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This MaskedArray module provides "missing value" support on top of NumPy's ndarray type. You can construct a MaskedArray from any ndarray and then mask selected elements, which will be ignored in subsequent NumPy operations:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from MaskedArray import MaskedArray, MaskedScalar, X
>>> m = MaskedArray(np.arange(5))
>>> m[2:4] = X  # X denotes mask
>>> m
MaskedArray([0, 1, X, X, 4])
>>> np.sum(m)
>>> m + MaskedArray([X, 5, 6, 1, 2])
MaskedArray([X, 6, X, X, 6])

MaskedArray is implemented as an ndarray ducktype, and so MaskedArrays can be substituted into almost any NumPy expression, for instance involving np.sum, np.mean, np.concatenate, and many other vectorized mathematical operations. There are a small number of cases in which MaskedArrays cannot be substituted, described further below.

Historical Relationship to NumPy's MaskedArrays

This module should not be confused with NumPy's builtin class, which has the same name and similar functionality but is otherwise independent. This module was developed by forking NumPy's codebase and updating it to take advantage of NumPy's new and powerful __array_function__ interface for creating ndarray ducktypes. It is intended as a more modern replacement for NumPy's


This module introduces three main new types on top of NumPy's types:

  • MaskedArray, which behaves like NumPy's ndarray type but with masked elements
  • MaskedScalar, which behaves like NumPy's scalar types but which can be masked
  • X, a special variable representing a masked value for use in MaskedArray construction and assignment.

MaskedArray and MaskedScalar are implemented by storing a "data" NumPy ndarray of any NumPy datatype along with an auxiliary boolean "mask" ndarray of the same shape describing which elements of the data array are masked. Both the data and mask ndarrays are normally hidden from the user, but it is useful to know this to understand MaskedArray behavior.

MaskedArray construction

MaskedArrays can be created in multiple ways. One way is using Python lists, in which case X can be used to signify masked elements:

>>> a = MaskedArray([[1, X, 3], [X, X, 2], [X, 4, 1]])
>>> a
MaskedArray([[1, X, 3],
             [X, X, 2],
             [X, 4, 1]])

Another way is by specifying separate data and mask objects as the first two arguments of the constructor. The mask can be any object which NumPy can cast to a boolean array and broadcast to the same shape as the data:

>>> MaskedArray(np.ones(4), [0, 1, 0, 1])
MaskedArray([1., X , 1., X ])

MaskedArrays can also be constructed from other MaskedArrays, resulting in a view of the original:

>>> MaskedArray(a)
MaskedArray([[1, X, 3],
             [X, X, 2],
             [X, 4, 1]])

MaskedArray Basic Attributes

MaskedArray and MaskedScalar support a few new attributes relative to ndarray:

The .filled method returns a copy of the MaskedArrays data as a plain ndarray, with all masked elements replaced by a fill value, which is 0 by default. The .filled() method is the primary way of converting a MaskedArray back to an ndarray.

>>> a.filled()
array([[1, 0, 3],
       [0, 0, 2],
       [0, 4, 1]])

The .mask attribute gives a readonly view of the boolean ndarray representing which elements are masked.

>>> a.mask
array([[False,  True, False],
       [ True,  True, False],
       [ True, False, False]])

This is readonly to prevent exposure of uninitialized values to the user. To mask elements you should use assignment with X as described below.

MaskedArray also has a new method, .count, which counts up the number of unmasked elements, along given axes.

Otherwise MaskedArray supports most of the basic attributes of ndarrays like .shape, .dtype, .strides and others, with a few exceptions such as .base as noted below.

MaskedScalars and the masked input marker X

When operating on a MaskedArray, NumPy will return a MaskedScalar object in situations which ordinarily return a NumPy scalar object, for instance when indexing an array to get a single element. While MaskedScalars support almost all the methods and attributes of NumPy scalars there are some important differences. Notably, MaskedScalars are not part of the NumPy scalar type hierarchy, and so for instance code of the form isinstance(var, np.inexact) will fail, and np.isscalar will return False. In such situations you can use .filled first to obtain a NumPy scalar. Like NumPy scalars, MaskedScalars are immutable (except for structured scalars) and can be used as dict keys.

The special X variable is not a MaskedScalar, and does not share attributes with NumPy types and does not have a dtype. It is a singleton of a special MaskedX class which acts as a masked-value signifier. When it is used in MaskedArray operations and assignments it is effectively promoted to a masked MaskedScalar of the appropriate dtype. As a convenience the X variable can be explicitly promoted to a masked MaskedScalar of a specified dtype by calling it with the dtype as argument. The repr of MaskedScalars whose mask is True is represented using this X(dtype) construction:

>>> X
>>> MaskedScalar(1)
>>> MaskedScalar(1, mask=True)
>>> X(np.float64)

General Principles of Behavior

NumPy operations on MaskedArrays follow a few general principles of behavior.

Unary and Binary operations

For simple unary and binary operations, such as addition of two arrays, output elements will be masked at positions where either input element is masked:

>>> a = MaskedArray([1, X, X])
>>> b = MaskedArray([1, 2, X])
>>> a + b
MaskedArray([2, X, X])
>>> a == b
MaskedArray([True, X, X])

Note that after invalid mathematical operations such as division-by-zero the resulting output element is not automatically masked and can lead to inf or nan in your data, with the standard numpy warning in such cases. To avoid invalid operations you must apply appropriate masks depending on the situation:

>>> arr = MaskedArray([2, 0, 4, X])
>>> 1.0 / arr
RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
MaskedArray([0.5 ,  inf, 0.25, X   ])
>>> arr[arr == 0] = X
>>> 1.0 / arr
MaskedArray([0.5 , X   , 0.25, X   ])


For "reduction"-like operations involving many elements, such as summing an array, the masked elements do not contribute to the reduction. The result will be masked only if there were no unmasked input elements:

>>> np.sum(MaskedArray([1, X, 2])
>>> np.sum(MaskedArray([X, X, X], dtype=int))

MaskedArray reductions are implemented by replacing all masked elements by the appropriate identity element and then performing the NumPy reduction. For instance, np.sum(arr) is implemented using the "ufunc" reduction np.add.reduce(arr) after replacing all masked elements by np.add.identity, which is 0. In consequence MaskedArray does not support reductions for "ufuncs" that do not have an identity element.

Linear Algebra

For functions related to linear algebra, such as, np.inner, and np.cross, MaskedArray follows the algebraic (rather than geometric) definitions of the operation, so that output elements are only masked if all the input elements needed to compute it are masked, and any reductions behave as described above. For instance, the dot product follows the algebraic definition dot(a,b) => np.sum(a*b) and masked elements do not contribute to the sum.

Statistical Functions

It is often ambiguous how to implement missing values in many of the more complex statistical functions, such correlation coefficients. This MaskedArray implementation makes choices which might not be appropriate for some applications.

For np.mean and np.average MaskedArray will ignore masked elements and will normalize only according to the unmasked elements, including when weights are used in np.average.

For np.cov MaskedArray computes each covariance value separately by leaving out the masked datapoints when taking expectation values. If the normalization factor is less than or equal to 0, the corresponding output element will be masked. While simple, this method can lead to a covariance matrix which is not positive semi-definite causing problems in some applications. Depending on your use-case, you may want to instead implement one of the many alternate methods to estimate covariance matrices with missing data documented in the scientific literature, as suitable for your application. np.corrcoef behaves likewise.

Truthiness of Masked Values

When a MaskedScalar is tested for truth, for instance in if-statements, it will return False if masked, or the same as the corresponding NumPy scalar if not masked. To get masked values to test as True, use scalar.filled(True) first.

Indexing functions such as np.nonzero and np.where will similarly treat masked values as False or zero-like, and so do not return the indices of masked values.

np.any treats masked values as False (since it is implemented as np.logical_or.reduce, whose identity value is False), and np.all treats masked values as True. Use .filled to get different behaviors.

Fancy Indexing

MaskedArray supports fancy-indexing with boolean or integer array indexes, with some differences relative to ndarray.

For integer array fancy-indexing, the index array must be an ndarray and not a MaskedArray. Masked integer fancy indexes are not currently supported. Otherwise MaskedArray indexing with an integer array behaves just like for ndarray.

For boolean array fancy-indexing the index array may be a MaskedArray, in which case masked values are treated as False. Thus arr[bool_index] behaves the same as arr[np.nonzero(bool_index)].

MaskedArray in indexing-like operations

Unlike most other NumPy API functions, NumPy functions which perform indexing-like operations or produce index arrays, such as np.take, np.nonzero, np.argsort will generally use ndarrays instead of MaskedArrays for index variables. For operations with integer-index inputs, eg np.take, the input index array should should be an ndarray. For operations with integer-index outputs, eg np.nonzero, the returned array will be an ndarray.

out arguments

For NumPy functions which takes an out argument, such as np.sum or np.add, if a MaskedArray is one of the inputs then the out argument usually must also be a MaskedArray if given, with exceptions for methods which cannot return masked elements, such as indexing-like operations or np.all. This is to prevent situations in which the mask is lost and uninitialized data is exposed to the user.

Sorting masked values

In sorting operations such as np.sort, np.lexsort, np.argsort, np.partition, masked elements will be treated as greater than the greatest value of the MaskedArray's dtype. In other words they will sort to the "end" of the sorted array.

For np.max, np.min, np.argmin, and np.argmax, non-masked values are returned before any masked value. In other words, these will only return a masked value, or index of a masked value, if all input values were masked. The arg* methods will return ndarrays or int scalars, following the discussion of indexing-like operations above.

The axis argument to np.unique is not currently supported for MaskedArray, since it requires sorting a structured dtype view.

Views and Copies

It is important to understand when a NumPy operation returns a view or a copy, and this is doubly true for MaskedArrays as either the mask or data may be views. MaskedArray frequently uses views for performance reasons, but this means that with improper use the user can sometimes get access to the uninitialized values at masked positions.

During MaskedArray construction, when supplying the data and mask as ndarrays, in most cases these are viewed by the MaskedArrayand will be modified by operations on the MaskedArray. This can lead to confusing or undesirable behavior if you separately make use of the ndarray supplied as data, particularly as MaskedArray may fill the data ndarray with nonsense values at masked positions. To avoid this you can use the copy=True argument to the MaskedArray constructor.

The .mask attribute of a MaskedArray is a readonly view of the internal mask data, and will be updated if the MaskedArray is assigned to. The .filled() method returns a copy of the data by default, but as an optimization for careful users the view argument of .filled can be set to True to return a readonly view. Use caution with this view, because any subsequent operation with the original MaskedArray may put nonsense values at masked positions of its internal data array.

Unlike ndarrays, MaskedArrays do not support a .base attribute which can be used to tell if an array is a view. However, it is possible to check the .base attribute of the ndarrays returned by .mask, or .filled with view=True.

Subclasses of MaskedArray

As described further below, you can subclass MaskedArray to create derived and composite ndarray ducktypes. This module aims to preserve MaskedArray subclasses provided as inputs to its implementations of the Numpy API functions. The API functions, such as np.concatenate, will detect the most-derived MaskedArray subclass in the inputs using the usual Python subclass rules, and convert all the inputs to that class before performing the computation, and the result will have that subclass.

Similarly, the result of arithmetic operations and other ufuncs will have type equal to the most derived MaskedArray subclass of the inputs.

Automatic Coercion of List/Tuple inputs

The normal Numpy-API functions are not aware of the X placeholder, so cannot auto-convert arguments which are list/tuples containing X into MaskedArrays. I.e, code such as np.sin([1,2,X]) will fail, though np.sin(MaskedArray([1,2,X]))works. However, you can import the MaskedArray implementation of the api function, and it can autoconvert list input containing X, as in import MaskedArray as ma; ma.sin([1,2,X]).

Differences in behavior between MaskedArray and ndarray

There are a few types of expressions which will fail for MaskedArrays even though they work for ndarrays, which are noted here since they prevent substitution of MaskedArrays for ndarrays in these cases.

.base and .flags attributes

MaskedArrays do not have a .base attribute as described above.

The .flags attribute of a MaskedArray is equivalent to the .flags attribute of the internal data array.

The .real and .imag attributes of Complex arrays and Fields of Structured Arrays

MaskedArrays of complex dtype have .real and .imag attributes, like ndarrays, which can also be obtained using np.real and np.imag. These return views into the original array. However, unlike ndarrays, these attributes return readonly arrays and attempting to assign to them will raise an exception because it is unclear how to update the mask of the original complex array when its individual real or imaginary components are modified or masked. As a workaround one can make a copy of the real or imag part to get a writeable array.

If having writeable masked .real/.imag attributes is important to you, you might consider a few alternatives to MaskedArray which have better support for this kind of behavior. One option is to use numpy's np.nan* functions instead of MaskedArray, treating np.nan as a masked value signifier. Another possibility is to use an "ArrayCollection" with dtype '[('real', 'f8'), ('imag', 'f8')].

Individuals fields of structured array behave similarly, as MaskedArray does not support masking individual fields of a structured datatype. Each structured element as a whole can be masked. Accessing an individual field of a masked structured array will give a readonly view of the original masked array.

If you wish to mask individual fields, as an alternative consider using the MaskedArrayCollection class which behaves similarly to structured arrays but allows the user to separately mask each named array in the collection.

Advanced MaskedArray Usage and implementation details

Implementation Details

Describe using ._data, ._mask

Using MaskedArray to mask other ndarray ducktypes

It is sometimes desirable to mask ducktypes of ndarray, rather than plain ndarrays. For instance, one might want to make a masked-unit type which supports both masked values and keeps track of scientific units associated to the array.

MaskedArray is designed to support such behavior though either composition or encapsulation.

The simplest is encapsulation: The 'data' argument to the MaskedArray constructor can be any ndarray ducktype or subclass which follows numpy's indexing and broadcasting behavior, and this ducktype will be preserved in the course of all masked operations. In other words, MaskedArray can act as a container type which encapsulates the other ducktype. You can always get back access to the encapsulated ducktyped array using .filled(). For instance:

class MySubtype(np.ndarray):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.new_attr = 10
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        return super().repr + str(self.new_attr)

my_arr = MySubtype([1,2,3])
my_marr = MaskedArray(my_arr, mask=[0,1,0])
(2 + my_arr).filled()

Encapsulation is easy to implement, but it is missing some desirable features: Attributes of the encapsulated type are not exposed on the masked instance, the repr and str of the MaskedArray do not display anything about the contained type, and numpy functions which create new masked arrays may lose the contained ducktype class information.

To control these behaviors we recommend you combine or subclass MaskedArray and the other ducktype to create a composite type. [TODO: example subclass]

Appendix: Behavior Changes relative to

  • No support for masking individual fields of structured dtypes. Use an ArrayCollection of MaskedArrays instead, or (better) use MaskedArrayCollection.
  • No more nomask: the mask is always stored as a full ndarray.
  • No more returned masked singleton: Instead scalar values are returned as MaskedScalar instances. See comments in for discussion. A special masked singleton called X with no dtype exists for array construction purposes only.
  • No more fill_value stored with instances: You must always supply the desired fill as an argument to filled()
  • No more attempt to preserve the hidden data behind masked values. MaskedArray is free to modify these elements arbitrarily.
  • Features preserved from numpy's maskedarray: 1. The mask is not "sticky", it behaves as the "ignore" or "skipna" style described in the MaskedArray NEP. "na" style will not be supported.
  • no checking of ufunc domains: invalid operations do not lead to mask. Instead user must explicitly add masks to avoid invalid operations
  • out arguments to ufuncs/methods must be MaskedArrays too
  • more careful preservation of dtype (old MA would often cast to float64)
  • np.sort now doesn't mix maxval and masked vals up.