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Sunil Kushwaha edited this page Aug 27, 2015 · 24 revisions

Below is the quick reference for all function this library has.

String functions

str.chr(asc)                      // Returns a character from the specified ASCII value.
str.lcfirst()                     // Convert first letter to lower case of a string
str.ucfirst()                     // Convert first letter to upper case of a string
str.pad(padCh, padLen, padMode)   // Pad a string with the characters that are given as arguments
str.repeat(len)                   // Repeats a specific string till 'len' number of times
str.ucwords()                     // Upper case first letter of the word.
str.htmlspecialchars()            // Convert special characters to HTML entities
str.html_entities_decode()        // Converts html entities to characters
str.reverse(c)                    // Reverse the string
str.rtrim(c)                      // Trims specified character from the end of th string, by default removes space
str.ltrim()                       // Trims specified character from the beginning of the string, by default removes space
str.strstr(needle,bool)           //Returns string after the given string if bool is false else returns string before the given string.

Array functions

arr.unique()                      // Get unique elements from one dimensional array
arr.has_duplicates()              // Returns True/False if array has duplicate element
arr.has_duplicates_assoc('phone') // Returns True/False if associative array has duplicate element based on key provided
arr.duplicates()                  // Returns object containing duplicate elements with their occurrences
arr.duplicates_assoc('phone')     // Returns object same as above but for associative array
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