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Rabbit MQ

RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker software. Message Broker is the intermediary agent between provider and client(s) that makes sure the message is not lost. Some alternatives: Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis etc

RabbitMQ implements AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol). AMQP is a protocol that helps in communication between services using messages.

1- Installation using Docker

Pull latest docker container for rabbitmq from dockerhub.

docker pull rabbitmq

Run rabbitmq container using following command

docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:latest

2- Download Project and install dependencies

cd provider-app
npm i
cd client-app
npm i

3- Run both projects

cd provider-app
npm run start

Provider App is running on port 4001

cd client-app
npm run start

Client App is running on port 4002

Test Message from Provider to Client

Please open any browser and type this url http://localhost:4001/send-msg and hit Enter. Please refer to the client app running on 4002 and see you must be receiving message there.


To understart concept, please give a read to index.js file in each provider/client projects.