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An iOS application to work with Nasa's open APIs.

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Included APIs:

  • APOD
  • Sound
  • Mars Rovers

This project wraps some of Nasa's open APIs in form of an iOS application. Using NASA, you can watch Astronomy Picture of the Day (for any date), get a list of sounds collected by Nasa by searching a query, and get and watch photos taken by Nasa's Mars Rovers. There is also Two links in Main Menu which redirects you to Nasa' interesting Mars Trek and Vesta Trek, which allows you to explore Mars and Moon using web browser.

Feel free to contribute if you want. Note that an API Key is needed to contact with Nasa's API. An API key is currently hard-coded inside project. But you can get one for yourself using this link.

To see full list of API's and take a look at their documentation, you can look up here .