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82 lines (60 loc) · 1.84 KB

13 Roman to Integer

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82 lines (60 loc) · 1.84 KB

13. Roman to Integer

Roman to Integer - LeetCode

package com.mycompany.firstproject;

public class FirstProject {

    public static int romanToInt(String s) {

        char[] myarray = s.toCharArray();
        int sum = 0;

        String[][] arr = {
                {"I", "1"},
                {"V", "5"},
                {"X", "10"},
                {"L", "50"},
                {"C", "100"},
                {"D", "500"},
                {"M", "1000"}

        String[][] condition = {
                {"IV", "4"},
                {"IX", "9"},
                {"XL", "40"},
                {"XC", "90"},
                {"CD", "400"},
                {"CM", "900"}

        for (int i = 0; i < myarray.length; i++) {

            String str = "";
            if ((i + 1) < (myarray.length)) {
                str += myarray[i];
                str += myarray[i + 1];

            boolean cond = false;

            for (int j = 0; j < condition.length; j++) {
                if (str == "") break test1;
                if (condition[j][0].equals(str)) {
                    int a = Integer.parseInt(condition[j][1]);
                    sum += a;
                    i = i + 1;

                    cond = true;
                    break test1;


            for (int l = 0; l < arr.length; l++) {
                if (cond) break test2;

                if (arr[l][0].equals(String.valueOf(myarray[i]))) {
                    int a = Integer.parseInt(arr[l][1]);
                    sum += a;

                    break test2;


        return sum;

    public static void main(String[] args) {


