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File metadata and controls

164 lines (113 loc) · 6.52 KB


To use Machetli, you have to write two Python scripts:

  • an evaluator script that checks if the behavior you are trying to isolate is still present in a state, and
  • a search script that tells Machetli how to explore the space of intance modifications.

Writing an evaluator script

The evaluator script is run for each state to check if the desired behavior (for example, the bug we are trying to find) is still present after some modifications of the instance. For technical reasons, it has to be implemented in its own Python file. To write an evaluator, simply create a new Python file and implement a function called :meth:`evaluate` in it that takes a single argument (the state to evaluate) and returns True if the behavior is present. Here is a simple example:

from machetli import pddl, tools

def evaluate(state):
    with pddl.temporary_files(state) as (domain_filename, problem_filename):

        command = ["./bugged-planner/plan", f"{domain_filename}", f"{problem_filename}"]
        run = tools.Run(command, time_limit=20, memory_limit=3000)
        stdout, stderr, returncode = run.start()

        return "Wrong task encoding" in stdout

Within the evaluate function you can run whatever code you want to test for the desired behavior. This usually involves temporarily writing the instance contained in the state to disk, executing a program on that instance and analyzing the behavior of that program, as in the example above. For example, you could check the return code, the presence of a certain error or log messages in the output, or compare the result against a reference program.

The packages :mod:`machetli.pddl` and :mod:`` provide context managers to temporarily write the instance to disk and the module :mod:`` contains useful methods to make running and analyzing a program easier.


There are some pitfalls to look out for when writing an evaluator.

  • Unlike in Lab, (currently) Machetli does not compile your project at a specified revision when it is executed. It expects you to do this in advance and specify the compiled executable to be used.
  • When running programs within an evaluator, we strongly recommend to use resource bounds on time and memory to prevent the process getting stuck for some of the modified instances. Machetli doesn't enforce any additional resource limits, so it is up to you to ensure that the processes terminate.
  • Make sure your evaluator specifically tests for the behavior you are interested in. If the test is too broad unrelated bugs could be mixed up with the one you are trying to find. For example, if you are looking for a bug where an exception is thrown, look for the output of that exception in the program's output rather than just looking at the exit code.

Writing the search script

Once you have an evaluator that can check if the behavior you are interested in is present in a state, it is time to write a search script. This script should do the following:

  1. Set up the initial state of the search. The packages :mod:`machetli.pddl` and :mod:`` provide specialized methods for this purpose.

    initial_state = pddl.generate_initial_state("large-domain.pddl", "large-problem.pddl")
  2. Select which modifications the search should try. Use some or all of the successor generators of the package you are working with (:mod:`machetli.pddl` or :mod:``). These have to match the initial state, i.e., if you set up your initial state as a PDDL instance, you cannot use successor generators from the package :mod:``.

    successor_generators = [pddl.RemoveActions(), pddl.RemoveObjects(), pddl.ReplaceLiteralsWithTruth()]
  3. Specify the location of the evalutor script.

    evaluator_filename = "./"
  4. Start the search by calling :meth:`<>` with the information collected in steps 1-3.

    result = search(initial_state, successor_generators, evaluator_filename)
  5. Store the resulting instance. The packages :mod:`machetli.pddl` and :mod:`` provide specialized methods for this purpose.

    pddl.write_files(result, "small-domain.pddl", "small-problem.pddl")

Putting everything together, here is the complete example:

from machetli import pddl, search

initial_state = pddl.generate_initial_state("large-domain.pddl", "large-problem.pddl")
successor_generators = [pddl.RemoveActions(), pddl.RemoveObjects(), pddl.ReplaceLiteralsWithTruth()]
evaluator_filename = "./"
result = search(initial_state, successor_generators, evaluator_filename)
pddl.write_files(result, "small-domain.pddl", "small-problem.pddl")

Running the search on a grid

Machetli can parallelize the work of looking for a better instance when it is executed on a grid. To do so, pass an :mod:`Environment<machetli.environments>` to the search function. By default, Machetli uses a :class:`LocalEnvironment<machetli.environments.LocalEnvironment>` which executes everything in sequenceon the local machine. If you use a :class:`SlurmEnvironment<machetli.environments.SlurmEnvironment>` instead, the evaluation of generated states will be scheduled in batches on a grid running Slurm.


Uni Basel users can use the specialized class :class:`BaselSlurmEnvironment<machetli.environments.BaselSlurmEnvironment>` instead.

from machetli import environments

result = search(initial_state, successor_generators, evaluator_filename, BaselSlurmEnvironment())

The main thread will keep running on login node of the grid and interact with the grid engine to submit jobs for evaluating states. We recommend running it in a screen environment.


An interactive demo of Machetli is available as a Jupyter notebook on Google Colab. You can find additional examples in the directory examples.