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File metadata and controls

470 lines (331 loc) · 18.6 KB


Tools and scripts to build an undercloud Live CD and/or configure an already running Fedora 19 x86_64 system into an undercloud.

To get started, clone this repo to your home directory:

$ cd
$ git clone


  • Only works on Fedora 19 x86_64
  • sudo as root ability


  • The system is configured to use the iptables service instead of the firewalld service.
  • SELinux is set to Permissive mode. Otherwise, rabbitmq-server will not start. See: Note: we will be switching to use qpid soon


The kickstart files can be used with livecd-tools to build live images.

  1. install spin-kickstarts and livecd-tools if needed

They produce iso's in the current directory from which the below commands are run. To test the isos you can do something like:

qemu-kvm -m 2048 Fedora-Undercloud-LiveCD.iso


kickstart file that can be used to build an Undercloud Control Live CD.

  1. livecd-creator --debug --verbose --title "Fedora Undercloud Control" --fslabel=Fedora-Undercloud-Control-LiveCD --cache=/var/cache/yum/x86_64/19 --releasever=19 --config /path/to/undercloud-live/kickstart/fedora-undercloud-control-livecd.ks -t /tmp/


kickstart file that can be used to build an Undercloud Leaf Live CD.

  1. livecd-creator --debug --verbose --title "Fedora Undercloud Leaf" --fslabel=Fedora-Undercloud-Leaf-LiveCD --cache=/var/cache/yum/x86_64/19 --releasever=19 --config /path/to/undercloud-live/kickstart/fedora-undercloud-leaf-livecd.ks -t /tmp/

Running/Installing (2-node)

The 2-node (control and leaf) version of undercloud-live uses the host's libvirt instance for the baremetal nodes. This makes it easier to use vm's for everythng, but, there is some host setup that needs to be done.

Each step below (where applicable) is prefaced with what system to run it on.

  • HOST - the virtualization host you're using to run vm's
  • CONTROL - undercloud control node
  • LEAF - undercloud leaf node

Commands on the Host can be run as your normal user.

Commands on the Control and Leaf nodes should be run as the stack user unless specified otherwise.

  1. [HOST] Define and use a $TRIPLEO_ROOT directory

     mkdir tripleo
     export TRIPLEO_ROOT=/full/path/to/tripleo
  2. [HOST] Clone the repositories for tripleo-incubator and undercloud-live.

     git clone
     git clone
     pushd undercloud-live
     git checkout slagle/package
  3. [HOST] Add the tripleo scripts to your path.

     export PATH=$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/scripts:$PATH
  4. [HOST] Install necessary packages

  5. [HOST] Define environment variables for the baremetal nodes.

     export NODE_CPU=1
     export NODE_MEM=2048
     export NODE_DISK=20 
     export NODE_ARCH=amd64
  6. [HOST] Ensure that openvswitch is started

     sudo service openvswitch start
  7. [HOST] Setup the brbm openvswitch bridge and libvirt network.

  8. [HOST] Export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI to prevent undercloud-live using qemu:///system. Check that the default libvirt connection for your user is qemu:///system. If it is not, set an environment variable to configure the connection.

     export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=${LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI:-"qemu:///system"} 
  9. [HOST] If you needed to set LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI in the previous step, create a profile script to ensure the environment variable gets set in future sessions. This is needed to ensure the virtual power manager can find the baremetal instances created on the host.

     sudo su -c "echo export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu:///system > /etc/profile.d/"
  10. [HOST] Create the baremetal nodes. Specify the path to your undercloud-live checkout as needed. Save the output of this command, you will need it later.

  11. [HOST] Create a vm for the control node, and one for the leaf node. There are libvirt templates called ucl-control-live and ucl-leaf-live in the undercloud-live checkout in the templates directory to help with this. Review the templates and make any changes you'd like (to increate ram, etc).

    One change you may want to make is to add the HOST IP address to the graphics definition in each vm. This way you can use a spice client to connect and run the installation:

     <graphics type='spice' autoport='yes' listen=''/>

    Once the vms are up (next steps) you'll be able to use a spice client to connect. You need to first discover the port spice is listening on for each vm

    [NOTE this port is only assigned/available after the vm has been started]:

     virsh dumpxml ucl-control-live
     [root@hostname]# virsh dumpxml ucl-control-live
     <graphics type='spice' port='5900' 
     yum install spice-gtk-tools-0.18-2.fc18.x86_64
     spicy -h -p 5900

    Repeat the above for ucl-leaf-live.

    Finally note: if you are using the above templates, you will note they are expecting the Fedora-Undercloud-Control.iso and Fedora-Undercloud-Leaf.iso images to be in /var/lib/libvirt/images so make sure you move them there after download and rename or edit the path accordingly. Furthermore, the templates also reference two qcow disk images you will need to create:

     cd /var/lib/libvirt/images
     qemu-img create -f qcow2 ucl-leaf-live.qcow2 40G
     qemu-img create -f qcow2 ucl-control-live.qcow2 40G
  12. [HOST] Before starting the vm for the leaf node, edit it's libvirt xml and add the following as an additional network interface (this is already added in the templates above, so if you used those, you don't need to do this step).

     <interface type='network'>
         <source network='brbm'/>
         <model type='e1000'/>
  13. [HOST] Boot the vm's for the control and leaf nodes from their respective iso images. If you are using the templates from above:

     virsh define undercloud-live/templates/ucl-control-live.xml
     virsh define undercloud-live/templates/ucl-leaf-live.xml
     virsh start ucl-control-live
     virsh start ucl-leaf-live
  14. [CONTROL],[LEAF] Install the images to disk. There is a kickstart file included on the images to make this easier. However, before using the kickstart file, first make sure that a network configuration script exists for every network interface (this might be a Fedora bug). Here are some example commands that copy network scripts for a system with 1 interface, and a system with 2 interfaces

     # System with 1 interface called ens3
     sudo cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens3
     # System with 2 interfaces, ens3 and ens6
     sudo cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens3
     sudo cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens6
  15. [CONTROL],[LEAF] Make any needed changes to the kickstart file and then run (This should be run as liveuser, not root):

     liveinst --kickstart /opt/stack/undercloud-live/kickstart/anaconda-ks.cfg
  16. [CONTROL],[LEAF] Once the install has finished, reboot the control and leaf vm's. Make sure when they reboot, they boot from disk, not iso. You can login with either stack/stack or root/root.

  17. [HOST] Add a route from your host to the subnet via the leaf ip. Update $LEAF_IP for your environment.

     export LEAF_IP=
     sudo ip route add via $LEAF_IP
  18. [CONTROL] Edit /etc/sysconfig/undercloud-live-config and set all the defined environment variables in the file. Remember to set $UNDERCLOUD_MACS based on the output from when was run earlier.
    Refer to for documentation of the environment variables (documentation was added to the file directly in a later commit).

     NOTE: The following may not be obvious variables in 
     the config file:
     #this is the second interface on the leaf node, ens6
     export LEAF_INTERFACE=ens6
     #set libvirt user according to what you used on HOST:
     export LIBVIRT_USER=root
     #the LIBVIRT Host IP will be the IP for virbr0 on HOST, not the
     #'main' host address:
     export LIBVIRT_HOST=
     The rest should be self explanatory, if not shout!

    Once edited, run undercloud-metadata on the control node to refresh the configuration.

     sudo undercloud-metadata

    Use the command in the output from undercloud-metadata to watch/tail the log of os-collect-config. Make sure it runs successfully once. You'll be able to tell when you see "Completed phase post-configure" in the log.

  19. [LEAF] Edit /etc/sysconfig/undercloud-live-config and set all the defined environment variables in the file.
    Refer to for documentation of the environment variables (documentation was added to the file directly in a later commit). Once edited, run undercloud-metadata on the control node to refresh the configuration.

    MAKE SURE you set the variables correctly, as mentioned in the previous step for CONTROL.

     sudo undercloud-metadata

    Use the command in the output from undercloud-metadata to watch/tail the log of os-collect-config. Make sure it runs successfully once. You'll be able to tell when you see "Completed phase post-configure" in the log.

  20. Copy over images, or build them on the control node for the deploy kernel and overcloud images. If you don't provide the images, the next step will attempt to create them for you. You will need the following images to exist on the control node.

  21. [CONTROL] Load the images into glance.

  22. [CONTROL] Run the script to setup the baremetal nodes, and define the baremetal flavor.

  23. [HOST] Add the configured virtual power host key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the host. Define $LEAF_IP as needed for your environment.

     export LEAF_IP=
     ssh stack@$LEAF_IP "cat /opt/stack/boot-stack/" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
     chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  24. [HOST] Ensure that SSH Daemon has started

     sudo service sshd start
  25. [CONTROL] Deploy an Overcloud. If you're deploying the Overcloud to baremetal, first edit and update $OVERCLOUD_LIBVIRT_TYPE to "kvm" instead. This script writes out the tripleo-overcloud-passwords file, so I suggest running it from the stack user's home dir.

  26. [CONTROL] Source the undercloudrc file so you can interact with OpenStack clients:

     source /etc/sysconfig/undercloudrc
  27. [CONTROL] Use heat stack-list to check for the overcloud to finish deploying. It should show CREATE_COMPLETE in the output.

  28. [CONTROL] Pull latest undercloud-live.

     cd /opt/stack/undercloud-live
     sudo git pull
  29. [CONTROL] Configure the overcloud. This performs setup of the overcloud and loads a cirros image into overcloud glance.

  30. [CONTROL] As an overcloud user, launch a cirros image on the overcloud.

     source /etc/sysconfig/undercloudrc
     export OVERCLOUD_IP=$(nova list | grep notcompute.*ctlplane | sed  -e "s/.*=\\([0-9.]*\\).*/\1/")
     source tripleo-overcloud-passwords
     source /opt/stack/tripleo-incubator/overcloudrc
     curl -L -O
     glance image-create \
         --name user \
         --public \
         --disk-format qcow2 \
         --container-format bare \
         --file cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-disk.img
     source /opt/stack/tripleo-incubator/overcloudrc-user
     nova boot --key-name default --flavor m1.tiny --image user demo
     # nova list until the instance is ACTIVE
     nova list
     PORT=$(neutron port-list -f csv -c id --quote none | tail -n1)
     neutron floatingip-create ext-net --port-id "${PORT//[[:space:]]/}"
     # nova list again to see the assigned floating ip
     nova list
  31. [CONTROL] ssh to the instance on the overcloud

     # Use the correct assigned floating ip here
     # cirros user's password is cubswin:)
     ssh cirros@

Adding additional Leaf Nodes

You can add additional Leaf Nodes to handle provisioning baremetal nodes in other subnets/vlans. There is some manual configuration required however. These steps show adding a leaf node for a new subnet.

  1. [HOST] Create a new ovs bridge for the new network for the leaf node.

     sudo ovs-vsctl add-br brbm-2
  2. [HOST] Create a libvirt network for the bridge.

     cd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/templates
     cp brbm.xml brbm-2.xml
     sed -i 's/brbm/brbm-2/g' brbm-2.xml
     virsh net-define brbm-2.xml
  3. [HOST] Create a new vm template for the additional leaf node.

     cd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/undercloud-live/templates
     cp ucl-leaf-live.xml ucl-leaf-live-2.xml
  4. [HOST] Edit ucl-leaf-live-2.xml and make the following changes:

    1. Change the vm name to ucl-leaf-live-2
    2. Change the disk name to ucl-leaf-live-2.qcow2, and don't forget to create the disk as well.
    3. Delete the mac address line for the default network
    4. Change the brbm network name to brbm-2
    5. Delete the mac address line for the brbm-2 network.
  5. [HOST] Define a vm for the additional leaf node.

     virsh define ucl-leaf-live-2.xml
  6. [HOST] Boot the ucl-leaf-live-2 vm from the leaf live iso image.

  7. [LEAF] Install the images to disk. There is a kickstart file included on the images to make this easier. However, before using the kickstart file, first make sure that a network configuration script exists for every network interface (this might be a Fedora bug). Here are some example commands that copy network scripts for a system with 1 interface, and a system with 2 interfaces

     # System with 2 interfaces, ens3 and ens6
     sudo cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens3
     sudo cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens6
  8. [LEAF] Make any needed changes to the kickstart file and then run (This should be run as liveuser, not root):

     liveinst --kickstart /opt/stack/undercloud-live/kickstart/anaconda-ks.cfg
  9. [LEAF] Once the install has finished, reboot the control and leaf vm's. Make sure when they reboot, they boot from disk, not iso. You can login with either stack/stack or root/root.

  10. [HOST] Add a route from your host to the subnet (or whatever subnet you're using) via the leaf ip. Update $LEAF_IP for your environment.

     export LEAF_IP=
     sudo ip route add via $LEAF_IP
  11. [CONTROL] Add a route from the undercloud control node to the new subnet via the new leaf node's IP.

     export LEAF_IP=
     sudo ip route add via $LEAF_IP
  12. [LEAF] Edit /opt/stack/os-config-refresh/pre-configure.d/97-fedora-iptables and add the following line before the call to iptables-save:

     iptables -I FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT
  13. [LEAF] Delete the OK file for 97-fedora-iptables so the rules get applied again.

     sudo rm -f /opt/stack/boot-stack/fedora-iptables.ok
  14. [LEAF] Edit /etc/sysconfig/undercloud-live-config and set all the defined environment variables in the file.
    Refer to for documentation of the environment variables (documentation was added to the file directly in a later commit).

    When setting LEAF_DNSMASQ_IP, use, or whatever corresponds to the subnet you're setting up the leaf node for.

    When setting LEAF_SERVICE_HOST, use undercloud-leaf-2, or a different unique value among the leaf nodes.

    Once edited, run undercloud-metadata on the control node to refresh the configuration.

     sudo undercloud-metadata

    Use the command in the output from undercloud-metadata to watch/tail the log of os-collect-config. Make sure it runs successfully once. You'll be able to tell when you see "Completed phase post-configure" in the log.

  15. [LEAF] Edit /lib/systemd/system/nova-bm-dnsmasq.service and update the dhcp range in the call to dnsmasq from to The updated call to dnsmasq would look something like:

     ExecStart=/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file= --port=0 --enable-tftp --tftp-root=/tftpboot --dhcp-boot=pxelinux.0 \
                     --pid-file=/var/run/ --interface=br-ctlplane --dhcp-range=,,29
  16. [LEAF] Restart the nova-bm-dnsmasq service.

     sudo systemctl restart nova-bm-dnsmasq
  17. [CONTROL] Add a new subnet for to the ctlplane network

     source /etc/sysconfig/undercloudrc
     TENANT_ID=$(keystone tenant-list | grep ' admin ' | awk '{print $2}')
     neutron subnet-create --tenant-id $TENANT_ID ctlplane
  18. [HOST] Add the configured virtual power host key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the host. Define $LEAF_IP as needed for your environment.

     export LEAF_IP=
     ssh stack@$LEAF_IP "cat /opt/stack/boot-stack/" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
     chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  19. [CONTROL] You can add baremetal nodes associated with this new leaf node using the nova command directly from the undercloud control node.

     source /etc/sysconfig/undercloudrc
     # undercloud-leaf-2 is the value of LEAF_SERVICE_HOST
     nova baremetal-node-create undercloud-leaf-2 1 2048 20 52:54:00:4e:76:e1
