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Agrirouter© Middleware

Functional documentation

How to authenticate the requests?

The endpoints of the middleware are secured by HTTP basic authentication. You have to use the ID of the tenant and the corresponding access token to authenticate.

Default tenant generation on startup

During the first startup of the middleware, a default tenant is generated and printed on level INFO within the log file. You have to store the credentials at a safe place to authenticate again.

External credentials for the actuator endpoints

If you do not want to use the generated credentials for the actuator endpoints, you can define your own credentials. You need to activate the profile actuator-credentials and set the following environment variables:




The ID of the tenant to use for the actuator endpoints.


The access token of the tenant to use for the actuator endpoints.

How to integrate the middleware in your project?

If you have a running instance, the integration is quite easy. The following diagram shows the main aspects of the integration process in your personal application.


Set up an instance of the middleware

There are two possible options when setting up an instance of the middleware. The first one is to set up the whole environment by yourself. The second one would be to have a look at a commercial offer, like the "Connectivity Service for agrirouter©" which is based on the middleware and provides multiple packages for different needs.

Configuration of the callbacks and the certificates within the agrirouter©

If you do not have an agrirouter© account, please follow the instructions to register a developer account and create your application within the agrirouter© to proceed with the integration. If you already have an application, you can start with the configuration of the application.

First thing to do is the configuration of the callback within the agrirouter©.


The callback endpoint is part of the middleware and has to be reachable as redirect target for the onboard process.

After you configure the callback, you need to generate the certificates. Both certificates, the public and the private one are needed for the next steps. So please save them to a keystore, a notepad or something else.

Register an application within the middleware

After finishing the configuration within the agrirouter© you are ready to set up your application within the middleware. There is a dedicated endpoint to register a new application, please see the Swagger documentation of the middleware to have all the details.

Define the capabilities of the application

Each application version has its own capabilities, and therefore, they have to be configured during the setup process. An example could be:

    "supportedTechnicalMessageTypes": [
            "direction": "SEND",
            "technicalMessageType": "ISO_11783_TASKDATA_ZIP"
            "direction": "SEND",
            "technicalMessageType": "SHP_SHAPE_ZIP"

In this case, the application would be able to send ISO11783 task data and shape files. If you need more details, please see the Swagger documentation.

Regarding the capabilities, the middleware is able to handle the following technical message (content message types):

Content Message Type Matching technical message type within the agrirouter©

























Define the mandatory router device

Since router devices are mandatory to use the middleware to connect to the agrirouter©, you have to add at least one router device to your application. You can create a router device using your developer account within the agrirouter©. At first you have to navigate to the "Router Devices" section.

router devices

Afterward, you are able to create a new router device.

create router device

The router device will be created, and you can see the details of the device. You are now able to download the connection details of the router device.

download connection details

By clicking the button, a new window will open, and you can download the connection details as a JSON.

connection details

You can either use a PEM or a P12 certificate for the connection to the agrirouter©. The middleware is able to handle both of them.


After downloading the connection details, you can add the router device to your application within the middleware. Use the corresponding endpoint and provide the connection details as JSON. You can use the whole content of the JSON file which you downloaded from the agrirouter© and provide it as the body of the request.

Onboard process for new endpoints

The middleware provides endpoints for the onboard process for farming software and telemetry platforms; communication units are not supported since they are not in the main scope of server side software. The endpoints for the onboard process will redirect the user to the agrirouter© interface. If you do not define a redirect URL when calling the endpoint, then the redirect will be to a page within the agrirouter middleware. Otherwise, the priority for redirect urls is as follows:

  1. redirectUrl parameter within the call of the endpoint

  2. redirectUrl within the settings of the application (see Swagger documentation for more details)

  3. Default redirect page within the middleware

After you created you own endpoint with your chosen externalEndpointId, the externalEndpointId is everything you need to send data and fetch messages from the agrirouter©.


There are three main profiles, the dev profile, the qa profile and the prod profile. The profiles define which log level is set or which job intervals are configured. You can activate those profiles via Spring Boot configuration on the command line or via environment variable.

In addition, there are two profiles that activate the maintenance mode to access additional REST endpoints = this is the maintenance profile - or enable the access to the PROD environment of the agrirouter© - the profile connect-agrirouter-prod. Those profiles can be set in addition to the main profiles.

  1. — Running the middleware in DEV mode with access to the QA environment of the agrirouter©.

  2. — Running the middleware in QA mode with access to the QA environment of the agrirouter©.

  3. — Running the middleware in PROD mode with access to the QA environment of the agrirouter©.

  4. — Running the middleware in QA and in maintenance mode with access to the QA environment of the agrirouter©.

  5. — This mode injects a QA environment with specific URLs for the agrirouter©.

  6. — This mode injects a production environment with specific URLs for the agrirouter©.

Logging for Business operations

Each changing business operation is logged with the log level "TRACE". The log contains the following information:

  • ID of the endpoint (externalEndpointId [eid] and agriroputerEndpointId [aid]).

  • ID of the application (internalApplicationId [iid] applicationId [aid]).

  • Log a message for the business operation.

Trace of business operations

There is an aspect for business operations that logs with the log level "TRACE". The log contains the following information:

  • Name of the method that is called.

  • Parameters and parameter values of the method.

  • Execution time of the method.

Scheduled jobs

There are several scheduled jobs that are executed in the background. The following jobs are running:

  • The middleware checks the connection of each endpoint to the agrirouter© in a configurable intervall.

  • The middleware fetches messages from the agrirouter© and confirms them in a configurable intervall.

  • The middleware is sending out the cached messages in a configurable intervall.

  • If the agrirouter© is not responding, the middleware is caching the messages waiting for ACKs and removes them in a configurable intervall.

  • The recipients of the endpoints are queried in a configurable intervall.

  • The middleware logs the status of the endpoints in a configurable intervall.



The project provides a Swagger documentation and brings its own Swagger-UI that can be accessed using the following url:

When running the project locally, the Swagger-UI can be found here.

Prerequisites for building and running the application

  • Java 17

  • Maven

Setting up the database for local development using docker-compose

To have a rapid start into developing, you can use the docker compose script located within the agrirouter-middleware-local folder. The script created both of the necessary databases, and after this you are ready to start the development. In addition, there is a run configuration for IDEA with all environment variables set—ready, steady, go!

Environment variables

To run the application, the following environment variables have to be set.

Name Description


Host for the MongoDB.


Password for MongoDB.


Port for the MongoDB.


Schema / Database for the MongoDB.


User for the MongoDB.


Host for the Maria DB / MySQL.


Password for the Maria DB / MySQL.


Port for the Maria DB / MySQL.


Schema / Database for the Maria DB / MySQL.


User for the Maria DB / MySQL.


Additional options for the Maria DB / MySQL. Start with a ? and separate the options with &.

If you are using the profiles for full URL configuration, you can use the following environment variables.




URL for the Maria DB / MySQL.


URI for the MongoDB.

Authentication for GitHub packages

To build the project from scratch, you need to authenticate for GitHub packages. Please see the following website for more details.

Error codes

You will get the following HTTP status codes when calling the endpoints of the middleware. For more details, please see the Swagger documentation for the specific endpoints.

HTTP Status Code Description


Will be returned for successful requests.


Will be returned for successful requests, i.e. defining the capabilities of an application or adding a router device.


In case there is a bad request, i.e. missing parameters or wrong values.


In case you did not provide the credentials for the HTTP basic authentication for this tenant.


In case you are not allowed to access the requested resource, i.e. from another tenant.


In case the requested resource was not found.


In case of an internal server error.


In case the middleware is not ready to handle requests, i.e. the agrirouter© is not available or the middleware is not connected to the database.