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Agrirouter© Middleware Release Notes

The release workflow has switched to a continuous delivery workflow, where every commit will trigger a new release and result in a new artifact. If there are any manual migrations necessary, the documentation can be found right here.

Release v8.0.0

This release contains breaking changes. Please read the release notes carefully.

Profile changes

The former profile azure has been renamed to mariadb-lt-10_5. Please adapt the profile name in your configuration.

MySQL 8.0 support

The middleware now supports MySQL 8.0. Please use the Spring Boot profile mysql-gt-8_0 to enable the support.

Release v7.4.0

Live status checking for multiple endpoints

The former functionality of the status checking for endpoints has been enhanced. The status is now checked with the same mechanism as it is done for a single endpoint. This increases the reliability of the status checks since the internal caching is disabled and has removed the scheduled status checks from the middleware.

Show virtual endpoints

With the new release it is possible to see the virtual endpoints for a parent endpoint.

2image::documentation/release_7_4/show_virtual_endpoints_in_the_status.png[virtual endpoints,role="left]

Release v7.3.0

Just a small release with some bugfixes.

Release v7.2.0

Just a small release with some bugfixes.

Release v7.1.0

Monitoring endpoint for the agrirouter status

With the new release, the middleware will provide a monitoring endpoint for the agrirouter status.

monitoring endpoint for agrirouter status

Release v7.0.0

Monitoring endpoints are secured by default

With the new release, the monitoring endpoints are secured by default. During startup, the middleware will generate a random password for the monitoring endpoints. You can see the password in the logs during startup, but it will be stored as a hash within the database. You can use the password to access the monitoring endpoints, like the health check, the metrics or the info endpoint.

monitoring password

If you lost the password, either delete the monitoring tenant from the database or set the password via maintenance endpoint.

Enhanced message statistics

With the new release, the message statistics have been enhanced. There is more structure and some additional information.

    "connectionStatistics": {
        "numberOfConnectionLosses": 0,
        "numberOfCacheMisses": 1,
        "numberOfClientInitializations": 1,
        "numberOfDisconnects": 0
    "mqttMessageStatistics": {
        "numberOfMessagesArrived": 0,
        "numberOfAcknowledgements": 0,
        "numberOfPushNotifications": 0,
        "numberOfCloudRegistrations": 0,
        "numberOfEndpointListings": 0,
        "numberOfUnknownMessages": 0
    "contentMessageStatistics": {
        "numberOfContentMessagesReceived": {}
    "numberOfConnectedClients": 1,
    "numberOfDisconnectedClients": 0

Router device are mandatory for communication

With this release it will be no longer allowed to send messages without a router device. This is necessary to improve the performance of the middleware and to reduce the load on the agrirouter. You will need to provide a router device once and all of the endpoints will be updated and connected using this router device. If you did not provide a router device, the middleware will reject the message.

[ERR_00038] Could not find the router device for the endpoint with the external endpoint ID '492eda79-d787-46f5-a3b5-3bc9dcfe97fa'.

You can see those error messages during startup within the logs of the middleware. The middleware will automatically update the former endpoints and connect them to the router device if it is provided.

router device

If you try to send a message without a router device, the middleware will reject the message.

Release v6.1.0

Caching for endpoints

Any kind of high load on the REST endpoints could exhaust the database connection pool. Therefore the middleware will cache the endpoints during runtime. This will increase the memory usage, but will reduce the load on the database.

Release v6.0.0

New error codes for internal errors

With this release the middleware will use new error codes for internal errors. Please see the documentation of the ErrorMessageFactory for more information. Specific error documentation will be added over the next releases.

Reject onboarding in case of agrirouter outages

With this release the middleware will reject onboarding requests in case of agrirouter outages. This will prevent the middleware from sending messages to the agrirouter in case of outages and will reduce the load on the agrirouter. This was necessary to reduce errors during onboarding and to improve the onboarding process.

Release v5.10.0

Reduced logging for health checks and smaller bugfixes.

Release v5.9.0

Improved startup time

With this release the startup time of the middleware has been improved.

Remove missing recipients from the database

With this release the middleware will remove missing recipients from the database.

Release v5.8.0

Azure MariaDB 10.3 support

With this release the middleware supports Azure MariaDB 10.3. You can use the azure profile to enable the support. MariaDB 10.3 is the minimum required version for Azure MariaDB.

Release v5.7.0

Show the internal application ID in the UI

With this release it is possible to see the internal application ID in the UI.

Adapt exception handling in case of outages

With this release the exception handling in case of agrirouter© outages has been adapted.

Release v5.6.0

Profiles for full database URL configuration.

With this release it is possible to configure the full database URL via environment variables. This is useful if you want to add custom parameters to the database URL. Both internal databases, the MariaDB and the MongoDB database, can be configured this way.

Release v5.5.0

Disable automated reconnects for MQTT connections.

Release v5.4.x

Live status checking for endpoints

With the new release it is possible to check the status of the endpoints more easily. The check is performed live and not based on a cache.

live endpoint status checks

The basic concept is that the middleware will check the status of the endpoints based on two components - the official status page of the agrirouter© and the echo mechanism of the outbox. At first the status page is checked, if there is an error a HTTP 502 is returned. If the status page is available, the echo mechanism is checked. If the echo mechanism is not available, a HTTP 503 is returned. If the echo mechanism is available, a HTTP 200 is returned. The echo mechanism is only checked if the status page is available, because the echo mechanism is only if the whole ecosystem is available.

If there is a timeout during the echo mechanism check, the status check will indicate, that the endpoint is no longer available.

Update of the DDIs for subscriptions

The DDIs for subscriptions have been updated, the new end of the range is now set to 675 and the configuration is now stored in the environment / Spring profile.

Revoke endpoints that are deactivated

With the new release it is possible to revoke endpoints that are deactivated.

Release v5.3

This release was a hotfix release to fix a bug in the subscription mechanism and provide automated subscription updates without the need to inform the customers.

Release v5.2

This release was a hotfix release to fix a bug in the subscription mechanism.

Release v5.1

Message statistics for applications

To see how the application is performing, there is a new endpoint to get the number of messages sent and received. You are not able to see how many messages per endpoint or per application were sent or received. The endpoint is available for the whole installation. You can find them in the Swagger documentation.

new message statistics endpoint

Delete messages (and all the chunks)

With the new release it is possible to delete a single message and all of the chunks the message brought with it. The endpoint is available for the whole installation. You can find them in the Swagger documentation.

new delete message endpoint

Add endpoint and caching for business events

There is a new endpoint for business events that occurred within the middleware. Each of the business events in the middleware is cached and can be received using the endpoint. The endpoint is available for the whole installation. You can find them in the Swagger documentation.

new business events endpoint

Update message recipient checking

The former recipient checking was based on a 30 minute interval. The default interval was decreased to a 15 minute interval. The interval can be set via system property. You can define the app.scheduled.recipient-query within your custom set of Spring properties, there is no environment variable to set the recipient check interval. The default value is 15 minutes. The endpoint is available for the whole installation. You can find them in the Swagger documentation.

Additional controller for general information

With this release, there is an additional controller, which can be used to check the version of the middleware.

new info endpoint

Release v5.0

Agrirouter© status integration

With the new release the current status of the agrirouter© is integrated into the whole business process. The status blocks message sending, scheduled checks and status updates in case the agrirouter© is not available. The status is checked every 5 minutes and will be hold within the cache to avoid constant calls to the agrirouter© status page. This allows to reduce the load on the agrirouter© in case the system has some problems.

Persistent message cache in case of failure

The new version is able to cache messages in case of failure. We added MicroStream as a dependency to the middleware. The cache is stored in a file on the server, and you are able to set the path via system property. You can either define the within your custom set of Spring properties or set the environment variable MESSAGE_CACHE_DATA_DIRECTORY. A valid path is required to enable the cache. You could - for example - use something like /opt/application/.message-cache to set the location of the cache.

Batch size for resending messages

With the new release the messages within the cache are send in batches. The size of the batch can be set via system property. You can define the app.cache.message-cache.batch-size within your custom set of Spring properties, there is no environment variable to set the batch size. The default value is 100.

No more TTL for the cache

The cache is now persistent and will not be cleared after a certain time.

Adaption of the keep alive interval

Since the agrirouter© was not happy with the former keep alive interval, we had to adapt it. The new value is 60 seconds.

New endpoints for statistic purpose

The new version comes with new endpoints to get the number of messages sent and received. The endpoints are available for the whole installation. You can find them in the Swagger documentation.

new statistics endpoint

Release v4.0

With this release there are breaking changes, so please note the following migration guide.

Former applicationId is now internalApplicationId

With PR 167 the naming was updated. The name applicationId has been misleading, and therefore it has been changed. The new name is internalApplicationId.

new usage of the internal application id

Former privateKey and publicKey are now base64EncodedPrivateKey and base64EncodedPublicKey

Since the parameter names did not reflect the actual content, they have been changed. The new names are base64EncodedPrivateKey and base64EncodedPublicKey for application registration. The format is still the same, just the name has been changed.

new parameter names for application registration

Technical message types are now shown in the application details

This is no breaking change, but a new feature. The technical message types are now shown in the application details. This is useful for debugging and monitoring. You can find them either in the response of the application details or in the internal status page.

technical message types
technical message types

Additional features in the internal status page

There are several new features in the internal status page. You can clear error several status messages / error messages and see the pending delivery tokens for the endpoints.

clear error messages

Public Postman collection

With the new release there comes a handy Postman collection for the agrirouter© middleware. You find the link right in the documentation.

New endpoints for the maintenance mode

The maintenance mode has a new endpoint to reset the password for a tenant. Please handle with care and only use them if you know what you are doing. Since the maintenance endpoints are available without any authentication, you should only expose them to internal networks.

new maintenance endpoint

Release v3.2

No need for special documentation, no breaking or important changes. Just bugfixes.

Release v3.1

There are no breaking changes in this release (as the version indicates already). Although there are some new features for efficiency and performance.

Internal status page

With the release 3.1 you can now access the internal status page of the agrirouter© middleware. You can find all your applications and their belonging endpoints there. Each of the endpoints has a detailed dashboard, where you can see the current status of the endpoint and the last messages that have been sent or received. Errors are also displayed there.

endpoint overview

As you can see, there are small icons indicating the current status. You are able to hover over them and see the details of the status.

endpoint status details

Each of the endpoints has a dedicated dashboard showing common errors, warnings, virtual endpoints and much more. The sections are only displayed if there is any data to show.

endpoint dashboard

New endpoints for the maintenance mode

The maintenance mode has some new endpoints to reset the state of an endpoint, remove an endpoint completely or to remove the whole application. Please handle with care and only use them if you know what you are doing. Since the maintenance endpoints are available without any authentication, you should only expose them to internal networks.

new maintenance endpoints

Release v3.0

There are some breaking changes in release 3.0 and therefore the documentation has been updated.

Status codes

With PR 87 there was a change in the way the HTTP status codes are handled. The response does not contain a real HTTP status code and no longer the literal. Please see the Swagger documentation for more information.

Searching for time logs

With PR 89 there was a change regarding the search of time logs. The search is now based on the timestamp of the message and searching for an ID is not supported anymore.

The former search query did look like this:

search for time logs

The new search query looks like this:

search for time logs

Monitoring endpoints

With PR 103 the monitoring for endpoints has been changed. This is the main reason why this release is a breaking change. If you did not include the monitoring in any of your tools you can now ignore the rest of this section.

The endpoint "status" has been modified and was replaced by several, more detailed endpoints to lower the amount of data transferred during the monitoring. The common endpoint "status" is still available, but some details where cut out and moved to specific endpoints. Please see the updated Swagger documentation for details.

The former endpoint status did look like this:

old endpoint status

The new endpoint status looks like this:

new endpoint status