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Mikael Korpela edited this page Jul 21, 2017 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Agenda! Lightweight job scheduling for node.



For maintainers

Meet the team.

How we work

  • Work via pull requests. If you're a maintainer, create a new branch under repository or in your fork.
  • Keep your PRs focused; if you want to change multiple things, do multiple PRs. This helps us to focus discussion on single topics, makes reviewing easier and probably even helps to get smaller changes faster into master branch.
  • Simple changes to markdown or other meta files can be pushed directly to master, but anything that touches functionality should always go via PR. This includes code, tests, build tools, Travis and linting configs.
  • Give time for discussion, don't merge in a hurry. Wait for at least one "LGTM" from other maintainer, preferably from two if it's a major change. It's better wait for two days to see if someone has comments rather than merge something that might cause a breaking change.
  • Add tests. Don't merge changes or new features without tests added.
  • Keep commit messages clear. Users and other developers rely on our commit messages to be clear and concise.
  • Update the Documentation to go along with any changes in functionality

Generating a new Release

For those who will be generating releases:

  • Update the changelog and clearly indicate affects of update to users, especially breaking changes.
  • Follow semver — don't be afraid to pump up major version if you merged in a breaking change.
  • Update the package to NPM - it will take care of updating the version on package.json so don't update that manually.
  • Ensure releases are tagged on Github.

Code of Conduct

Ubuntu Code of Conducts is a great read if you're new to open source community.

Be considerate

Your actions and work will affect and be used by other people and you in turn will depend on the work and actions of others. Any decision you take will affect other community members, and we expect you to take those consequences into account when making decisions.

Be respectful

Disagreement is no excuse for poor manners. Assume good intentions and do our best to act in an empathic fashion. We don't allow frustration to turn into a personal attack. In a disagreement, in the first instance assume that people mean well.

Take responsibility

We can all make mistakes; when we do, we take responsibility for them. It's ok to do mistakes, just work together to right the wrong and be supportive.

Be pragmatic

We value tangible results over having the last word in a discussion. Don't let arguments about minor issues get in the way of achieving more important results. Let decisions be taken by those who do the work.

This document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 license. Parts of the Code of Conduct copyright NextCloud and Ubuntu.

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