific Options

CMake has a built-in variable you can set to specify the compiler options: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS. For instance, it can be used like this:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-funroll-loops -march=native"

Many parts of the code use the parallelism and this type of instructions often requires additional compiler options to be enabled:

Option Description
-msse2 Enable the set of instructions on x86 (128-bit vector size, required for 32-bit and 64-bit data).
-mssse3 Enable the set of instructions on x86 (128-bit vector size, specifically required for 32-bit data and the FAST decoder, see the dec-polar-dec-type and dec-polar-dec-implem parameters).
-msse4.1 Enable the set of instructions on x86 (128-bit vector size, required for 8-bit and 16-bit data).
-mavx Enable the set of instructions on x86 (256-bit vector size, required for 32-bit and 64-bit data).
-mavx2 Enable the set of instructions on x86 (256-bit vector size, required for 8-bit and 16-bit data).
-mavx512f Enable the set of instructions on x86 (512-bit vector size, required for 32-bit and 64-bit data).
-mavx512bw Enable the set of instructions on x86 (512-bit vector size, required for 8-bit and 16-bit data).
-mfpu=neon Enable the set of instructions on and (128-bit vector size, required for 8-bit, 16-bit data and 32-bit data).
-march=native Let the compiler choose the best set of instructions available on the current architecture (it does not work for architectures since the instruction set is not 754 compliant).


Previous options are only valid for the and the Clang compilers but it exists similar options for the other compilers like the Microsoft compiler () or the Intel compiler (icpc).


Some routines require the floating-point operations to be -compliant: numerical instabilities has been reported when compiling with the --ffast-math flag. Be aware that the -Ofast option is the combination of -O3 and --ffast-math. We recommend to avoid the --ffast-math option unless you know what you are doing.