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Table of Contents:

1. Description

Organizer is a web application that tracks down students' assignments from NYU Classes and organize them into a website so students do not neccessarily have to log in to NYU Classes and check for assignments for each of their courses. The web app also intends to provide insights on students' performance on doing different assignments. Additionally, it provides a time prediction on finishing upcoming tasks. This application is designed to help students make the most out of their time.

2. History

As NYU students who are aware of how time consuming tracking down all assignments from NYU Classes can be. We would like to develop a tool to help students organize upcoming assignments so that they do not have to constantly log into NYUClasses and check for new published assignments.

3. How to contribute

Please refer to the following link regarding for more contributing information

4. Building and Testing

IMPORTANT: Our application requires NYU NetID and password. To see how our application works, refer to the build steps in the section below. The testing data on the front page (/schedules) is for presenting purpose in case that there are not much upcoming tasks on NYUClasses as the semester comes to an end. Our code uses port 3000 and 5000, please make sure these two ports are available for use.

4.1 Development Code Building

Important: Please make sure you turn on the 'automatically-push' function on DUO and respond to the push within 30s. Alternatively you can click the push button by yourself when the chrome popup window shows up and respond to it within 30s.

  1. Clone our repository
  2. Enter the directory by cd organizer
  3. Please be aware of our directory structure:
    ├── client
    │   ├── public
    │   └── src
    │       ├── __tests__
    │       ├── components
    │       └── css
    ├── documentation
    │   ├── web_mockup_Mark
    │   └── wireframe
    └── server
       ├── crawler
       │   └── scripts
       ├── src
       └── test
  4. First run our server:
    1. from commandline, do cd server
    2. install dependencies by npm install.
    3. To use our crawler function, you need to install Google Chrome and chrome driver. Please find the appropriate version of driver to download (find by Chrome -> About Google Chrome) for your own Chrome. Unzip the downloaded file to get an executable and move the executable under the same directory as where your python is installed by doing the following:
      1. Find your path to where your python is installed by typing in your shell which python. You might get an output like /usr/local/bin/python3 or /anaconda3/bin/python.
      2. Put the executable under the same directory as python (e.g. /usr/local/bin/) and then go to your project directory your-path/organizer/server do pip install -r requirements.txt
      3. run the server: go to src directory (cd src) and run node app.js.
  5. Open another terminal to run the front-end react application:
    1. go to the client directory (path/to/organizer/client)
    2. install or dependencies by running npm install
    3. start the react application by npm start
  6. Please DO NOT USE npm audit fix

4.2 How To Use

  1. Open a broswer and go to http://localhost:3000, this might take around 30s to load and please wait patiently. Once it is successfully loaded it will lead you to a google sign-in page. Please choose one of your google account to continue.
  2. Go to the setting page (http://localhost:3000/setting), enter your preferred username and NetID and Password. This will open a new Chrome window to crawl your upcoming assignments where their due date is larger than the current date.
  3. The schedules page (http://localhost:3000/schedules) contains the information about all your upcoming assignments. Please refresh the page if there has been an css error (sometimes happens). Here is a list of what you could do:
    1. view all tasks in the next two weeks in the timeline
    2. check your stress level
    3. to create a new task, click 'add new task' and input task information. The 'predicted time' is the amount of time you plans to spend on the task.
    4. to acquire an actual time spent on a task, we recommend users to click the 'play' button on a task and then click again 'finish' when done to help our analysis. This will our analysis
    5. You can delete a task (the 'trash button') or edit a task (the 'pen' button).
  4. In the tags and subjects page, you can view the set of tasks for a specific category you choose. You can also manage your tags by clicking 'manage tags'.
  5. The analysis page (http://localhost:3000/analysis) invloves different types of figures to help students to get insights of their time management.

4.3 How to read our analysis

Our application provides various ways to help students to have a better sense of their deadlines. The schedules page shows some tasks and displays a timeline and a stress level gauge. The analysis page serves 3 kinds of figures. The first two provides insight into how well students can predict workload on assignments. The third figure shows the timestamp when a student puts a task as `done'. The fourth figure uses some algorithm to predict the percentages of time to spend on each course in the coming week.

4.4 Testing

To run frontend tests, make sure you are in client directory.

  • Run unit tests: npm test
  • Run unit-test-coverage: npm test -- --coverage(notice the double dashes in the middle)

5. Additional Links

Links to our webpage mock-ups and wireframes:



6. Authors

Angela Luo

Eric Chen

Mark Zeng

Michael Zhang

Junno Yau