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A markdown parser and converter that will turn markdown files into properly formatted Google Docs files and upload them to your Google Drive.


$ npm install -g @ahl389/markdoctor

Be sure to install markdoctor globally by using the -g flag on install.

The first time you use markdoctor, you'll have to login. See the Usage section.


$ markdoctor (-v|--version|version)
@ahl389/markdoctor/0.0.1 darwin-x64 node-v14.17.2

$ markdoctor run path/to/
$ markdoctor login


The first time you use markdoctor, you'll need to login using the login command shown above. This will prompt you for a username and password - please see @aboucher for these credentials.


When writing your article for use with markdoctor, you can generally write markdown exactly as you're used to. However, because some markdown needs to be preserved in the final Google doc, in order to be imported into Wagtail, you must keep in mind the following information:

Inline code

For inline code, in typical markdown or when writing directly in Google docs, you would use a backtick before and after the code, like this:

In the code above, `const var = 1`, is an example of a variable declaration.

For this formatting to be preserved from your markdown file into Google Docs, you must escape your backticks:

In the code above, \`const var = 1\`, is an example of a variable declaration.

Fenced code blocks

Markdoctor checks for fenced code blocks and processes them appropriately, so you can write your fenced code blocks in the same way you would in Google Docs, as shown here:

```javascript hl_lines="1"
const myvar = 1;

Bold, italics, images, and lists

Please write these in normal markdown:



**bolded item**


_italicized item_
*italicized item*


Images can be saved in the same directory as your .md file and linked to via their path, the same way you would normally with markdown:

![Alt Text](/path/to/image.jpg)

Don't forget the alt text! As of writing this, alt text is not yet tested for in the parser. This is forthcoming, stay tuned!


- unordered list item
- unordered list item
1) ordered list item 1
2) ordered list item 2

Tables and info/warning/danger blocks

These have not been tested or implemented in the parser yet. This is forthcoming, stay tuned!

Deploying your markdown article to Google Drive

When you've finished writing your article, save your .md file and from the directory where your file is kept, use the run command with your file's full name and extension:

markdoctor run

This will initiate the following processes:

  • First, your .md file will be parsed by markdoctor and a new file will be created in the folder where you ran the command called
  • Then, a tool called pandoc will duplicate your parsed markdown file and convert the duplication to a .docx file using a specific set of formatting guidelines. This file will also be saved in that same directory.
  • Finally, your .docx file will be uploaded to your Google Drive and converted to Google Doc format. At this point, you'll be prompted to authenticate your Google account. Only people with email addresses/Google will be successful.

Features in progress

  • Automatic inline code parsing
  • Removing pandoc install on run
  • Table parsing
  • Info/warning/danger block parsing

Leave your suggestions by creating an issue!


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