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Installation instructions {#installpage}

This file contains the installation instructions for O2RBC, including the Python library used for pre- and postprocessing of simulations.

The library requires

  • OpenFOAM 4.1
  • the development version of swak4foam
  • boost
  • Python 2.7 with igraph, NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib
  • PyFoam


OpenFOAM 4.1 can be downloaded here. Detailed compilation instructions are available for the every supported platform. The code was compiled and tested on CentOS 7.3 with gcc 4.8.5 and openmpi 1.6.5.

As usual with OpenFOAM, its use requires sourcing the appropriate configuration file. With bash, this is done with

. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/bashrc

and with tcsh

source $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/tcshrc


The library swak4foam (SWiss Army knife for Foam) provides function objects and expressions for source terms which are used by O2RBC. At time of writing, only the development version of swak4foam supports OpenFOAM 4.1. The original compilation instructions are available here and here.

In a nutshell, it can compiled as follows:

git clone swak4Foam
cd swak4Foam
git checkout branches/develop

Depending on the installed version of Bison, it might be necessary to run


prior to running ./Allwmake.

The compilation of the solvers hbPOAxisymmetricFoam and hbPOGraphFoam requires the environment variable SWAK4FOAMDIR. In this case, it should be set to /path/to/swak4Foam.


The boost library is used for the graph structure underlying the capillary networks. Code compilation requires the environment variable BOOST_INCLUDEDIR to be set to the path that contains the folder 'boost' with the library header (*.hpp) files. In a bash shell, this is done with

export BOOST_INCLUDEDIR="/path/to/folder"

Versions 1.53 to 1.64 have been successfully employed.


The compilation of the OpenFOAM library extension requires the following environment variables that describe commonly used paths:

  • OF_CBF for the O2RBC library root folder
  • OF_CBF_SRC for the src folder
  • OF_SCRIPTS for the folder that contains bash and python scripts

When using bash, it is most convenient to put the following lines into the bash profile (typically, ~/.bashrc):

export OF_CBF="/path/to/O2RBC"
export OF_CBF_SRC=$OF_CBF/src
export OF_SCRIPTS=$OF_CBF/scripts

The execution of test cases and various scripts also requires the PATH environment variable to be completed. With bash:


Once this has been set up, the library can be compiled by running


in the library's root directory. If the library has previously been compiled with another version of OpenFOAM or different compiler flags, it is advised to run

wclean all

before compiling the library.

Python library

Some tutorials that execute parameter studies, as well as many postprocessing utilities are based on Python. Therefore

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$OF_CBF/scripts:$OF_CBF/scripts/python:$OF_CBF/scripts/python/bin

Python 2.7.5 was used. The code makes heavy use of NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib. These packages are available here. Some functionalities require Scipy >= 0.17.0. For postprocessing, igraph >= 0.7 is required.


The library PyFoam is used to read and write OpenFOAM dictionaries using Python. Installation instructions are available here. For these functionalities to work, the path where the PyFoam folder is located needs to be in a default path used by Python or in the environment variable PYTHONPATH.

PyFoam 0.6.6 was used.


O2RBC is documented using doxygen. The Doxygen-generated HTML documentation provides the best way to navigate through the code. Doxygen is available on multiple platforms and can be downloaded here.

The documentation of O2RBC is built as follows

cd $OF_CBF/doc

After compilation, the HTML documentation will be available at


which can be opened using your favourite web browser.

Doxygen >= 1.8.0 should be used since Markdown support is required.

Notes for macOS

Currently, packaged versions of OpenFOAM for macOS are provided using Docker for Mac (see here). While our OpenFOAM library extension works well in this self-contained environment, some required Python packages are absent. While they can probably be installed manually, it is probably more convenient to run pre- and processing Python scripts outside the Docker environment.